Monday, April 30, 2018

Hi all! 
My update for the month is the speech I delivered as Guest  Speaker on SAGA Graduation on  April 5, 2018, as follows:
Good afternoon everyone! Much Thanks for the nice introduction. I would like to acknowledge and extend pleasant greetings to Rev. Fr. Glen Alipoyo, Diocesan Sipt., Fr. Hermogenes Grado, School Director, Mr. Emeterio Javinez, BACS Supervisor; Fr. Linuel Canizarrz, and our beloved Principal Ms. Paciencia Aranaydo.
 First of all, I would like to extend my warmest Congratulations to all the Graduates: those who are part of SAGA’s 3rdJunior High School Moving Up Ceremonies, numbering 126, and the 1stSenior High School graduates of the 12K Program, there are 65 of you.
Congratulations too to the proud parents, guardians, and to all the teachers of these graduates; you are now reaping the fruits and rewards of your loving, long hours of tutoring, hard work, and financial support you have provided to your children and wards. Finishing high school is a very significant milestone in their lives as they are about to embark on the next phase of life, make difficult choices, such  as going to college to choose a course towards a  career or job  they want to do. They are at the crossroads of life that needs discernment and guidance from the Holy Spirit to make the right decision.
Our theme of Holiness: The Ultimate Goal of Catholic Education plays a significant role in my life, in fact the key success factor in who I am today. A favorite quote is: ‘What we are is God’s gift to us; what we become of ourselves is our greatest gift to God!’ l I am so blessed that I was born with parents who taught and instilled strong Catholic values in me. In my elementary and high school years, I remember going to Mass everyday before going to school. My parents, who were both teachers, were good role models, who instilled my  deep Faith and strong Catholic Values, the difference on  what is Right from Wrong. Thus, the seed of Holiness was implanted in this very school, our own SAGA.  As early as 7 years old, my father told me that God gave us gifts which we are to utilize and maximize in our journey through life. So when people ask you to sing - Sing; recite - Recite; otherwise, God will get back those gifts; Early in life, my confidence as a person was developed. From Grade 4 to Grade 6, I won as Provincial Declaimer, with Dr. Jose Rizal’s ‘Sa Aking Mga Kababata’ as my winning Masterpiece. Those beautiful memories make me smile and laugh before bedtime I can say, even when I am alone, I am never lonely. Those childhood memories truly helped me get along well in life. Thus, I advise you to build up and store beautiful memories from childhood as they will be the strong foundation of your values in life as you travel in your journeys through trial and tribulations, triumphs and magic moments!  
For college, I went to the University of Santo Tomas for my Civil Engineering degree, continued on with my Master in Business Administration, and then, completed my Doctor of Philosophy in Commerce and International Business, where I graduated Summa Cum Laude. 
Definitely, my good Catholic Education guided me as I embarked on my career: my 1stjob was as Faculty of UST College of Engineering, worked for 20 years with National Power Corporation, finished my Master in Hydropower Development in Norway. As a student, I studied hard to aim at 95%, so if you fall short to 80%, it’sstill passing.  After I got my early retirement in 1997, I put up my own International Shipping business together with my husband, prompted by our desire to help our Filipino seafarers get employment to work for international vessels, earning US dollars for the Philippine economy and their families, giving priority to seamen from Panglao.
         The journey has not been easy. Trials, disappointments, failures, and  setbacks come along the way. As a Catholic, a sort of persecution I experienced in Norway was, when international classmates would taunt my going to church most of the time,  to say that the reason why Filipinos are poor because they spend too much time in church. In those moments. the best thing to do is to ignore, be silent, be still, let go.  What is important is to keep values, you learn from these failures, get up. Make a resolve to change for the better, and move forward!
Life is what you make it; always has been, always will be! This quote was made by the wonderful woman Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of U.S. Franklin Roos

evelt.  Success or failure in life, then has so much to do with how you work for it!
We start our journey to success by having a dream, a goal, an objective in life but just dreaming does not bring results. If your dream is to become a businessman, teacher, lawyer or anything else with the help of your degrees,  Writer Nolan Bushnell has this to say “The critical ingredient is getting off of your butt and doing something; you should be a doer, not just a dreamer.” My personal slogans are “Work Hard, Pray Harder!”, “Be the Best of Whatever You Are!”. ‘Dear Lord, please give us the Grace to Work for the Things that we Pray. ‘ This means we have consistency and unity in what we Say and Do – We pray and Work for the same things that we aspire and want to achieve in our life. How do you go about doing things to make your dream come true?
Eleanor Roosevelt has this advice. There are no secrets to success it is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure, and a lot of Prayers. The reason why our deep Faith and struggle for Holiness are strong Pillars in our journey through LIFE. Have a strong prayer life.
Let me add my own advice “Have a strong determination to achieve your dream, take courage in the face of trials, don’t give up on failure;  take it as a challenge until you succeed; and lead a positive life in laughter, joy in the company of family and friends , and a lot of loving.
One guide to Holiness is to have good role Models, the reason we have Saints to serve as our role model in ourCatholic Faith, led by the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is the best example of Humility and Obedience, when she promptly obeyed to become the Mother of Jesus Christ. Humility is the awareness and acceptance of the truths about ourselves; knowing our strengths and weaknesses, living within our means. Other favorites are St Thomas Aquinas, known for his beatific vision;  St Agustin: ‘My heart is restless until it rests in Thee’; St. Paul’s: I have run the race, I have kept the Faith;  St Therese of Liseux and Mother Teresa: the poem, Even if others don’t do right and good, I ‘ll do right and good anayway; and the Serenity Prayer: ‘Lord. Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.’
At times you have to walk your path alone. It can be hard, but those are the times that build character and make you even stronger! When you look back on hardships you don’t think as years of pain but as years of growth. You should be proud of yourself you are a better person, you are a better you. Take a deep breath and face the future with hope and confidence. Worrying is wasting energy on things you cant control. Leave everything in the Lord’s hands. Think less, pray more.
Coincidentally, speaking of Holiness, since 1995, I am part of the Opus Dei Organization founded by St. Josemaria Escriva, whose advocacy is a Life of Holiness in the middle of the world, which means we can all be Saints right where we are,  in our place of work;  promoting a life of Virtues. As an Engineer, I can attain Holiness by doing my Work efficiently – within the allocated time and budget; doing things right the first time, economic use of resources within my responsibility, avoiding wastage – being a good example within our sphere of influence; starting with our own family and friends and co-workers; The pursuit of Holiness is not a hobby, it is a life commitment.
It is said that Successful parents are those who raise their children to grow up and live independent lives of their own. I am now part of a multi-located global family: My daughter in New York with her own family. my Son in Sacramento, CA, and a husband in the Philippines. I divide my time travelling among these 3 locations. To transition smoothly among my roles as Wife, mother, and grandmother, I adopted the attitude of Detachment. St. Thomas Aquinas define it as: Loving people, places, and things as GOD meant us to love them. At this age I’m only interested in consistency, stability, respect and loyalty. With the Blessings and Graces of God, i am enjoying the perks of my triple citizenship: Senior, Fil-Am. I attend Mass everyday and serve as Eucharistic Minister, receive the Sacraments, do my Eucharistic Adoration Chapel commitments, pray the Liturgy of the Hours, attend weekly Bible classes. I say that I have utilized maybe 20% of the gifts God has given me. My prayers would include: Please Pour down the gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Piety, and Fear of the Lord; the Cardinal virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice; the Theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love; so we will enjoy the Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness/ Generosity, Faithfulness, and Self-Control. To conclude, I can share that what I am was God’s gift to me, and What I become of myself is my greatest Gift to GOD, and to be happy with Him forever in Heaven!!!


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Dear loved ones,

            Pleasant Greetings, and more Blessed New Year 2018 from CA, USA! The year started with more Blessings and Graces from GOD, rewards for our faithfulness and complete Trust on His Love, Mercy, Generosity to provide for all our needs!!!  Yeah, GOD the Father, JESUS, and the Holy Spirit - I LOVE YOU!!!

            The year started with family life crisis, and these trials strengthened my resolve to TRUST in the Lord completely, for his Mercy and Compassion; These too will come to pass, be STILL and GOD will act: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, He promised. We abide by His Will, Love, Goodness. HE alone knows what is Best for us!!!

Our Tuesday Bible Study class started on Jan. 16, with Msgr. Robert Barron’s Catholicism series: The Pivotal Payers: St. Francis of Assisi - The Reformer; St. Thomas Aquinas – The Theologian; St. Catherine of Siena – The Mystic; Blessed John Henry Newman – The Convert; G. K, Chesterton – The Evangelist; and Michelangelo – The Artist; The subject. is very interesting, knowing the lives of these outstanding personalities in our Church History         

The cold winter days are kept warm with the coffee joe that church goers are treated after Mass on Sundays and Wednesdays. Our group welcome the opportunity to bond together, updating on our whereabouts, caring for one another – truly the Church as Jesus meant it to be!

Other highlights of the month:

·      Sean makes it a point to remind me to watch The Good Doctor on Mondays, with the new Season shows: still wonderful Freddie Highmore!
·      Still kept busy Keeping up with Doctors’ appointments and Tests for Good Health Maintenance; Kaiser making true to its slogan: Thrive!
·      Our St. Mel Church held an Open House / Dinner for Church volunteers on Jan. 20. It was to see and talk to families you have seen for more than 10years yet you got to talk and know them, like the Esguerra family whose sons (now 12 and 7) I have seen for the past 10 years, and many other people;
·      Visited Red’s (Sean’s Claret classmate) 3-storey building-pad in downtown SAC, then treated us for Lunch at Boiling Crab, as our New Year feast!
·      So Blessed to serve as Eucharistic Minister when Archbishop Bernardito Auza celebrated Mass at church on New Year’s Day. Msgr. Auza is the Vatican permanent representative to the United Nations in New York. He is from Bohol, graduate of UST, and classmate of Fr. Bobot Clemen, my Panglao neighbor. Msgr. Auza was in SAC, CA for the family reunion of his Clan with 12 siblings. Enjoyed photo ops with them!
·      Movies watched: Pitch Perfect 3, and The Greatest Showman!

Much love and Best Regards!!!