Saturday, March 25, 2006

25 March 2006

Dear Loved Ones,


Glad to be back in the cold American climate! I arrived on March 4 after a nice flight from Manila via Narita (Airbus 300, Northwest) and was met at SFO airport by my kind cousin Ate Cel, as always my white angel, who brought me all the way to Sacramento.

As soon as I got adjusted to the surroundings, I reported to my National University (NU) contacts. When I was in Pinas, Dr. Connie e-mailed me to inform that I had been accepted at NU and have to start my orientation/training on their systems, so I had to get back to the U.S. right away. (This was also consistent with my plan to return soon, in order to start with my 1-year continuous U.S. stay to comply with the residency requirements for U.S. Citizenship). She gave me my I.D. employee number, my access code to their SOAR system, NU e-mail address, etc. Thus, on this return trip, there was a feeling of hopeful expectancy, through God’s loving generosity!!!

Subjects assigned to me are Business Statistics and Management Science which are to be conducted via iLinc (on-line) and in-person. First, I have to observe how classes are done on line, so I attended the class of Dr. Bill Balvanz on the first week. The following is my observation on my first day, to give you an idea of how classes are conducted on line.

The classroom is fully equipped with high-tech equipment: each student has computer, plasma monitor, audio-video gadgets, etc. While 15 are enrolled for the class only 5 were inside the classroom in Sacramento, 3 were in the Redding campus, 4 were in San Diego campus and the others were in their respective homes/ apartments, maybe in their housedresses or pajamas and slippers, all in front of their on-line computers inter-connected. The camera is focused on the professor, viewed by all the students who are logged in. Then discussions/ exchanges, questions and answers are done during the entire period as scheduled. The professor must be well-prepared to manage the communication exchanges, have the skills to effectively teach the lessons, balance and fair to give each student airtime to answer or raise questions.

My formal training on iLinc will start on April 5, since I came in late for the March session. It will run for a month with 2-hour sessions M-W-F over the interactive on-line, with a headset and microphone set. Dr Goldberg had confirmed that I will just be in my home, in front of my computer (Windows based system), log on-line with my Logitech Stereo USB Headset Model 350. I am very excited to learn new methods and high-tech style of teachings. Last March 23, I attended the Orientation-Workshop for new NU Faculty, together with 8 others of various specializations. I learned about NU high-quality standards mainly for adult learners with evening classes (5:30 – 10:00 PM), 1-month courses, so the schedule is very rigorous, comprehensive and hectic. Thus, the professor must be well-prepared, dedicated and focused to impart competencies to the students.

Since I am part-time at NU, I was recommended by the Northern California Higher Education Recruitment Consortium to the California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) and made my first interview with Dr. Herbert Blake. I hope to get in at CSUS too, one at a time!

ABOUT SEAN: Two days before his birthday, Sean won 2nd place in the Math Quiz Contest in his school and received an IPOD as the prize. The IPOD’s memory: 15,000 songs, 25,000 photos, 150 hours movie/video (costs about $300 / up to PhP 25,000 in Pinas). It was quite a feat, there were 40 contestants (those with Grade of A or B or members of the Beacon Math Tutoring Group). His Math teacher Miss Julie was very happy to hand out the prize to Sean, that she was proven right in giving trust and confidence in him, as so many classmates and teachers congratulated him. Now, he is some sort of a campus figure, his credibility and confidence has been greatly boosted. Of course Sean is very happy and I am very proud of him!

Days before, when Miss Julie told him that she entered his name in the contest, Sean asked whether the winner would get a Medal, Miss Julie said: “C’mon Sean, students here don’t care about medals; they want real prizes” (Filipinos are honored to receive just medals in contests, my son is really mababaw, easy to please).

Last December, while reviewing the gift items for rewards of Visa card usage, we agreed to accumulate 40,000 points in order to get an IPOD (we are still at 10,000 points) . It was the only item we were interested in, nothing else. We thought we would have to wait two years to reach the points and the IPOD. But God is so good! He gave Sean the IPOD for his Birthday! Can you see the marvels of God’s Love!!!

ABOUT SARAH: I also have to update you on my eldest daughter Sarah, who is based in New Jersey with her husband Robert Byrnes and their 3-year old son Maximilian Bernard (MAX). Like me, she has a balanced life - as mother, wife and with her career, working at Schering Plough Corp. (pharmaceuticals) at their Quality Assurance Group. She has been doing well, determined to succeed and be happy in a foreign land; over the years, she’s developed a very strong character, more than our expectations. As Fr. E. Arceo of UST said: ‘Successful parents are those who can let go of their children to develop self-esteem and independence on their own’. The way things are, I guess my husband and I have done right with our kids. It’s one reason why we had to settle in California, to give Sarah total independence with her own family.

We maintain continuous good communications; Sarah calls me once a week; her latest news is that she got a Piano from Rob’s cousin, so she’s busy brushing up on her piano-playing skills as a hobby, in addition to her many chores and responsibilities. Well, it’s really “good time management”, prioritizing and doing what makes you happy in life! As Dr. John Gray said: ‘Life is the process of experiencing the results of your past actions.’ So, decide and do today, what you want to be your state, tomorrow or in the future!

In this season of Lent, I find time to attend Mass every morning at St. Mel’s church after which I visit the Blessed Sacrament at the Adoration chapel for an hour of meditation and spiritual readings. Likewise, I minimize verbal communications in order to avoid argument or miscommunication, especially with my husband, as my form of mortification. We should find it in our hearts to nurture humility and forgiveness towards others, especially to those we feel have wronged us – emulate Christ’s Passion, Death and eventual Resurrection!
To our Philippines, I continue to pray for the day when the majority will do the Good, Right and Positive – take the road less traveled and lead purpose-driven lives!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


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