Monday, November 21, 2005

21 November 2005

Dear Loved Ones,

The 3rd chapter of my journal is dedicated to my “saints” and “angels”, as we started the month with All Saints and Souls Days (Nov. 1 and 2). For a common frame of reference, here are my operational definitions:
Church Triumphant – church members who are enjoying blissful happiness with God in heaven. They include the canonized Saints and many “saints” who are not canonized. These saints would include close family members who led holy lives and are now in heaven. I believe they include my parents, who are my intercessors with God - guiding and looking after my well-being all these years; I always include special prayers for the intercession of these saints (especially for my parents);
Church Militant – all of us here on earth, who struggle to become better persons each day and continuously pray for personal salvation, including “angels”, who we become, when we do acts of love, kindness and generosity to others, even while we are on earth;
Church Suffering – church members who died but who are still in transition to heaven; we pray for their souls in order to hasten their entrance to God’s Kingdom;

Nov. 1 & 2, Sean and I attended Masses at the Holy Family Church, to honor the memory of the Church Triumphant, and pray for the Militants and Suffering;

Nov. 2: While working at SEARS Fine Jewelry, a personable lady approached my counter to make Exchanges for Pearl jewelry she had purchased days before. After completing the transaction, she asked me “Are you Filipina?” to which I replied, “Yes, and I’m new here, barely a month”. Then she continued: “It’s good that you have a job right away, when I was new here more than 20 years ago, I had difficulty and cried most of the time, because I was stable in the Philippines, a professor at UE, CPA, MBA and Ph.D., but I survived; you will too; good for you, only other Filipinos might look down on sales job.” So I whispered to her: “Me too, I have a Ph.D. in Commerce, etc. . . . . .”. Then she pulled out her business card from her purse and told me to send my Resume to her e-mail address. She turned out to be Dr. Connie Fajardo, Head Professor, Department of Finance, Accounting and Economics, School of Business and Management at the National University(NU) here in Sacramento.

The following day, I sent by e-mail, my Letter of Intent and Resume. Dr. Connie promptly replied, instructing me to report to her office Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1:30 PM for interview, to fill out application forms, bring required credentials and to prepare for a 15-minute oral Power Point presentation, on a Management topic I am comfortable with, to a simulated class setting.

Nov. 8, Tuesday, we (with my sister - Tuesday is her day off, so I asked her to accompany me) arrived at NU campus, a bit early to familiarize with the surroundings and get relaxed. My oral presentation came first, inside an A-V high-tech room for 100 audience. I presented a topic on Total Quality Management (assuming in a Production Management class). I guess I passed Dr. Connie’s criteria (she asked for that presentation first, maybe to test and get assurance about my “communication” ability); then we went back to her office to complete the application packet for a Faculty position, assuming that I will start teaching on familiar subjects, in the Spring term (January). NU(known as The University of Values) is located in 30 campuses around CA, Nevada, Hawaii and U.S. military installations, with main campus in San Diego, CA.

Part of the process is for them (NU) to ask the Registrar of U.S.T., Philippines, for the “original” of my Transcript of Records, to be sent directly to them. I signed authorization forms for the release of those records. It really now depends on how soon U.S.T. will respond to that request. There is a Faculty workshop on Dec. 7 and Dr. Connie hopes that I can join that schedule.

Reflecting on these events, Dr. Connie became my “angel”, sent by my saints in heaven. Call it Serendipity, “being at the right place at the right time”, feeding on one another’s needs, whatever it is; I call it A Blessing!, caused by my saints, using a human being to become an “angel”, to help me!

Have you experienced events in your life when out of the blue, angels would come to your rescue and help in the most unexpected way? I have experienced many similar happenings in my life. Others may justify rationally / scientifically, but I call it Divine Faith in action, translated into reality!

Nov. 12 – is my mother’s birthday. She would have been 97, if she were alive. I know she is actively working up there as my intercessor; hence, this journal chapter is my tribute to her! After her death in 1979, the course of my life changed drastically; I strongly feel that she is always there to guide, enlighten and strengthen me along my journeys. (The turning point came in 1981, when I took the Master in Hydropower Development course in Trondheim, Norway, staying more than a year in the Scandinavian region had completely changed my perspective on life for the better, affording me the global view and since then, I have been linked with their positive values and outlook of life.)

After attending Mass, we had dinner at my sister’s place with our cousin Ate Cel, who was visiting from San Francisco; had fun updating on family matters.

Nov. 24 – Thanksgiving Day is anticipated event in America, not only for the four-day long holidays, but also the start of big shopping for the Christmas season, expected by commercial establishments to bring in more sales, busy days for us!

In this Christmas holiday season, let us all be “angels” to others, especially the children, to bring ”cheers, hope, good news and glad tidings”; to be open to the prodding of the Holy Spirit, not to decline/refuse any opportunity to give love, kindness and generosity. I assure you, many angels will come your way too, in most unexpected ways. You have all been angels to me at various phases in my life; you know of the many unexpected blessings received that I feel I do not deserve at all, thanks to you, who were moved by my saints. It is the sincerity in our hearts, the open mind, doing the best we can and letting God do the rest! With the help of our divine intercessor-saints!

I learned about these beliefs / theories on angels and saints from a Dominican priest many years ago and I share these with you as part of my mission – the great feelings of hope, joy and peace!

Golden citrine, birthstone for November, French word for lemon, is far more varied in its palette than its citrus namesake. Citrine was worn as protection against evil thoughts and snake venom in ancient times. Historically symbolic of truth and integrity, citrine is believed to enhance mental energy. The stone opens the channels to the soul and helps the wearer attain a more grounded presence.

Tidbits: Attention TNEM! Tip for those who are looking for Alex Quirante (AQ). Upon the prodding of Loida EU, I asked around in April 2005. My kumpare (full PA colonel, PMA class 1987) informed that Mr. AQ was their good and effective Math teacher and that the last time he heard, AQ and his family had moved here in the USA. So if you want to pursue finding him, the clue would be to get in touch with his mistahs in the PMA class where he belongs (would he be in class PMA 1971, where Gringo Honasan and Sen. Lacson belong too? ) Quite interesting!

Much Love and Best Regards!

P.S. Dean Vicky, Dr. Rudy and Ms. Cora, I still need your Letters of Recom. Thank you!