Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from SAC, CA, I've been kept busy in the USA; We are now in the middle of spring, cold in the mornings, warm at noontime, then cool in the evenings; however, there are days when the mornings are chilly with strong gusty winds; oh well, Much thanks GOD for all the Blessings!

I had been kept busy attending to my commitments – at home, in church, social ad community, continued visiting ‘doors of churches’, fulfilling corporal and spiritual works of Mercy, consistent with the recommendations of Pope Francis. I spent more time with my sister / family, lunch with them. Recently, when she was hospitalized at Mercy San Juan, visited her and cooked ‘arroz caldo’ for her as she requested. It was such nice happy feeling doing kindness for others, Thanks GOD!

Our planned Pinas reunion is smoothly going on and I enjoin family members to continue praying for its effective implementation, especially for good health, safety and protection for everyone.

I am immersed in the monitoring of two elections – Pinas and USA. Sean and I had completed and sent our ballots to the Pinas Consulate (must be in before May 9). I know we chose the winners: RORO for President and Vice President, 12 senators, and ANGKLA (No. 43) for party-list to support the concerns of Pinas Shipping industry. As to the US elections, I am stressed whenever the media on TV discuss about convention / electoral rules so I minimize watching TV, except when Donald Trump is on. I truly want to make AMERICA great again! 

Other highlights of the month:
·      On our Tuesday Bible study Group, we are discussing Bishop Robert Barron’s UNTOLD BLESSING, Three Paths to Holiness. These are: Finding the Center – JESUS, Knowing You Are a Sinner, and Your Life is not about YOU!
·      Sean had been on field work for longer period of time: 1 week in SFO, 1 week in San Diego, several days in Reno, and neighboring cities: living his American dream being young, male, and single, enjoying the perks and hard work!
·      Visited my primary care physician for the periodic medical, physical check-up to ensure that everything is functioning well, together with the normal diet and regular exercise!
·      Also resumed my Opus Dei activities, and updates with my convert friend Hanh. She is having some crisis in her family life and relationships; thus, asking / needing more prayers;
·      I had some critical decisions to make this month on my membership with Opus Dei whether I proceed to the next level of being a Supernumerary, and GOD helped me to discern that I had a special calling in life – to maintain my present balance of being wife, mother, grandmother, and my career in the international shipping business GOD gave us to help our countrymen families in Pinas. Much Thanks for the guidance!
·      The critical communications with Pinas banking contacts had been resolved, and we are now back to normal, complying with all the legal standards on  global monetary transactions;
·      Movies watched – ‘The Huntsman’, a dark movie starring Chris Hemsworth, Charlize Thieron, Emily Blunt, Jessica Chastain; and the 2 main characters were named Sarah and Eric; and The Jungle Book – full of life wisdom and common sense.

Much love and Best Regards!!!