Sunday, January 31, 2016

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sacramento, CA, USA! We are still in the glow of the Christmas season and busy fulfilling our resolutions for year 2016! Let’s all pray and look forward to GOD’s continuous Blessings, much Thanks GOD!

We resumed our Tuesday Bible study with EPIC – Church History, where we discussed the Dark Ages period (1400 – 1800), the various schisms, protestations, reformation, etc. We must really thank GOD that our Catholicism survived, with the help of the Blessed Trinity, Mama Mary, the Saints, and our early church Fathers! On my contemplative life, I got more calls from Marge to sub for Chapel adoration so I welcome more opportunities for mortification and more Blessings.

I am happy to do more apostolate, spending more time with friends and in our Opus Dei group; lunches with Alice, Raquel, Marietta, Hanh, and more. For New Year, the parish gave out books (Rediscover Jesus, An invitation), in addition to the annual Art calendar, for all parishioners. It is nice that our Church is truly concerned for the Evangelization of its members to live Christ’s Way!

Our international shipping business in Manila is continuously doing well, with God’s Blessing, in helping families in our country. One other answered prayer is for the smooth transition of our condo unit to an ex-pat tenant and we are I the process of negotiations with a Japanese renter. Sean is still busy living his American dream of getting the best worlds in his career, vocation, sports, recreation – balanced life indeed!

Other highlights of the month:
·      I continuously serve as Eucharistic Minister (Eucharist or Precious Blood) twice a month. To prepare for worthiness to serve, I pray a lot, do fasting, and mortification. Please help me Lord!
·      My friend Hanh had to go to Orange City to take care of his blind brother and deal with other family crisis with her 11 siblings, more prayers for her; so with Marietta; Sean helps me with her concerns;
·      Movies watched: Hateful Eight (violent Q. Tarantino movie), 5th Wave ( movie on Faith and spirituality – recommended), The Revenant ( Leonardo di Caprio – story of revenge); The Finest Hour ( survival movie – highly recommended, especially for seafarers, our crew)
·      Books read: Rediscover Jesus, An Invitation, by Matthew Kelly (gift from the parish, courtesy of the Knights of Columbus), Glorious Holy Spirit, Knowing Who You Are by Knowing Whose You Are, by Fr. Cedric Pisegna, C.P.; Transforming your Life through the Eucharist, by John Kane; The Blessing of Christmas, by Pope Benedict XVI; The Little Way of Advent, by Fr. Gary Castor (Meditations in the Spirit of St. Therese of Lisiuox; Open Wide the Door to Christ, by S.C. Bela.
·      Sean and I pampered ourselves with foot Massage, haircuts (mine was like Thea’s of the TV show Arrow; Sean had several field works to Los Angeles, San Diego, Tahoe, and Reno, away for several days/week;
·      I was blessed to have 3 priests at home for dinner – Frs. Aldrin Basarte (our St. Mel’s pastor), Cormac Lacre (from Jagna, Bohol, assigned at Winters), and Ruel Pangan (visiting from Bohol, the school director of my high school in Panglao). We had so much fun, speaking Visayan.

Much love and Best Regards!!!