Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sacramento, CA, USA! Hope you all had a very happy Christmas and wishing you a more Blessed / Prosperous New Year 2016 (in a few hours)!
I am glad to share that I completed the 9-days Novena Masses for Christmas (consistent with our family tradition) to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ. Thus, I am looking forward to all the Blessings for the New Year, much Thanks GOD!

Per tradition, the days leading up to Christmas were hectic, with parties here and there, shopping, services in the Church, since I had committed more time at the Adoration chapel (to sub for those who could not come during the morning hours). When Marge calls me up, I welcome the opportunity for mortification and more Blessings!

On our Opus Dei, I am happy that my friend Hanh finally attended our 2nd Saturday Recollection for meditation, confession, and Mass. Since it was also the Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe, we had a double treat with the lively Mexican Maracas band / singers. The parish also conducted its Christmas raffle and sale of cookies, Christmas decors and goodies; such festive activities!
The largest gathering we had was the annual pot-luck ‘White Elephant’ party of friends and relatives of Jojo Inovero, held at the residence of Sylvia in Rancho Cordova. There were about 100 guests, started from 12 noon to sawa and the food was plentiful. Sean had maximum participation as his gifts had more than 10 steals; so much fun! Sean had so many parties to attend as he had many groups: at work in Calpers, his teaching at Folsom learning center, and his referee job at Mather Volleyball club. He is truly living his American dream!
Other highlights of the month:
·      I continuously serve as Eucharistic Minister (Eucharist or Precious Blood) twice a month. To prepare for worthiness to serve, I pray a lot, do fasting, and mortification. Please help me Lord!
·      Spent more time with Hanh, discussing / clarifying doctrine issues, keeping me at work, honing my apologetics; over Starbucks coffee; she gives me home-cooked Vietnamese / French meals which helps my weight lower as she’s fond of vegan food. Thus, I am on my toes to review the tenets of our faith, to be true and faithful to our Catholic teachings; Thanks God for this opportunity!
·      Movies watched: ‘Krampus’, foreshadowing un-Santa Claus, what happens when people loses the spirit of Christmas sharing; ‘Star Wars 7’ – The Force Awakens; we all know the story so well; my daughter Sarah even dressed up as princess Leah for the occasion; then the comedy ‘Daddy’s Home’ starring Mark Wahlberg and Will Farrell.
·      On Christmas day, I visited my friend who been experiencing some depression, as my apostolate. It was a nice experience  doing some kind works that day, consistent with what I read for that day; Thank you Lord!
·      Books read: Glorious Holy Spirit, Knowing Who You Are by Knowing Whose You Are, by Fr. Cedric Pisegna, C.P.; Transforming your Life through the Eucharist, by John Kane; The Blessing of Christmas, by Pope Benedict XVI; The Little Way of Advent, by Fr. Gary Castor (Meditations in the Spirit of St. Therese of Lisiuox; Open Wide the Door to Christ, by S.C. Bela.
·      Received gifts of Leche Flan (Crème Brolay) from Ate Eve, and Marietta; also white puto from Tom, which I shared with Ate Nen’s family. 
Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!