Tuesday, December 27, 2005

26 December 2005

Dear Loved Ones,


Like you, the past days had been quite hectic for me, preparing for Christmas, deluged by greetings and kept busy by work. I was assigned in the closing shift ( 5:00p – 11:30p) two weeks till Christmas, so resting most of daytime and spent activities with Sean who is on school break since Dec. 10. Thus, he was in the computer most of the time, the reason for the delay of this chapter.

First week of December, I was visited by “angels” in various forms. When I arrived in August, my sister excitedly informed that she had a patient, an Engineer who gave his card for me to call, but unfortunately, she lost the card, so we forgot all about it. Dec. 5, she called that the patient was in her clinic and he asked for me and gave details to send my Resume. I checked the website of WILLDAN.COM and it turned out Mr. Win Westfall is the Senior Vice-President, Corporate Relations. I immediately sent my Letter of Interest and Resume through e-mail. Two days later, Mr. Jeff Atteberry, Vice-President, City Engineering, called me and asked for appointment-interview at their office the following Monday. Dec. 12, I had interview with Mr. R. Blaser, Sr. Vice-Pres. Regional Director, Northern CA, and Jeff for almost two hours, including evaluation of detailed engineering drawings/ plans which I satisfactorily answered. These Site Development plans were work I was doing twenty five years ago as Civil Design Engineer for the various power plants of National Power Corp. in the Philippines. They expect me to start work in January 2006, but I’m still proceeding with my plan to go home to Pinas on Jan 28. and hope to be back sooner. The great feeling is the hope that there are so many opportunities open in America!!!

Dec. 16, we started attending the daily 8:30am mass for Misa de Gallo at St. Mel’s church to complete the 9 days novena for Christmas. To climax, we attended the 9:00pm Christmas eve mass, which was preceded by singing of Christmas songs at 8:30 PM, by the costumed-choir joined by the faithful. The finale song was Silent Night sang in English and three foreign languages – German, Filipino and Italian! I was teary-eyed when the Filipino couple in the choir sang “ang sanggol sa sabsaban”! (imagine that! Filipino is part of the three foreign language inside that church!) There were few other Filipinos in church that night(Dec. 24).

Dec. 21, we went to the wake of our cousin Nelly (Evelyn) Dompor-Garcia who passed away of C, in Vallejo, where we had reunion with other family members – Mommy Charing(her mother), Boyet and family, Gerry and family and many others. Eternal rest grant unto her Lord and May her soul rest in peace!
“December’s children are born of fire, and topaz calms their ardent desire.” Lustrous, inviting and cool as a winter morning sky, Blue Topaz stones are rarely found in nature. Topaz comes from the Sanskrit word for fire. The Egyptians wore topaz as a talisman to protect them against injury. It was thought to have magical properties to make its wearer invisible in a threatening situation. The Romans thought it could improve eyesight.

Not only is Blue Topaz the birthstone for December, it is also the traditional gift for a 4th wedding anniversary. Rated 8 on the Moh’s hardness scale, topaz gems are almost very durable; however, caution should be taken to avoid any sharp blows to the stone, Extreme temperature changes can also affect the stone and blue topaz should never be cleaned by a steam cleaning machine. A gift of blue topaz is symbolic of love and fidelity.

Christmas day, we spent time(2:00p -8:30pm) with the Daquipa Family – Nong Nonie, Ate Nenen, and their children Maria, Mark and Tony with his wife Steph. After the sumptuous meal, they had their traditional pictures-taking, followed by the opening of gifts to one another. Sean and I got our own share of lovely gifts from of their generosity. As I always travel light, I gave them several peso and dollar bills inside a greeting card, for their collection. In this season of sharing, no one is so poor as to have nothing to give and no one is so rich as to have nothing to want! So let the spirit of sharing continue throughout the year! As Sean said, now that we know the tradition, we have to wrap gifts next Christmas!

I got so many e-mail greetings and several phone calls today, some unexpected from Fr. Victor Bompat of Panglao, Bohol, Philippines, who was in CA for his annual apostolate and mission trip. He attended the funeral service for Nelly so he got in touch with me! We agreed to meet on Friday before he goes back to Philippines.

In the final months of my U.S. sojourn, I have mixed emotions. Happy that I experienced ad survived the changing of the seasons – summer, fall and winter; observing the dramatic changes of the leaves on the very old trees (maple, oak and evergreens) in front of our apartment. In my bedroom in Pinas, I have this beautiful painting of a forest which had a “calming effect” and it would easily bring me to sleep as I stared at it, while praying. Here in Citrus Heights, the “painting was alive” with those trees right in front of my bedroom window. I could hear the rustle of the leaves on the window panes as the wind or rain gently moves them and I continuously observed the dramatic color changes of the leaves, from green in summer, to orange/yellow in the fall until blown down and the branches completely bare of leaves now. Naturally, the leaves are expected to be back by spring as dramatically as they went. As the saying goes, if winter comes, can spring be far behind!

When I go home to Pinas, I have to adjust to realities there – the heavy traffic, the smog and pollution, but I’ll be home with my husband of 32 years! My life journey is really interesting – I have a daughter in New Jersey, a son in Sacramento, CA and a husband in the Philippines, can you imagine that! Well, I’m taking my options as they come along, wherever God leads me as I continue to pray for discernment

Upon the suggestion of a former schoolmate in UST Engineering Benjie, who had been following my journals, my son Sean created a website for me to publish my journals. So for my complete journals, you can access my website at http://sbgerardo.blogspot.com/.

You may put in your comments/remarks/advise, etc. Please do get in touch, I’ll appreciate it!

By the way, Sean got a Grade of A in all his subjects! And he was offered to be a student Beacon Tutor in Math in his school next semester (which will start on Jan. 17), so he will earn $ per hour. I read the e-mail of his Math teacher on the offer, “since you will be in Business some day, being a tutor will be a good training to develop good communications skills on how to be with people, and that is how I started!” . . . . . As if Sean needed a lot of convincing! Of course, Sean is looking forward to be a Tutor, earning for his pocket money. His grades and being a Tutor are giving him more confidence and hopefully, I can say that my stay here had been fruitful and rewarding indeed!!!

The opportunities here in America is amazing! I hope someday, Filipinos would have these options like people and students do have here. Now our college graduates could barely find jobs in Pinas, where knowing somebody is the norm, thus people just want to get out as OFW. Woe to corrupt politicians!

See you soon in Pinas! Best Regards and Love to all!!!
Susan B. Gerardo

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Pictures from upper right going down.

1. I'm drinking hot apple cider since it is so cold outside;

2. Look at the wonders of the four seasons. In this photo, it is the season of Fall;

3. I'm with Sean inside Sunrise mall; Sean took a picture of the grand Chritmas tree where kids/families had picture-taking with Santa;

4. Me, together with Sean who took a photo of the American flag inside Sunrise mall.
5. I took Sean's picture with our beautiful Christmas tree on his side.

Monday, November 21, 2005

21 November 2005

Dear Loved Ones,

The 3rd chapter of my journal is dedicated to my “saints” and “angels”, as we started the month with All Saints and Souls Days (Nov. 1 and 2). For a common frame of reference, here are my operational definitions:
Church Triumphant – church members who are enjoying blissful happiness with God in heaven. They include the canonized Saints and many “saints” who are not canonized. These saints would include close family members who led holy lives and are now in heaven. I believe they include my parents, who are my intercessors with God - guiding and looking after my well-being all these years; I always include special prayers for the intercession of these saints (especially for my parents);
Church Militant – all of us here on earth, who struggle to become better persons each day and continuously pray for personal salvation, including “angels”, who we become, when we do acts of love, kindness and generosity to others, even while we are on earth;
Church Suffering – church members who died but who are still in transition to heaven; we pray for their souls in order to hasten their entrance to God’s Kingdom;

Nov. 1 & 2, Sean and I attended Masses at the Holy Family Church, to honor the memory of the Church Triumphant, and pray for the Militants and Suffering;

Nov. 2: While working at SEARS Fine Jewelry, a personable lady approached my counter to make Exchanges for Pearl jewelry she had purchased days before. After completing the transaction, she asked me “Are you Filipina?” to which I replied, “Yes, and I’m new here, barely a month”. Then she continued: “It’s good that you have a job right away, when I was new here more than 20 years ago, I had difficulty and cried most of the time, because I was stable in the Philippines, a professor at UE, CPA, MBA and Ph.D., but I survived; you will too; good for you, only other Filipinos might look down on sales job.” So I whispered to her: “Me too, I have a Ph.D. in Commerce, etc. . . . . .”. Then she pulled out her business card from her purse and told me to send my Resume to her e-mail address. She turned out to be Dr. Connie Fajardo, Head Professor, Department of Finance, Accounting and Economics, School of Business and Management at the National University(NU) here in Sacramento.

The following day, I sent by e-mail, my Letter of Intent and Resume. Dr. Connie promptly replied, instructing me to report to her office Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1:30 PM for interview, to fill out application forms, bring required credentials and to prepare for a 15-minute oral Power Point presentation, on a Management topic I am comfortable with, to a simulated class setting.

Nov. 8, Tuesday, we (with my sister - Tuesday is her day off, so I asked her to accompany me) arrived at NU campus, a bit early to familiarize with the surroundings and get relaxed. My oral presentation came first, inside an A-V high-tech room for 100 audience. I presented a topic on Total Quality Management (assuming in a Production Management class). I guess I passed Dr. Connie’s criteria (she asked for that presentation first, maybe to test and get assurance about my “communication” ability); then we went back to her office to complete the application packet for a Faculty position, assuming that I will start teaching on familiar subjects, in the Spring term (January). NU(known as The University of Values) is located in 30 campuses around CA, Nevada, Hawaii and U.S. military installations, with main campus in San Diego, CA.

Part of the process is for them (NU) to ask the Registrar of U.S.T., Philippines, for the “original” of my Transcript of Records, to be sent directly to them. I signed authorization forms for the release of those records. It really now depends on how soon U.S.T. will respond to that request. There is a Faculty workshop on Dec. 7 and Dr. Connie hopes that I can join that schedule.

Reflecting on these events, Dr. Connie became my “angel”, sent by my saints in heaven. Call it Serendipity, “being at the right place at the right time”, feeding on one another’s needs, whatever it is; I call it A Blessing!, caused by my saints, using a human being to become an “angel”, to help me!

Have you experienced events in your life when out of the blue, angels would come to your rescue and help in the most unexpected way? I have experienced many similar happenings in my life. Others may justify rationally / scientifically, but I call it Divine Faith in action, translated into reality!

Nov. 12 – is my mother’s birthday. She would have been 97, if she were alive. I know she is actively working up there as my intercessor; hence, this journal chapter is my tribute to her! After her death in 1979, the course of my life changed drastically; I strongly feel that she is always there to guide, enlighten and strengthen me along my journeys. (The turning point came in 1981, when I took the Master in Hydropower Development course in Trondheim, Norway, staying more than a year in the Scandinavian region had completely changed my perspective on life for the better, affording me the global view and since then, I have been linked with their positive values and outlook of life.)

After attending Mass, we had dinner at my sister’s place with our cousin Ate Cel, who was visiting from San Francisco; had fun updating on family matters.

Nov. 24 – Thanksgiving Day is anticipated event in America, not only for the four-day long holidays, but also the start of big shopping for the Christmas season, expected by commercial establishments to bring in more sales, busy days for us!

In this Christmas holiday season, let us all be “angels” to others, especially the children, to bring ”cheers, hope, good news and glad tidings”; to be open to the prodding of the Holy Spirit, not to decline/refuse any opportunity to give love, kindness and generosity. I assure you, many angels will come your way too, in most unexpected ways. You have all been angels to me at various phases in my life; you know of the many unexpected blessings received that I feel I do not deserve at all, thanks to you, who were moved by my saints. It is the sincerity in our hearts, the open mind, doing the best we can and letting God do the rest! With the help of our divine intercessor-saints!

I learned about these beliefs / theories on angels and saints from a Dominican priest many years ago and I share these with you as part of my mission – the great feelings of hope, joy and peace!

Golden citrine, birthstone for November, French word for lemon, is far more varied in its palette than its citrus namesake. Citrine was worn as protection against evil thoughts and snake venom in ancient times. Historically symbolic of truth and integrity, citrine is believed to enhance mental energy. The stone opens the channels to the soul and helps the wearer attain a more grounded presence.

Tidbits: Attention TNEM! Tip for those who are looking for Alex Quirante (AQ). Upon the prodding of Loida EU, I asked around in April 2005. My kumpare (full PA colonel, PMA class 1987) informed that Mr. AQ was their good and effective Math teacher and that the last time he heard, AQ and his family had moved here in the USA. So if you want to pursue finding him, the clue would be to get in touch with his mistahs in the PMA class where he belongs (would he be in class PMA 1971, where Gringo Honasan and Sen. Lacson belong too? ) Quite interesting!

Much Love and Best Regards!

P.S. Dean Vicky, Dr. Rudy and Ms. Cora, I still need your Letters of Recom. Thank you!

Friday, October 28, 2005

28 October 2005

Dear Loved Ones,

This is the 2nd chapter of my journal. Due to positive feedback, I’m coming up with a monthly edition of snippets of our journey here, meant to be informative and to give you a glimpse of my uniqueness! (If you missed the 1st chapter, please give me notice, so I’ll send you copy, otherwise you’ll lose the continuity.)

To refresh your memory, I started work with SEARS on Sept. 28, after undergoing a comprehensive on-line training I took for three(3) days, after which I went “on the floor” at the Fine Jewelry Dept. got my own keys wearing the dress code of solid black or white (combination) with collar, black or tan bottoms, “business casual”; the pay is basic hourly rate plus commission, plus you enjoy 20% Associate discounts on everything you purchase from SEARS; that started my being part of the American workforce, so I have something to pay for the apartment and maintenance, until January.

Here are two American stories:
1. When I received my 1st paycheck, I put it in my clear purse (issued by SEARS which we can bring to the floor with a bottle of water), I went to the Ladies Restroom and left my purse on a ledge, before I went to a cubicle. While inside, I heard somebody mumbling something which I did not mind and when I came out, my purse was missing! After looking around and asking people, I called the Loss Prevention unit to report and asked if a purse was turned in to them, sadly NO was the answer!

After the panic and denial, it dawned on me that I must have lost everything I had, since in there were all my IDS: Driver license, BA Credit/Debit cards, my Citibank VISA card, etc., SSS and 1st paycheck! Kung sa Pilipinas iyon, I would have lost hope. But this is America, so I prayed hard and kept my faith! And I thought everything good that happened would be changed to negative and I have to go back home to the Philippines ASAP!

So this is America! About thirty minutes later, Peter, a Chinese in the shoe section called that a customer approached him and turned over a purse and that it might be mine. When I looked, it was mine alright and everything in it was there! My Manila assistant Jessica could not believe that “talaga m’am, lahat kumpleto, walang nawala, kahit pera nyo walang bawas!” Yes, that’s true, guess I am still very lucky and Blessed! Thus, I am still on the right track of my journey!

When I recounted the incident to Sean, I said that if I did not recover it, I should have gone home to Pinas immediately and he agreed it was the only option for me, because I would have lost my identity, with my SSS number in there! Then, we realized that Sean was ready to be left on his own in the U.S.A;. and that is the great positive result of that “almost missing episode”!

(Flashback! Remember, in Pinas, I lose material things almost annually to pickpockets (bags, wallets, etc., climaxed by the loss of our Pajero vehicle to carnappers last December, which partly moved me to come to USA; Criminality is so rampant – seems no one is afraid of Authority anymore! During those “humbling episodes, you die a little”, developing your humility and remove your attachment to material things; after all, we are only temporary stewards of God’s resources on earth. It’s one reason why I can easily detach myself from non-essentials, and move on to my pilgrimage wherever God leads me!)

2. I received a substantial amount from the Philippines which I intended to add to a time deposit (they call it Certificate of Deposit-CD) in my Bank of America (BA) account. I approached my BA personal banker Mr. Eric to tell my intention. Instead of accepting my additional deposit, he advised that BA rates were rather low and gave me names of two other banks who were offering higher CD rates. (I could not believe because in Pinas, it is unheard of that one would recommend competitor banks, then I realized this is what you call, not only Customer Satisfaction, but also Customer Delight!!! They really care for you, what is advantageous to you!) He assured me though that when I want to buy a house, to come to him because BA really offers the lowest rates! So I heeded his advise and proceeded to Citibank which was just across the street from BA, since I also have Citibank dollar accounts and Visa card in the Philippines.

As I went inside Citibank, I loitered about and the Manager came up front and when I told my intention and the story about Eric, he was amused and confirmed that their rates were really higher and that Eric must really like/love me! Then, when I showed my Visa Credit Card where embossed on it, after my Name is “Founder Member”. (You see, I got my Citibank Gold Card in 1994, when it first opened and since then that “Founder Member” is embossed after my name, the reason why I could not let go of my card even if I don’t use it anymore.) Right then and there, the Manager called out to his Staff and announced: “Hey guys, Susan here is the owner of Citibank in the Philippines!” Then the staff gathered around to greet me and looked at my unique card with my 1994 ID picture on it, they have a different card design here. Imagine that, I was quietly amused, anyway, I took it with humor as they gave me VIP service/attention. Yes, I got higher CD rate for 9 months, almost 3 times what BA could offer.

By the way here, the Bank Managers are the frontliners, greeting clients as they enter the door, asking them their needs and directing them where to go, offering lollipops or coffee while waiting. Managers do not stay inside closed door offices, unapproachable, indifferent to customer needs, like most Pinas banks! Philippine banks should learn. Here, the norm is TQM!

About Sapphires, my September birthstone. Sapphires do not only come in blue, but in orange and pink as well. Sapphires have been prized for their versatile beauty, extremely durable and resistant to chipping and breakage, ideal gemstone for wearing everyday. Mined primarily in Australia, Sri Lanka and Thailand, deep blue sapphires are traditionally associated with royalty and worn by kings to protect them from harm; gorgeous orange sapphires (called Padparadshah) are becoming popular, while the pink sapphires go with any outfit anywhere (pink is the new black). Sapphire is the gemstone given on the 5th, 23rd and 45th wedding anniversary.

I have to explain to customers everything about diamonds and other gems of the world: the 4C’s, the 7 different cuts of diamonds, etc. We are given weekly schedules and when one is assigned to open or close, one has to test the diamonds upon getting out from the vault in the AM and before putting inside the vault in the evenings. I work 5 days a week and I have been assigned closing shifts 12:30 – 9:15 PM, and opening 9:30AM to 6:00PM alternately, so I have to test all those diamonds. I also take charge of checking in fine jewelry inventories on Saturdays which come in by UPS, from the head quarters in Illinois, where procurement is centrally done, from all over the world suppliers. Weekly rotation is management measure to prevent personnel collusion and conspiracy, loss prevention strategy. SEARS, the world’s largest store chain (SEARS Tower, the world’s tallest building in Illinois) is partly owned by Citibank and BA. . . . . more informative sharing next chapter!

I guess a 2 to 3 page journal is just right, otherwise, ma-bore na kayo, so I’ll say bye for now, best regards and God Bless Us All Always!!! Love,

Some comments on the 1st chapter from my loved ones:
Dean Vicky Naval, PUP: “I want to hug you and your son on this pleasant journey” . . .. . . .
Dr. Rudy De Lara, U.S.T., PUP, RTU, UP: “I will share your experiences with my students” . . .
Ms. Cora Ignacio, AB English, U.P. and HR Specialist: “You accomplished what normally takes 5 years to do, in just two months with your resourcefulness and strength of character” . . . .”you write like a journalist!” . . (that is why I’m continuing with my writings!)
Thelma: “you belong to the top 5% of Filipinos who easily adjusted to life in America and succeed, congrats!” . . . .
Marilou, my kumare: “na-iinggit ako sa iyo, puwede bang sumama na dyan?” . . . .
My U.S.T. TNEM groups, Dolly, Zeny, Emma, Lin, etc. “Congrats you are doing great”. . “ hep, hep, hooray!”‘. . . .”with your positive outlook in life, you will surely go places” . . . . . .”we miss you, especially when we think of Tagaytay Highlands”
Gerry, my husband: “Hindi ka ba naninibago dyan, eh dito Boss ka namin! Anyway Day, enjoy ka lang; pag-ayaw mo na, umuwi ka na dito! “ (This is the re-assuring comfort, that I still have a life and home in the Philippines!!!)

Friday, September 23, 2005

23 September 2005

Dear Loved Ones,

This is addressed to people close to me, who greeted me on my birthday, interested on how I spent my special day and how we are doing now, in our little corner of America! para isang kuwentuhan na lang!

Speaking of discerning God's Will! Our (Sean and I) journey is a testimony that when things go well and smooth, then you are on the right track and doing His Will! Take note of the chronology flow of events:

July 30, 2005 - Met up with my son Sean (who came from New Jersey, while I came from Manila) at San Francisco airport. Met by my niece Maria who was kind enough to drive us all the way to Sacramento. (The original plan was for us to take the train from Sanfo to Sacto, her kindness will never be forgotten!);
July 31 - Brought around Sacramento, to the "Los Rios" schools by my sister, Ate Nenita, to compare. There are 4 colleges along the American River (American River College, Cosumnes College, Sacramento City College and Folsom Lake College) all collectively called "LosRios District Colleges". Sean decided he liked American River College (ARC) due to its proximity and ambience, whatever that is;
Aug 1 - Sean registered on the Internet for his enrollment at ARC, got accepted, got schedules on line;
Aug 2 - He reported to ARC for his Assessment Test at 1:30 PM(by computer), checked, passed and paid for his Registration;
Aug. 3 - He went back at 1:30PM for his Orientation, arranged his class schedule, got his cards, student ID and collected his books. His student ID gives him access to free transport in all public buses and trains, and purchase discounts;
Aug. 11 - Sean and I took and passed our written DMV driver licenses exams;
Aug. 14 - We moved to our own cute apartment, which is along the bus route and near the city center, with my brother-in-law and sister providing the necessities: like bed for Sean, dining table chairs, plates, glasses, etc. Their home is in a very exclusive place, far from public transport; and this is in accordance with our plan, to be independent sooner than later;
Aug. 15, 8:00A.M.- Sean started with his classes at ARC with a course on Design Techology. His subjects include Auto CADD Design, Math (Algebra), Art and English. Originally, he wanted to be an Architect. But as he realized that the demand for Civil Engineers is much higher since Sacto is still fast developing, , he now wants to take up Civil Engineering. He has been performing very well in his classes and is very much driven to excel as a Filipino in a foreign land. His high-tech training in Claret is serving him well, kung hindi mahihirapan siya. I myself am amazed at his strong metamorphosis and sense of responsibilities; His class schedule is: M-W-F, 8:00 AM to 3:00PM; T-Th: 1:00 PM to 8:00PM so hectic din, 9:00Pm na dumadating pg T-Th;
Aug 18 -We bought our state-of-the-art computer system, got connected with high-speed Comcast internet, complete with Webcam and speaker and since then, we had been video conferencing with our Manila office, speaking for hours for free thru Yahoo Messenger,, without the long-distance telephone charges; kaya parang nasa Manila din lang ako, all the issues are discussed and decided upon;
Aug. 22 - We bought our used model 2004 Malibu Chevrolet Classic Car sedan, (maroon color) na gusto ni Sean, one that we expect to use for the next five years. So tita Cors, completo na at comportable ang buhay namin dito, say mo! Remember, I sold out my green car there, para may pambili dito, so sulit lang;
Aug. 31 - I took and passed my "behind the wheel" drive test by the DMV; Sean has to postpone his, to comply with California law for minors to have at least 50 hours driving instruction. Besides he is busy with school, sa December na lang siguro; We had been enjoying good health and the best of the American system, enjoy na enjoy ako with the Gov. "Arnold S." way, imbibe ko na ang freedom and law and order for all! When I watch inq7.net and GMA news shows here which I often do, Sean would say, those are the things that we are glad not to be experiencing anymore, joke lang, he-he! miss ko pa rin ang mga baha at mga bungi-bungi. Actually, I'm just enjoying the benefits of having a "green card", taking my options as they come, savoring the best of both Pinoy and US worlds!
So Sean has found his little corner here and we know God is guiding us! On this jourey, I've adopted a "missionary outlook" with the lowest expectations, so that every good thing that happens is a pleasant surprise. So far, people we've met had been very nice, here in our apartment community which are mostly Eastern European, everyone greets everybody when you meet them around, vey quiet and peaceful environment, I could live here for the next 5 years! How I celebrated my birthday on Sept. 20? When I opened my cell to text Sean (Sept. 20 dyan, nakasingit ang birthday greetings ni Bro. Jack and Fr. Art). On the morning of Sept. 20, Sean and I started with a Mass at Our Holy Family Church here in Citrus Heights. Ate called to meet for lunch. I got a call from SEARS Human Resource the day before, for an interview for possible employment at 1:00 PM, Sep 20 here, so Ate and I agreed to meet at 12:15 at Sunrise Mall where SEARS is. We decided to eat after the interview since it mght take just a few minutes. My interviewer was a Chinese Ms. Yin and we enjoyed exchanging anecdotes and she decided to hire me right then and there, then edorsed me to the staff to fill out forms. It took me more than an hour to finish everything. My Ate, who kept coming back for me, decided to sit on the receiving area to wait for me, she was wondering why we were already discussing tax exemptions or how to get my salary. Ganoon sila dito kabilis mag-decide, walang red-tape. I'm just waiting for the background check and undertake some drug tests. Hopefully, I'll have my 1st job in America by next month. We finally had lunch about 3:00 PM, continued to talk and hang-out in the Mall until 6:30 PM. At home, Sean and I had Norwegian Salmon steak with noodles, salad and soup for dinner, para daw kaming nasa Manila Hotel! It was a simple but very memorable 1st birthday celebration in America! Note: I received through the mail my laminated California driver license valid for 4 years, also on my birthday!

HR Recruitment here is done on-line. An applicant walks into one of two terminals set-up, inputs personal data and responds to Assessment tests/questions of 50 to 100 crtical work situations, with 5 choices, where you select your "best" and "worst" intuitive responses I've done that in at least five terminals. SEARS was my 2nd interview, the 1st was TARGET but I declined because the only option was a 4PM to 11PM shift, in which case I would not see my son anymore, which would defeat the purpose of my stay here. If I did good in all those walk-in assessents ,it means I would be expecting more interviews coming.

Since I have a return air ticket valid for six-months until January 30, 2006, I plan to maximize my stay here, explore all possibilities for work or business, keeping an open mind, considering teaching, selling, business, i'm even reading materials to take exams to qualify for postal jobs exams by December; Wherever or whatever God will lead me to! Meantime, what keeps me most busy, aside from the household chores, is when Sean is here, I really drill him on Math, even up to Calculus that we always sleep very late, 12:00 to 1:00 A.M. here ang sleeping time namin. I just do the cooking, Sean does all the rest, laundry, vacuum, toilet cleaning, etc,. Kailangan share of chores dito.

I had my educational credentials from U.S.T. evaluated by the Educational Records Evaluation Service(ERES) here and ERES certified that my Ph.D. is equivalent/ comparable to a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the United States. It's good that I brought the "original" Transcript of Records of my three degrees from U.S.T.

By the way, our contact address is:

7679 Greenback Lane, #2052
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Home phone is : (916) 729-3075 ; I still have my Smart cellphone, but I only open it to send text (for emergency).

Yes, Ms. Cora, my apartment is just 500 meters from that center where you used to chill out at Barnes & Noble, located at the Birdcage Walk, opposite the Sunrise Mall. It's like the distance from my home in Fairview to SM Fairview. Can you blame me for loving it here? Well, I miss you all guys, keep posted as we continue to pray for one another for God's continuous Blessings!!!

Much Love and Best Regards!!!



I sent this message out last Sept.23. I sarted my work with Sears Sept. 28 and after undergoing orientation training through interactive computer terminals, customized "People Software", very comprehensive, parang application lahat nang pinagaralan ko sa MBA and PHD, quite an experience and loving every minute of it. I take charge of inventories of fine jewelry, test all the diamonds and gems of the world, gusto nyo bang bumili or mag-business tayo, mura lang kung mag-clearance sale sila dito! I didn’t know that I had Marketing skills. So far, na-eexceed ko naman ang sales goal ko, salary is basic hourly rate plus commission on sales, at least may-pambayad sa apartment and maintenance.
Miss you all guys, so please keep in touch! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A MORE BLESSED NEW YEAR!!! Love, Susan and Sean


Love, Susan and Sean