Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! We are now at the transition from the heat of summer to the cool days of fall, and busy finishing up our summer activities, such as picnics and lunch outs with friends; oh well time swifts by!

We have 2-months break on our Catholic Lunch Club to afford members out-of-town vacation and bonding with family and friends. In my case, time was spent in town since out-of-country trips had already been laid out for the year.

It’s the time of year when ‘job-rotation’ of priests/ministers happens to make the Church truly dynamic and responsive to the Holy Spirit. Our parish of St. Mel’s got new priests: Filipino Fr. Aldrin Basarte from Cagayan de Oro (we speak Cebuano) and newly-ordained Fr. Guillermo Ramirez. God is great, I am truly blessed! Months back Claude R. whispered to me about Filipino Fr. Aldrin (10 yrs pastor in a parish up north) will be Pastor, which would make me happy, then kababayan pa. The new priests started their tenure July 1. So good, we have a welcoming community. When Fr. Aldrin knew I was from Bohol, he confirmed that we have the highest vocation in Pinas, which made me bow.

Then during the World Youth Days in July with Pope Francis, EWTN allowed me to view Live telecasts from Rio de Janeiro. I watched all Masses, commentaries, events, like I was virtually on site – moved by God’s graces! Among Pope Francis’ message, to quote from Vatican II Lumen Gentium, “Eternal salvation is open to those who, through no fault of their own, do not know Christ and His Church, but seek God with a sincere heart, and under the inspiration of grace, try in their lives to do His Will, made known to them by the dictates of their conscience. Nor does Divine Providence deny the aids necessary for salvation to those who, without blame on their part, have not yet reached an explicit belief in God, but strive to lead a good life, under the influence of God’s grace.” In this year of Faith, let us do our part in the New Evangelization to bring Christ to others, even by our good example of love, kindness, and actions, that they see Christ in us!

Other highlights for the month:
·      On July 19, the Clubhouse in our Anatolia Homes community hosted an afternoon barbecue for residents. Thus, after my regular workouts of treadmill and cycling, I joined the neighbors feasting on chicken barbecue, beans, salad, muffins, drinks, popcorn from 5 – 8:30 pm.
·      In addition to the 2nd Saturday Opus Dei Recollection with Fr. Turlock, we had our monthly Opus Day group Circle at home. I usually volunteer to host it during summer to welcome kids. I posted photos taken by Sean on FB – Deidre, Julie, Maru, Dianne, Carolina, Debbie, and kids. I prepared some lunch – pancit, hotdogs, cookies, fruits, chips, drinks – part of sharing!
·      Continued reading the Splendor of Truth by John Paul II; taking notes on Wisdom of the Catholic Church; reviewing Catechism of the Catholic Church on some topics/issues;
·      Movies watched:  RED2 (Retired, Extremely Dangerous (with Bruce Willis, J. Malcovich, Helen Mirren) ; The Wolverine2, starring Hugh Jackman and a bunch of super slim Japanese, movie was set mostly in Japan. Watching it brought back beautiful memories of our family visit to Japan in May 1995 courtesy of Takemura San family. Recalled: 2 rooms at the Yamato Grand Hotel where Gen. Macarthur stayed, bullet train rides – Yokohama, Tokyo, Narita; free shopping for Sarah and Sean, the sights, the culture; I thank GOD for their kindness, love and generosity; we are forever grateful!
     Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!