Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! From the heat of summer and fall, comes the sudden cold of rainy season – with storms in the east, the presidential debates for the coming US elections; still counting all the wonderful blessings – Thanks GOD!

My regular Opus Dei monthly activities were highlighted with the moving talk by Sue Downs and Reflections, Benediction and Blessing/Penance by Fr. Gerry. I was inspired to pledge for the Chestnut Center for Ladies in the Bay Area. We are almost done with our monthly pledge commitment to our St. Mel’s Parish Center project for two years, thus time to start with another 2-years monthly commitment to my Opus Dei Group - God wills. As far  back in memory, vital to our family values are sharing our talents, time and treasure (more than tithing); thus, God is rewarding us thousand fold blessings!

I attended our catholic Lunch Club on October 19 at the newly re-named Red Lion Hotel (formerly Westlake / Radisson Hotel) where we had Fr. Andrew Johnson, Canon of the Cathedral of the Holy Sepulcher, as speaker on the topic “From Managing Return on Investments to Managing Return on Values”. In this difficult time, we are all called to stand up for our Catholic values every day. This is daunting – often we don’t see the likelihood of success. St. Thomas Moore said: ‘You may abandon the ship in a storm because you cannot control the wind. What you can’t turn to good, you must at least make as little bad as you can.’ Fr. Andrew is uniquely qualified to talk about challenges in the workplace, the secular, family and religious life since he experienced them all. He had a career in business, married with 6 children/ 11 grandkids, widowed, then became a priest at 69 years old. The kids call him Father Father. He is very active on promoting New Evangelization thru Communications / Media. Effective means are: Be Kind always – Evangelize by the way you act; Creativity – using God’s graces, gifts and skills; Practical Wisdom – use words of Encouragement, Inspiration, Canons of the Monks (Poverty, Obedience, Celibacy); He expounded on Kindness as the Love of God in our heart; act with open heart, mind, forgiveness; You have to love everyone; you don’t have to like them! 

With Mr. Yorozu’s promise of more vessels next year, our FSAC office is actively pursuing renewal of ISO-Japan certification soon. Thus, I was kept busy reviewing and editing the FSAC Manuals for Quality Systems Policies (130 pages) and Quality Procedures (155 pages); coordinating with the staff on responsibilities for implementation, monitoring and control.  These systems improvement requires decisive actions; which means to strike a balance between the ‘soft personal style’ of Pinas management vis-à-vis my studied MBO style of ‘goals/target orientation’ quality management, to the point of a ’Hitler’ tag, with Sean and Max as my ‘Gestapo and youth’. We gladly accept the tag with humor and as Sarah confirmed “nothing wrong, cause ‘magaling and effective si Hitler’!

In this regard, I quote Edmund Burke: ‘For evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. When bad men combine, the good must associate, else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.’

  Other highlights for the month:
·         Sean acted as baptismal sponsor to Tom’s niece Sophia, which required him to get a Certification from our parish priest that he is an active / practicing Catholic, had received the Sacraments, and qualified to be a baptismal sponsor. I believe we must implement this requirement in Pinas; let us not assume that everyone is qualified / responsible to be a godparent.
·         Watched the movies: The Perks of Being a Wallflower – starring Emma Watson, Taken 2 – Liam Neeson, Here Comes the Boom – Kevin James, Salma and Charice, and Pitch Perfect – Anna Kendricks: all memorable, moving and funny films, experienced at The Palladio – El Dorado, always followed by lunch at Japanese Blue Nami, then shopping at Folsom outlets;
·         Read 2 inspiring books: The Wisdom of the Saints – an Anthology by Jill Adels and First Comes Love by Dr. Scott Hahn.

 Attached are 3 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!