Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from Sacramento, CA! Summer is here with daytime temperatures ring to the 80s/ 90s, flowers all abloom, cool breeze in the early mornings and early evenings; unlike Pinas summer days with its high humidity.

On the 1st week of May, our St. Mel’s Catholic school was put on national (even global) attention as the 1st reported case of AH1N1 (swine flu virus) in California. Media attention focused on our parish school when a 7th grade boy who returned from a spring break vacation in Mexico tested positive, and the swift action and effective response of school authorities in cooperation with government health officials, prevented promptly its spread. After 10 days of suspension, classes were resumed. The boy was quarantined and treated effectively, while health measures to prevent its spread were followed by the entire community, especially among churchgoers, who went on with regular activities, even with all the multi-media coverage around the vicinity. Thank God, everything is now back to normal!

Thus, the special celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Fatima on May 13, marked with floral offerings, coronation, candle-lit procession, Benediction, also served as Thanksgiving for overcoming the H1N1 trial with flying colors, that the school went through; with special participation by the school children, under the usual direction of Pinoy Fr. George. The school principal and staff were lauded and given standing ovation for the well-done job - immediate control and proper management of the crisis at hand.

On our Catholic Lunch Club for the month, held May 29 at the Radisson Hotel Sacramento, our guest speaker was Roy Schoeman, a Jewish convert to Catholicism whose topic was Salvation is from the Jews. He is also a frequent guest on EWTN, author of many books and Catholic evangelist. He spoke on Judaism both as a religion and as a central element of Christian salvation, namely, the role that Jews and Judaism play in God’s plan for all mankind revealed in the light of the Catholic faith. He demonstrated there is one theological issue on which both Jews and Christians should agree, and that is “salvation is from the Jews.” He delivered the message from a Jewish perspective within the catholic faith, reflecting that most biblical characters, including the New Testament are Jews. The turning point in his conversion at age 32 while serving as professor at MIT and Harvard was his recognition of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Mother of God and his desire to be closer to her. That time, he wanted to go to Confession so he can receive Holy Communion, pray the Hail Mary, ‘O Mary conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to thee.’ The presentation was highly provocative, engaging, and fascinating!

On Memorial Day, we attended the Jazz Mass at the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in downtown Sac. This is part of the 36th annual Jazz Festival Week celebration, featuring jazz bands from all over the world converging and playing at various hotels and parks in the state capital; enjoying beautiful jazz music the entire week! With summer break, Sean had been busy attending graduation ceremonies and parties of his friends, outings at our clubhouse. He is at life phase when socializing is peaking up and I am just awed by current culture here where it’s okay for girls visiting boys at their home. On week-end evenings, 5 lady friends would often come to visit him, spend time playing Rockband, watch TV movies, singing, etc. It is good that Sean respects my private time / space, so he ensures that his visitors arrive when I am done with my TV watching to go to my upstairs bedroom for my Sudoku and reading.

Global links: Coming to America meant being separated temporarily from close family and friends, like our triumvirate of Agnes, Margie and myself, which was formed during our NPC days (over 20 years). Agnes (the social worker) is with our office as Gerry’s guardian, while Margie migrated with her family to New Zealand. In God’s wonderful ways, she met and got close to my UST classmates Sonia and Pancho who also migrated there. S and P are in the loop of our UST Eng yahoo group, and they were very helpful to Marge’s family when they first arrived in NZ; so how amazing and awesome that our lives are always intertwined and connected wherever part of the globe we go, Margie and I concluded! We are looking forward to our reunion, either in Pinas or N.Z. or U.S., sometime next year.

Last week-end, my cousin Ate Celia (from SFO and now settled in La Union, Pinas enjoying dual citizenship idyllic life) visited and had dinner at home with my Ate and Nong Nonie. We stayed until 2:00AM, updating on our life stories.

Attached are 3 photos: family gathering, solo picture, State Capitol. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!