Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings Sacramento, CA, USA!  I have finally gone back to the groove of American independent living after my 3-months Pinas sojourn, with all the helps and support; back to daily home chores, studies, work, and quiet monastic life. Thanks GOD!

I immersed into the activities related to the Holy Week commemoration of Christ’s Triduum – Passion, Death, and Resurrection; including Stations of the Cross, regular Masses and the Sacraments; to my Opus Dei rituals, Adoration C

hapel commitments, and other spiritual enhancement programs. Likewise, I supported Sean’s involvement with his K of C, new job at CALPERS that means new schedule and steps, and closing activities in his EDD job (including 4-days road trip to/from San Diego for final audit of an employer).

Sean’s new job adjustments include earlier morning wake-up: he drives his car to Zinfandel Park and Ride, to get to the RT train for his downtown office location at Q St. then back in the afternoon; after 5pm, he then proceeds to Calpers Kilgore to attend his Continuing Professional Education (CPE) to prepare for his CIA certification, and comes home after 12:00AM, then wakes up again at 6:00AM to start another day – quite hectic; but this is the way to the American dream!  My support include: wake up earlier than him to prepare food for his lunch (rise, entrĂ©e, veggies and fruits), breakfast sandwich and coffee, housework (cleaning, ironing clothes, garden), groceries, shopping, etc. My regular gym 1-hour workouts at our clubhouse 4 times a week is a must to keep me fit.  I am also doing documentations for my retirement benefits; I did right by consulting with Dr. Alwin Fernando and getting enough medications from Pinas; God truly guided me all the way!  

Other highlights:
·      Middle of the month, I divested some investments from my Lord Abbet Financials to consolidate funds for the 50% payment for the purchase of condo unit 24H, 8 Forbestown Road, Bonifacio Global City, Philippines. We were so annoyed by the tedious documents required by Pinas banks for a real estate loan. And yet they bug / irritate us with calls to avail of loans from them. So we decided instead to pay Cash, use our internal resources since deposits / other investments are not earning much anyway. Roberto of Citibank was kind to guide me to make on-line transfer to any overseas bank from my account at minimal fee. By the way, I am doing on-line transfers from/to my Citibank accounts to/from Pinas / US vice-versa in a jiffy, with no fee – so high-tech!
·      So glad to fulfill my monthly commitments to AED Opus Dei Center in Berkeley, to EWTN, to Fr. Robert Barron’s Mundelein Seminary, St. Mel’s, and Sean’s K of C Insurance;   
·      I soaked in the splendor of the Mass and Canonization of Saints John XXIII and John Paul II on April 27 (Live over EWTN, Sunday, 12:30 – 4:00AM, Sacramento, CA time), the presence of two Popes, Francis and Benedict XXVI – so magnificent!!! Made more meaningful with our recent Vatican pilgrimage in September 2013, places and events etched in memory!
·      Movies watched included spiritual “must go” recommended – GOD is not Dead, Heaven is for Real, NOAH;

·      Resumed my Tuesday Bible Study class on the subject “Seven Deadly Sins; Seven Lively Virtues”; video and learning materials by Fr. Robert Barron – so engrossing! Another effective speaker I focused on Holy Week retreats was Fr. Wade LJ Menezes, of the Fathers of Mercy.