Saturday, April 29, 2006

26 April 2006

Dear Loved Ones,


Please say a little prayer for her, thank you! This month had been quite interesting and hectic for me. Interesting, in the sense that we experienced sudden highs and drops in temperatures and heavy rainfalls in-between, especially during weekends. Fortunately for me, I was able to acclimatize myself to the sudden changes in temperature that I am still okay as far as my health is concerned.

In addition to the trainings on iLinc which kept me busy since my return to USA, I am happy to inform that I got my daytime job when Willdan asked me to report last April 3 to start work with them, 8:00 to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Thank God for this wonderful Blessing!

So far, so good! Part of the Willdan Group of Companies (WGC). Willdan is an Engineering Consultancy firm providing services to public works agencies/projects, our Sacramento office for the Northern CA area. You may visit our website to know more about our company. I am the only Asian in our office, mostly whites and a few Mexicans; I thought I would be the only “oldie” but I was glad to find that there are two other female engineers who are older than me; being consultants, they really needed “mature personalities”, thus, I felt at home at once and happy with my work environment. I am provided with everything, my own 5m x 5m Cubicle, by the window with a beautiful view of surrounding trees and my car parking space, “networked systems” - the best working conditions I've had. I do checking of detailed design plans, ensure that they conform to standard American Codes and Specifications, so I have to study and brush up on my Engineering knowledge and competencies, this time on the American Standards. Then, I am now part of the workforce that drive on the freeways 18 miles, about 20 minutes, each way, AM and PM.

We have a room that serve as dining/kitchen where we have “Seattle’s Best” coffee all the time, all kinds of tea, a ref to store your “baons”, microwave, vending machine for all kinds of chitchirias and colas, a very hygienic restroom where you can literally rest or sleep, everything to make a comfortable work environment, the pay is good. 3rd Friday of the month is “Pizza lunch day” where all employees gather together to honor birthday celebrants for the month, around the conference table full of all kinds of pizza, cakes, drinks, etc., nice way to nurture camaraderie. On the personal side, now we are at the stage of looking for a ‘new house under construction’ which we plan to move in by July (less than a year since we came in), enjoying God’s graces, all Thanks and Gratitude to God for being kind to us, for His bountiful Generosity and Love!!!

As I told Fr. Ed, God prepared me for this life, giving me a PhD when I was supposed to be retiring in Pinas, but here I can even get three jobs if I want to; yon nga lang I am utilizing God-given talents here which were not afforded me in Pinas, where the norm is the politics of patronage, sayang! So far, I made good impressions on my superiors, on my 2nd week when I was familiar with the codes, 1 project plan which was due on April 26 – I completed on April 14; a project due on May 10 – I finished on April 25; so now, I’m deluged with 3 projects, that’s how focused I am on doing things. Now I am pacing myself with their system.

On my NU iLinc training, we are wrapping up the course this week-end and I am now ready to teach on-line. I have started preparing my lessons because we have a hectic schedule; one course per month; 5 hours per session for 10 sessions per course, one has to be prepared for the class session.

Well, since I am now pre-occupied with two exciting jobs, I have to shorten my journals in order not to bore you but I’ll do my best to continue sharing my experiences in this land of opportunities.

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

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