Thursday, September 01, 2011

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from SAC, USA! The sunny days of August were enjoyed with wonderful social, enriching, spiritual activities – lunching out with friends, attending seminar, house-viewing, exercising, and many more.

On our SacCatholicForum held at the Radisson Hotel on August 12, we had as speaker Msgr

. James Murphy – Vicar General, Diocese of Sacramento, on the topic “Mexico’s Martyrs, and the Secret War against the Church’. Few people realize how brutally the Catholic Church in Mexico was persecuted. In the 1920s and 30s, the churches were desecrated, priests were hunted down and shot, Church property was confiscated, and the teaching of religion was forbidden. Countless Mexicans were martyred. Msgr. Murphy presentation brought to light life under anti-catholic President Calles, described as a Mexican version of the ruthless Emperor Diocletian.

Our Opus Dei group gathered on the 2nd Saturday, this time for fellowship - sharing of experie

nces and pot luck eats since Fr. Gerry was on leave; thus, he could not be with us for the usual Recollection, Confessions and Benediction.

Other highlights for the month:

· Our parish seminar / workshop conducted for 6 weeks on the new revisions for the MASS,

‘Biblical Walk through the Mass’ was completed on August 15, coinciding with the Feast of the Assumption. We (2 classes of 100 each) got our certificates of completion and are ready to implement the new revised Mass text. I highly recommend for you to read the book ‘A Biblical Walk through the Mass’ by Edward Sri; it enhances our understanding what we say and do in the liturgy, and appreciate the richness of our faith and culture!

· Movies watched for this month: Rise of the Planet of the Apes (James Franco), Crazy Stupid Love (Ryan Gosling), Change-Up (Ryan Reynolds);

· On Aug. 24, we enjoyed a wonderful evening at the 3-hour live concert of Josh Groban at the Arco Arena (now called the Power Balance Pavilion). He was so amazing – the voice, playing piano / drums, with strong sense of humor; so relaxed in white t-shirt, coat, jeans and sneakers, high energy running around the venue. He intimated that he started his career here at Arco when in 1998 at age 16, while singing during the inauguration of Gov. Arnold S., he was discovered by record producer C. Davis. Thus, Sacramento is always close to his heart. After his 25 songs performance, he is really my favorite!

· Many days were spent home-viewing around the Anatolia area. Sean had been pre-approved to buy a property and it is deemed that with the down market/ economy, now is the time;


On week-ends, we went around furniture stores / showrooms in order to get ideas and updates on trends in interiors and styles – very interesting experience!

· August 28, the feast day of St. Augustine, the town fiesta of Panglao, Bohol, thus marked the day with joyful celebration and thanksgiving – special Mass and lunch out during the day.

Attached are 4 photos of family and friends’ gathering / get-together. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!