Wednesday, June 28, 2006

28 June 2006
Dear Loved Ones,

We Thank God for all the wonderful blessings He generously showered upon us for the month of June! Likewise, we look ahead as we join the nation for a long celebration of July 4 Independence Day!

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June 1 was an eventful day as I officially started my full job as adjunct Faculty at the National University School of Business and Management (SOBM). When I arrived home earlier than usual after a field survey work, Sean told me that officials at NU, Dr. Ken (my iLinc Prof) and Dr. Jeff Mueller (the head of SOBM) had been calling me on the phone 5 times each. As I returned call to Dr. Ken, he told me that I was chosen to take over a class whose assigned professor got sick, based on my qualification profile. Then he said the subject was ”Production and Operations Management”. I readily said ‘Yes’, even if I did not have the syllabus, course outline and other teaching materials yet, since I am quite familiar with the subject. I had been teaching that subject for many years in Graduate School in the Philippines, so I could rely on my stock/stored knowledge. Dr Ken assured that I would get my books overnight by UPS and he walked me through the iLinc system for 3 hours that Friday night (8 – 11PM) so I would be ready for my 8:00AM – 12:30PM the following Saturday and he was also on-line with me that morning to make sure that I would feel comfortable. With God’s Blessing and Management support, I handled and completed the 1-month course last Friday June 23 and the students were very appreciative of the learnings they gained and thanked me for taking up the subject at such short notice; cancellation would have meant loss of their time schedule and delay in their target course completion. Thus, everybody’s happy: the NU officials, the students and myself, for completing my first subject at NU, with less pressure to prove myself as I completely enjoyed teaching the subject, with full confidence on my competencies on the subject matter. I am originally scheduled to teach Management Science and Business Statistics from July to December (1 month per course). Again, God was with me during that extraordinary situation!

Sean and I met my husband Gerry at the San Francisco (SFO) International Airport last Saturday June 24 at 10:00 AM. It was our first time to drive all the way from Sacramento. With the help of map quest, we went and came back to Sac with Gerry smoothly; invited for lunch at Lik-lik’s home who was so gracious to serve Filipino food like adobo, dinuguan with puto, chitcharon, fish dish, which (what were left after eating) we all brought to our apartment for our next meals (bringhouse). After lunch, we went to our new home in Anatolia. Gerry was so impressed that he said he is willing to stay here for good. Then we went to attend Mass before we finally rested in our apartment. It was such a hectic day for all of us, especially for Gerry who traveled from Manila via Narita on NW. He will stay here in Sacramento until Saturday and we will drive him again to SFO to take his NW flight for New Jersey to spend time with our daughter Sarah in time for our grandson’s 4th birthday on July 3. Gerry will come back to Sacramento on July 23 when hopefully, we have already moved to Anatolia, before he goes back to the Philippines on July 30.

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Our family situation is unique in that (with God’s Blessings), we are privileged to operate a business in the Philippines, which is still earning for the people working with our company, so it is difficult to just close and fold-up; even if we have golden opportunities here in America. Thus, we have to make the little sacrifice of being physically apart, as Gerry enjoys managing our business there, helping our people and our economy; we normally get by with global communications, prayers and God’s continuous generosity. When he goes home end of July, he plans to come back in December for Christmas / New Year to experience the cold winter in America, and continue coming back and forth, every six months (enjoy while it lasts!). As for myself, I have already adjusted and firm up on my plan to get a U.S. citizenship, with my two good jobs and new home; while Sean is well into his college education for an Accounting degree. We believe we are on the right track and proper discernment, on God’s plan!
Everything has been moving well as planned, with our readiness for the fulfillment of our American dream of owning a home – yes, how awesome is God’s Generosity and Love!

Hopefully, by July 22 our address will be at;
4368 Anatolia Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA, 95742

My cellphone number is (916) 532-3249. I close it when I am at work since there is no signal, my workplace is highly “wired”; and my daytime work phone is (916) 924-7000 ext. 1623.

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. God Bless us all!!!
Much love and Best Regards!!!


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