Saturday, October 31, 2015

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sacramento, CA, USA! The temperatures slowly fell to the fifties as we are transitioning towards winter, along with the bringing out of outfits for the layering season. Then too, the coming of the much-welcome rains; yey our lawns are turning green again!!!

October is dedicated as Our Lady of the Rosary month, and everyone is encouraged to say the daily Rosary; for me, I pray the 4 sets (glorious, joyful, luminous, sorrowful) daily, as part of my contemplative life in America, along with the Liturgy of the Hours. I am happy to share this devotion with the entire family as I always remind them that GOD rewards us for our Faithfulness and sincerity in our hearts – the Blessings keep pouring in! Sarah got a new job in the NJ area so she could be near Max, as she prayed for – GOD is so great!

On the health front, I got fully vested with all the benefits of the health care system in America for senior citizens, and I appreciate them very much, Thanks GOD! With the balance /combination of exercise, diet, and medication, I am motivated to reduce my weight by 15 pounds, LOL! Life is great. . .

Other highlights of the month:
·      I continuously serve as Eucharistic Minister (Eucharist or Precious Blood) twice a month. To prepare for worthiness to serve, I pray a lot, do fasting, and mortification. Please help me Lord!
·      Good news! On our weekly FSAC business update with Capt. G., he informed that our shipping Principal is giving four (4) additional new vessels for us to man: meaning, additional manpower employment, more people and families we could help. I always hope and pray that we can recruit more competent officers and crew for these international vessels: GOD, please send us more qualified seafarers, Thank You!!!
·      Had several pilgrimages to different churches for the month, like St. Rose and St. Claire in Roseville, went for the preventive maintenance of my BMW in Roseville, then went on my regular food shopping at Oriental; keep our home always clean to be ready for unexpected visitors to drop by; I am spending more time at the Adoration, especially when Marge calls me to sub for others who cannot make it to their committed schedule; it means more time communicating with the Lord;
·      My new convert friend Hanh had been very busy keeping me at work; following the Pope’s itinerary, she keeps on e-mailing me asking clarificatory queries on spiritual ceremonies which seemed new to her, and I have to respond within minutes, since I did not want to fail her.  She is very persistent, especially on meanings of terms, and my opinions on our faith. Thus, I am challenged to really think hard and review the tenets of our faith, to be true and faithful to our Catholic teachings,; Thanks God for this opportunity!
·      Movies watched: ‘The Martian’ starring Matt Damon ( 2nd movie wherein the USA spent millions to bring him home, after Saving Private Ryan; ‘PAN’, prequel to Peter Pan series; ‘Goosebumps, starring Jack Black; and ‘Bridge of Spies, a thriller featuring Tom Hanks;
·      I joined Sean’s monthly socializing group at Abe’s place in Excelsior drive where after dinner, ‘karaoke’ is featured. A colleague Marge encouraged me to keep on ‘singing’ to keep Gerry away. However, Gerry complained to Sean that his Mom had a concert for 2 hours already. Once in a while only, LOL!
·      Books read: God is Near Us, by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, and The Faith of our Fathers.
Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!