Friday, March 30, 2012

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from SAC-CA! We are now in the week of Lent commemorating Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection – doing mortifications, Stations of the Cross, taking time for meaningful Reflection! In our parish, people from other religions are welcomed into our Faith on Easter eve receiving 4 sacraments – Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist!

On our SacCatholicForum held a

t the Woodlake Hotel on March 23, 2012, we had as speaker Teresa Tomeo, author, Italian-Am multi-media and media expert, who spoke on the topic “Extreme Makeover: Seeing yourself through Christ’s Eyes”. She shared her life growing up in New Jersey with Catholic-valued parents, and gave tips on developing personal relationship with Christ: Keep the Eucharist the center / summit of our Faith; study the BIBLE – Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth; Live with Gratitude – look glass as half-full; Be nice and kind; Keep smiling; Don’t be too sure – say God Willing!; offer up to God , Thy Will be done; Be fully catechized / evangelized; Let’s do our part; GO! Sin is the only tragedy in the world, thus avoid SIN! Witness to your religion, Worship GOD!

As part of Sean’s 25th birthday (March 25) blessing, we had our Opus Dei Circle at home, with prayers, lunch, sharing, and good time on March 21. Sean and I had dinner out on Saturday birthday eve; then he celebrated his birthday with office friends on Sunday 25th, starting with lunch at Hometown Buffet, then to the movie Hunger Games, finishing off with another buffet dinner at Mizu. May he continue to enjoy God’s blessings – good health, love, kindness, generosity in his young life, with thanks and gratefulness!

Other highlights for the month:

· We culminated our Bible study on Acts of the

Apostles with lunch at our leader Claude’s home and we responded to questions. I was assigned the question: ‘If you had to tell someone what the book of Acts is about, how would you describe it?’ My response as follows: The book of ACTS, which comes after John’s gospel in the New Testament, narrates that while Jesus proclaimed God’s kingdom in his country, he was more concerned about preparing / ‘forming’ the apostles to spread his message throughout the world, to be the foundation of his Church. He gave them the Holy Spirit as Advocate to help them carry out their missions, with gifts and power to perform miracles to overcome obstacles, trials, and tribulations.

· What took place from the time of the apostles until our days? Many books relate the lives and journeys of our fellow believers in the course of 20 centuries covering Christ’s church – the experiences and deeds of the believers, apostles, and martyrs. The book of ACTS is written by Luke the Evangelist who tells us about the 1st stages of the church following Christ’s Resuurection; how the early communities emerged through the labor of the apostles and the working of the Holy Spirit.

· I

n the 1st part of Acts (Chapters 1-15), Luke gathered all that he could find concerning the 1st 20 years since he was still a pagan that time. In the 2nd part (Chapters 15 – 28), Luke relates the activities of his Master, Paul – his conversion, travels (Antioch, Corinth, Ephesus, Rome). The book was concluded in the year 62. PACER – takes the lead or sets an example. “I have run the race; I have kept the Faith.”

Impressions: The APOSTLES’ love, faithfulness, dedication, obedience, commitment, loyalty, humility, trust in the gifts of the Holy Spirit! Commit to witness to Faith / Adopt Missionary outlook: Detachment/Letting Go/Moving On/Travel Light. I learned this from Fr. Ed Nantes, O.P., who actualize the apostles’ life.

Attached are 4 photos for the month. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!