Sunday, December 04, 2011

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from SAC-CA! After the very hectic month of moving to our new home, Thanksgiving week-end to the east coast, and back to CA preparing for the big Christmas holidays, I have finally sat down to write my journal updates. To compensate, I am attaching 5 interesting photos of those milestones. Again, Merry Christmas and a more Blessed New Year to all!

On our SacCatholicForum held at the Radisson Hotel on November 18, we had as spea

ker Rev. Michael Sweeney, on the topic “The Authority, Power, and Mission of the Layperson in the Church. After defining laypersons as those who are not

ordained to perform specific functions as administering the sacraments, he discussed the important role and functions of the laypersons in the effective success of the propagation of the Christian faith and awareness of society as members of the mystical body of Christ. He cited the active participation of the laity in the Church order and spread of Christianity all over the world, despite criticism from the secular society.

I was kept busy this month; on Nov. 5, we moved to our new home at 11990 Erato Circle, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742; then arranging stuff, nailing frames, moving furniture around, my activities served as my

physical exercises for the month. Then on Wednesday Nov. 23, Sean and I left via Delta airlin

e for New Jersey to spend Thanksgiving week-end with Sarah, Max, family and friends. On Nov. 24, Sarah spent the day cooking sumptuous food: lumpiang shanghai, macaroni, meatballs, chicken, misua soup, in addition to the turkey, ham, and many others she ordered. We were all bloated the entire day. In the evening, we joined our relatives for the 9-days novena prayers for the repose of the soul of our aunt Rosalinda, who died on Nov. 18 at the age of 98 years, quite a long life!

On black Friday, we joined the millions on a shopping spree at the NJ Gardens outlets. While Sean and Sarah went shopping, I stayed on a corner with Max, enjoying the musical numbers of singing / dancing performed by local artists. I could not endure the long queues on the stores. On Saturday, Sean and I took the train to NY for our meeting at the Penn Station with Pareng Kiko and Mareng Nory. We had snacks at Macy’s, had our pictorials at the set where Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber shot their Christmas video; attended Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral; then to the Ground Zero / World Trade Memorial where four new buildings had been built as replacements, so amazing recovery!

Sunday afternoon, we were back to super foggy Sacramento, much colder than the very sunny climate of New Jersey / New York. I was prepared for a very cold east weather that I brought overcoats and scarves. Instead, I tied the scarf to my purse as accent / décor. Truly, God is in control! Back in Sac, I have resumed my hectic activities of arranging stuff, discarding things for charity donations. My Japanese philo is ‘things you have not used in two years, you don’t need, so let go, discern well!

Part of our upgrading is the purchase of an upright Yamaha piano which was delivered today. It had been 6 years since Sean played our piano at our Fairview home, so we spent time till 2 am alternately playing it, reviewing my ABBA songs and Sean with is classic pieces. Brings memories of years past when Sean performs in the annual piano recital at his music teacher’s (Ms. Nelly Ledesma) school at Sta. Isabel College. Now, we look forward to pleasurable piano music floating in the air in our new home, we commit to play 30 minutes per day to enjoy the good life!

Attached are 5 photos of family and friends’ gathering. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!