Friday, November 30, 2012

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! The month came with many festive celebrations – All Saints’ Day, Souls Day, Veterans’, Thanksgiving – so many Blessings to be thankful for; amid the rainy / cold weather – we truly appreciate them dear GOD!

On our Opus Dei Recollections / Reflections, Fr. Gerry and the Talk facilitators discussed on the topics: Christ the King, and always through Mother Mary; we always Thank you Lord! If we fall, we always begin again in our struggle for holiness. We must grow in our friendship with Him. Like soldiers engaged in a battle, am I truly fighting? While most are complacent, we should be loyal soldiers; speak up for our Christian values! Know who our enemies are – the Devil; know ourselves: know our strength, know our weaknesses / defects; in order to fight well! Win small battles, till the last; do examination of conscience daily:
·      What did I do wrong today?  I AM SORRY!
·      What did I do well today?  THANK YOU!
·      What can I do well tomorrow? GUIDE ME!

It is encouraged to do General and Particular examination daily; it is directed toward acquisition of virtues and rooting out our defects. Resolutions: We make few / specific resolutions and fulfill them with the help of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Through our Blessed Mother!
It is also advised to develop a Plan of Life: define Essentials, give priorities to activities - Pray, Be flexible, Advance the Norms, Be realistic – being a Woman in the middle of the World; Do what you can to Know, Love, and Serve God Better! Do always the Norms of Life: Cheerfulness, Hard Work, Order! 

With upcoming holidays, considering various family activities to attend, we have a break on our Catholic Lunch Club meetings, to be resumed on January 2013, at the Red Lion Hotel (formerly Westlake / Radisson Hotel).

Highlights for the month:
·      Due to the planned Christmas reunion of our multi-located family, we skipped our usual East Coast Thanksgiving holiday with Sarah and Max. Then storm Sandy happened, so a trip to NJ was impractical. By God’s grace, Sarah and Max were safe – their area did not lose electricity, just strong swaying by the wind felt at their home – they were able to offer refuge to friends take bath / meals; so blessed! I communicated continuously with family and friends over Thanksgiving.
·      Serendipitously, my nephew Rigel, Mabel and their two kids (who are based in Arizona) came for Thanksgiving dinner; we had roast duck, lechon, ham, etc. (typical Pinoy fare). I put up our Christmas tree hastily for the occasion, so we had our pictorials amid a festive setting. Thanks for the surprise visit and wonderful bonding!
·      The tedious shopping on Black Friday – patience on the long queue / waiting. Although Sean wanted to go Thursday evening, I opted to wait; thus, after my committed St. Mel’s Adoration time, went to Sunrise Mall to join the eager crowd; just focused on the biggest reduction , like 50% to be worthwhile;
·      We watched the movies: Skyfall – usual suspense thriller starring Daniel Craig; and The Life of PI – wonderful story of Faith in God and Survival – so many wise life lessons, highlighting the voyage out of Manila. I highly recommend that all the staff and crew of Fairview Shipping watch this movie, in order to guide them along their journeys!
·      Read 2 inspiring books: Saint Isaac and the Indians by Milton Lomask and The Enduring Vision by Boyer, Clark, and others.
·      I watched Live over EWTN, the installation of 6new cardinals by Pope Benedict XVI, including our Filipino Cardinal Luis Antonio ‘Chito’ Tagle, the youngest and considered a strong contender to the Papacy. 

 Attached are 3 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!