Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 30, 2013

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! I wish you had a Happy Memorial week-end. Let us pause to thank our heroes protecting our country and offer prayers for those who gave up lives for the cause, with hope for better years in the midst of scandal and tragedies besetting our nation.

On our Catholic Lunch Club on June 21 at the Red Lion Woodlake Hotel, our speaker was Paul O'Reilly, Ph.D., Vice President, Thomas Aquinas College , on the topic: The New Evangelization in an Atheistic Age. After introductions, he discussed the thesis of Richard Dawkins’  The God Delusion, which  had been described as “the most coherent and devastating indictment of religion” containing “lots of good, hard-hitting stuff about the imbecilities of religious fanatics and frauds of all stripes." Dr. Paul O’Reilly  exposed  fundamental errors about the relationship between science and faith portrayed in the stated book. He focused on the Fathers and Doctors of the Church – especially Saints Augustine and Thomas Aquinas who anticipated today's atheists' contentions and provided a resounding rebuttal. While largely unknown in the current debate, they provide powerful arguments against the new atheism. The learning from his presentation is an invaluable tool to engage in the New Evangelization in this Year of Faith.
Dr. O’Reilly, one of eight siblings, was born and raised in battle-torn Belfast, Northern Ireland.  Two of Paul’s uncles were murdered and their restaurant destroyed by a bomb blast. One of Paul’s brothers was abducted and his sister viciously attacked.  Concerned that her children would be drawn into a life of vengeance, Paul’s mother applied for and received refugee status for her family in Canada.  Seven months after the family immigrated to Canada, she was tragically killed in an automobile accident, orphaning Paul and his siblings. Heroically, an uncle and aunt, already the parents of four, adopted the eight devastated children. Paul enrolled at Thomas Aquinas College returning to teach there in 1989 after receiving his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Laval in Quebec. He also taught at the Pontifical Institute in Beaverton, Oregon, Saint Anselm College and Thomas More Institute.
I wanted to socialize with some Aquinas College alumni who attended the lunch but had to leave for a doctor’s appointment; my blood test results were okay. However, the insurance insist that doctors do their responsibilities of monitoring healthcare of patients, so there.
After attending anticipated Mass on June 8, at home while doing chores, I tuned on EWTN TV Mass from Alabama. The officiating priest welcomed co-celebrant ‘Fr. Victor from the Philippines’ and the camera focused on our Fr. Victor of Bohol. I immediately called Sean for validation. A week later, on June 15, Fr. Victor visited us at our Erato home. He was so happy to know that someone saw him on global TV, proof that I am a devoted watcher. While here, he played classics on our piano; he visits us every time he’s in the U.S. His Bohol seminarians are recipients of our monthly apostolate ever since.     
Other highlights for the month:
·      On June 14, our Opus Dei group had an early commemoration Mass to honor St. Josemaria Escriva (feast on June 26) at 6:30PM, followed by potluck gathering. I was assigned the collection and arrangement /preparation of the dinner venue – successful attendance of regular families; appreciation and thanks were elicited from attendees (including Percy’s group from Berkeley – AED Berkeley Fund)  for efforts – well-balanced menu.
·      Read the Splendor of Truth by John Paul II; completed Video on Catholicism by Fr. Robert Barron in our Tuesday BS Group; review Catechism of the Catholic Church on some topics/issues;
·      Movies watched:  Now You See Me, featuring ensemble cast Jessie Isenberg, Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco, Isla Fisher, among others; Man of Steel - prequel to Superman, starring Henry Cavill, Rusell Crowe, Amy Adams, among others; World War Z, starring Brad Pitt – thriller, good movie!

     Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!