Thursday, June 30, 2016

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from SAC, CA, USA! The month passed swiftly with hectic summer events around the Sacramento area with family and friends amid the intermittent hot and cold climates – Much Thanks GOD for all the Blessings!

In church were 1st Communion activities, ordination of 3 new priests and several deacons including 2 Filipinos, Graduation activities, Mass celebration and potluck dinner on the Feast of our Opus Dei St. Jose Maris Escriva, fulfilling my Eucharistic Minister schedule, commitment to my Adoration Chapel duties, and many more contemplative missions. From the break of our Bible Study classes, I moved on to the St. Vincent de Paul ministry, doing charitable work.

I got invited to attend the breakfast meeting of the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP) at Denny’s Natomas, 3rd Saturday of the month. Some members came all the way from San Francisco. The group seemed interesting and I intend to attend their monthly meetings. I met some younger friends from Rancho Cordova so that motivates me to carry on.

Sean and I enjoyed picking Peaches fruits, produce from our backyard tree, so many of them and so sweet. We also got upgrades for his truck: covers at the back to improve fuel mileage efficiency and bed / tailgate at Line-X; likewise, additional home furniture / accessories from Naturwood which went on sale.

On our Pinas side, Gerry is scheduled for an executive check-up next week and we pray that everything goes well, in preparation for our Pinas reunion next month. As senior citizens, we just have to be careful with our health and pray to enjoy more fruitful years ahead!

With the inauguration of our new officials in Pinas, we are hopeful that Peace and Prosperity will continue to reign and with the cooperation of all leaders, GOD will continue to bless our country! On the other hand, it seems that that the U.S. situation is going the other way, turning into a banana republic with the recent FBI decision to leave Hilary free from all her wrongdoings. We should learn from the decision of British BREXIT to minimize the influence of ISIS immigration, just like what Norwegians had decided for so long – avoiding membership to the EURO zone – maintaining its independence. Oh well, because they can afford to be independent and stand alone, being rich!

Other highlights of the month:
·      My sister and her husband, who are in their senior years, had some medical health issues, and needed some help; I am happy to provide assistance in any way I can, since their children are far from them. Anyway, their daughter called me to give attention to them, especially in this year of mercy and compassion;
·      Sean has always been on field work  to San Diego and San Francisco, so I get to enjoy driving his Chevy truck and my BMW; likewise attending to their preventive maintenance programs;
·      Had my regular blood chemistry tests, and everything seems normal thanks GOD! Continue with some medication, normal diet and regular exercise!
·      Movies watched – Me Before You, a heartwarming British drama that left the audience crying at the end; Now You see Me 2;  The Shallows, starring Blake (a lesson on knowledge and skills on evaluating Risk Management); Central Intelligence (starring Dwayne Johnson (amazing how he doesn’t age, still looks young after all these years); Independence Day 2;

Much love and Best Regards!!!