Monday, December 31, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings to everyone! Wishing you a more Blessed New Year 2008 and hope we had set our goals and resolutions for the year as we continue to pray and thank God for His Love, Mercy and Generosity, among many others!

Consistent with appropriate phase and goals in life, for this month I indulged in social-cultural- sports activities: attended a symposium at California State University Sac (CSUS) where former VP Al Gore spoke on Global Environment and Warming on the week before he took off to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in Norway. Sean and I also enjoyed watching the NCAA Volleyball Women’s Championship which was held for the first time at the Sacramento Arco Arena. The final game went the distance of 3-2 games best of 5 sets with Penn State University winning over the Stanford University team. The passion for volleyball dates back to my high school senior year when I was captain of our school team which was champion at the provincial level meet. During the meet, I was also the school bet for the Spelling and Religion contests, that was how well-rounded I am, even then. I also played with the Engineering volleyball team at UST for 2 years. That accounts for my athletic build till now, and I am so glad that Sean shares with me that passion.

Like everyone, I had meaningful celebration of the holidays, completed the 9-days novena Masses, had get-together at home with friends on Dec. 29 (my last Saturday of the year tradition) with Ms. Cora Ignacio helping with food preparation; exchanging gifts, etc. I hope that we put the significance of Jesus’ coming in the apex of all the festivities.

Recently, Gerry and company visited Tagaytay Fantasy World to check on the property scheduled for turn-over early next year. We made the investment on the development 5 years ago, but since priorities have changed, we are putting up the asset in the market for sale. As shown in photo B, it is a single-detached 2-story, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms structure on 200 s.m. lot. Anyone interested to acquire this property, please get in touch with me.

Effective January, my consultancy work at the Sacramento county is “on-call M-W-F” status, and with my Faculty job, will allow me more time for spiritual enrichment activities. Thus, I am shifting the burden for financial support of our stay here to our Manila business. Anyway, Gerry had always enjoined me to ‘relax like his Pinas’ life; we deserve it after working hard for so long. Our life phase is to ‘give back to the world’, but since my U.S. social circle is constrained, I will focus more on a contemplative life of prayer.

On Wisdom, Holy Word of God: Scriptures provide wealth of wisdom and clear path for us to follow, as Jesus has come into our midst to rescue the least ones and lift them out of their suffering. We have only to ask Jesus to heal our suffering and need, and show us the way to extend his salvation to others. How will wisdom affect your use of time and resources? Did you give gifts to people who can’t give back? Will you write a letter to heal an old wound or rift? Where and with whom will you spend your time? Let us pray that God will give us Wisdom with His strong but tender care, “Come and show us the way to salvation”.

Photos attached are: A) with some guests at home on Dec. 29; B) Gerry with his angels at the Tagaytay property. Let us continue to pray for our country and people - Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings to everyone! Happy Christmas and more Blessed New Year and Thanks God for the many Blessings received for year 2007!

After Thanksgiving Day (which was spent mostly at church and home), we joined the rest of America to the black Friday shopping spree. We brought home, among others, a new digital camera and electronic piano-organ. Now, Sean can resume playing Nocturne, other classic and Maksim music, and my favorite ABBA songs.

Personalities in my Circle. We held our Opus Dei circle with Deidre as our supernumerary/ leader, who just returned from a 3-year stay in Naples, Italy. She stayed there with her family (her husband on assignment with the military, and their 7 children (ages 3 to 18). They are back for good, adjusting well with American life, driving a big van, full of enthusiasm – amazing energy, with her big family! On the other hand, Libby (our host for the circle at her home) had just returned from a 5-year stint in Asia (last stay was in Thailand; she also stayed for 1 year in Manila working at the U.S. Embassy). During her Asian sojourn, she had her husband (also on assignment with the State Dept.) and baby (Simone, now 3 years old) and came back, bringing with them a container full of Asian treasures which she had on display for sale at her home as showroom. Being used to house helps in Asia, she is having difficulty adjusting to life here and is on the verge of depression. While I identify myself more with Deidre, I also empathize fully with Libby’s circumstances.

It might be a similar situation for my hubby Gerry if he decides to stay here. How can he give up Pinas life easily, when he enjoys the company of a driver, 2 house helps, and assistants in the office, ready at his beck and call? In contrast here, office top bosses in their seventies mix their own coffee in the break room, do their own photocopies of documents, or drive their cars, among others; I pity looking at them sometimes. Oh well, I am so blessed to enjoy the best of both worlds, that I am open to different life circumstances because early in my career, I acquired good influences with my Scandinavian experience (like better quality of life, higher gender equality, best socialist democracy government) and by reading inspiring books/biographies, like Liv Ullman’s book ‘Choices’. By the way, in 1981, I visited her home in Trondheim, Norway while she was there, and watched live an ABBA concert in Oslo.

Currently, I feel the pressure to take the CE professional exam for me to assume a higher office position, the tedious routine of long driving and the need for me to relax a little to enjoy life more. Since I do not intend to stay here long, by January 2008 I will quit my County consultancy job and focus on my NU Faculty assignment, teaching being my passion. Toward this end, I just joined a Scripture Study group at St. Mel’s church, starting with First Corinthians, with the objective to deepen understanding of my faith and more time on the essentials of life. Next year, I also plan to enroll in the Scripture Institute of the catholic University of Sacramento, as part of maximizing potentials and learning for life.

Photos attached are: 1) at home with Sean taken on the new 10 mega pixel digicam; 2) another shot of our new organ; 3) at our home altar. Thanks for God’s Graces! Let us continue to pray for our country and people - Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings to everyone! This month (the Rosary month), we celebrated the Feast of our Lady of Fatima (Oct. 13) and our Lady of La Naval in Sto. Domingo, QC. (this year is the Centenary of the Canonical Coronation of our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary). As Gerry reported and as shown on GMA Pinoy TV, the annual procession was attended by extra huge crowd so he could only glance at our Dominican priest friends from a distance. November is the month to remember our dear departed loved ones and our saints so we offer special prayers for them!

My invitation to friends visiting America is to allocate one week-end (Friday PM to Sunday PM) to spend with us. So when Ms. Cora (former NPC boss at HR and kumare) arrived for her usual 6-month visit with her sisters in the Sacramento area, bringing goodies from home, I asked her to spend the week-end of Oct. 12-14 with us, and the following was our week-end activities (typical, except for two Saturdays each month when I have my NU teaching classes).

I fetched Cora from her sister’s home in Rocklin at 3:00PM Friday, passed by Bel-air to buy some groceries, then head home to catch up with ‘24 Horas’ news over Pinoy TV, and had dinner, updating on stories from Pinas. 2nd Saturday of each month is my Opus Dei routine (9:30a -12:00n) so brought her to our spiritual activities. Along the way, we passed by 2 garage sale where we bought some curio items. We had lunch at Fresh Choice, spent the rest of the afternoon chilling at Barnes and Noble, before going back to St. Mel’s church for the anticipated Mass at 4:30p., had dinner before watching ‘Startalk and Bubble Gang’ on Pinoy TV, simultaneously had our laundry washer then dryer on. The next day Sunday woke up early for breakfast, then off to our clubhouse gym for various work-outs (treadmill, abs machine, etc.), more walks, then lunch while watching ‘SOP, then Showbiz Central’. We have to alternate our TV watching with Sean’s Volleyball sports on (we share this passion for this game). By 4:00p, we were off to Folsom Outlets for shopping, most time at ‘Naturalizer’ for shoes on sale. We arrived at her sister’s home at 7:30p per schedule to have dinner with the family. We met very cute Noah Pewitt (born May 5, 2007) – grandson of Ed and Claire Tagala (Cora’s sister). Noah’s mom Vanessa cooked dinner and took the photo shown. Had a nice time with the family before Sean and I headed back home, ready for another busy week-days of school and work.

Cora went home with 4 new pairs of shoes (2 Naturalizers, Nine West and Liz Claiborne) while I had 1 Naturalizer. So Imelda is not alone in her fondness for shoes. Actually, many Pinays share this ‘shoes thing’. I am hooked on Naturalizer (good fit for my feet), have 10 pairs of shoes/slip-ons to date.

I recently had my semi-annual comprehensive medical check-up thru my Kaiser Permanente coverage and thank God everything is okay – results of all blood tests were within normal limits. October being ‘breast cancer-awareness month’ and with no record yet, my doctor insisted on my Mammography and Ultrasound, and 2 doctors aside from the technician, confirmed that my breasts were normal and good, as I affirmed that I feel fine and lead an active exercise life! Here, they are so strict on preventive care which is so good, like taking flu shots and the like. By the way, when my pregnant Aerobic teacher took leave, Eli took over who introduced the Yoga type of exercises which I find more effective and relaxing!

Congratulations to our Manila office staff of Fairview Shipping for the renewal by the POEA of its license to operate for the next four years (up to 2011, which means I can retire with the company). Likewise, there are prospects for partnering of NVSC (especially with Janicke back in Pinas with the Norwegian Embassy) with a Norwegian firm for the recruitment of engineers, nurses and other land-based workers for deployment in Norway. Thus, I am looking forward to be busy when I return to Pinas next year, God willing!

Photos attached are: 1) with Cora and Noah; 2) with Lik and Gene at St. Mel’s church. Thanks for God’s Graces! Let us continue to pray for our country and people - Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

September 30, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings to everyone! Thank God for the gift of Life – Good Health, Peace, simple Joys and Love, among others! Thanks for all the Birthday greetings sent my way! Happy Birthday and Best Wishes too for my daughter Sarah – Sept. 7!

Anniversaries! Congratulations to our Manila office staff, officers and crew of Fairview Shipping (FSC – engaged in international crewing) on its 10th anniversary! The original license was issued by the Philippine Overseas Employment Admin. (POEA), dated on Sept. 20, 1997 (my birthday - just coincidental), after processing/following on it for almost 3 months. Our other company, Fairview Marine Transport Corp. (FMTC – engaged in domestic shipping) is also marking its 5th anniversary this month. FMTC’s ship management contract with CalEnergy Water and Energy Comp. in Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija, was renewed for another 2 years with a 10% increase in the contract price – which means job security for our employees. The increase will be passed on to our employees’ additional benefits. Great work and compliments to our hard-working staff, especially to my husband Gerry! It also helped that my doctoral dissertation is ‘Benchmarking Competencies of Filipino Sea-based Workers – Towards Global Competitiveness’, where I graduated Summa Cum Laude. With such blessings in Pinas, it is the reason my husband does not need to stay here in America.

On Sept. 8, Gerry was sponsor at the wedding of our office staff Relly. Next to marry will be Joya (former staff who is now based in Singapore) whose boyfriend is a seaman she met at our office – recommended by Dr. De Lara. Hopefully, next in line is my loyal assistant Jessica, whose boyfriend she also met at our office, is a Chief Officer from Bohol. I would like to commend the services of Jessica who joined us after graduation with Accounting degree from PUP in 1998. With our training and guidance, and being a fast learner herself, she acquired the knowledge, skills and proper attitude over the years, to supervise the daily operations of the business, great work Jessica! With good social skills and needed competencies, Jessica and our office staff (including Agnes Robles – a former colleague at NPC, a social worker) are able to network effectively with agencies (POEA, MARINA, City Hall, SEC, BIR, Banks, Insurance and other entities) to enable our companies operate smoothly. With global communications, I am still on top of company operations. After 2 years in America, I am on the right track of my goals – to enjoy the best of both worlds!

Policy of Sharing! Aside from applying and utilizing effective/ efficient modern Management techniques and tools, such as TQM, ISO and compliance to all statutory standards, we adopted the policy of sharing the fruits of the business with our employees. At peak of business (1998 – 2003), we gave as much as 6 month’s salary annual extra bonuses (anniversary, mid-year, Christmas, New Year, birthday (Gerry and mine) to our staff, in addition to 13th month bonus. That is why Gerry is known as ‘Sir Bonus’. Likewise, we give free lunch to our staff as we all eat together at our office dining table, as additional incentive. We took the ‘bonus’ style of E. Cojuangco Group of Comp. where Gerry used to work at Filsov Shipping, and the ‘free lunch’ is our own sharing from the heart.

I would like to recall about my 1st business investor. In 1997, when I was on the verge of retirement from NAPOCOR(after 20 years service), my last assignment was as Construction Manager stationed at the Meralco Balintawak Subststation, working on the 230 KV Power Transmission Project, running from Sucat, Araneta to Balintawak, with ABB Power, Siemens and MIESCOR as contractors/suppliers. I managed to network well with these guys and MERALCO staff, so that when they learned of my retirement, they encouraged me to put up my own contracting company, thus the birth of SAFE Construction, my 1st entrepreneurial venture. In a way, instead of retiring/resting, I got my 2nd wind being busy putting up those tall electric posts along south superhighway up to Quirino/Araneta Aves. The MERALCO manager (he is now a MERALCO Vice-President, also a UST alumni) readily entrusted to me his money as investment, which inspired and moved me to work hard and succeed, with God’s Blessings, my philosophy - Pray Hard and Work Hard! Over the years, I gave him 40% ROI of the initial amount annually, or 400% return for 10 years, and hope to continue doing so. Moreover, we exchange corporate give-aways during Christmastime. Thus, I have used this yearly MERALCO book-diary, even as I am in America. Along the way, our families have become very close; he helped some of our fiends having problems with MERALCO.

Our companies’ philosophy is derived from its name Fairview – Fair Deals to its Customers – Principals / Clients, Employees / Crew; and Sincerity in our Hearts!

Much thanks to Benjie Saldua (UST, CE ’69) for recommending to me the use of "blogspot" 2 years ago! Now I am on the 25th month of my journal - running on 3rd year.

Photos attached are: 1) at lunch with our office staff; 2) my apo MAX Gerardo-Byrnes at 4 yrs old (he turned 5 last July 3; 3) at our home park. Thanks for God’s Graces! Let us continue to pray for our country and people - Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,
Pleasant Greetings to everyone! Tomorrow is the start of the ‘BER’ months, which means in Pinas (for my husband) the start of the Christmas season, sing the carols and bring out the decors from storage. Let me be the first to greet you Happy Christmas!

Last June 29, there were 7 new priests ordained in the Diocese of Sacramento and 3 of them were Filipinos (43%). First week of August, one of the 3 - Fr. George Snyder, was presented during Mass as the new assistant-priest in our St. Mel’s parish. He introduced himself as follows: “I come from the Philippines. You might be wondering about my name and my appearance. My father is mixed German, American, and Spanish, while my mother is pure Filipino and I look exactly like my mother . . . ..” he grew up in Vallejo, CA. Later, after Mass, people queued up to greet him, Sean and I ‘blessed’, he greeted us ‘kumusta kayo’ and spoke fluent Filipino. I learned his folks are from Cavite, Tirona-Tuazon family. Since then, he has been regularly celebrating the 8:30 A.M. Mass, with his good singing and profound homilies. We feel like we are at Sto. Domingo church, so at home. God is so great! Thus, in addition to our monthly Opus Dei activities, I am so blessed to have this enriched spiritual environment.

I usually culminate my day by watching interesting shows on television. I watch American Idol, So you think you can dance, Dancing with the stars, Larry King Live, among others. I am always amazed at how the contestants are so alive and energetic, especially the women having those greatly-shaped bodies. I am moved to at least aspire to have a similar shape with those girls, like Sabra of ‘Dance’ (the ultimate winner)! She is small but she has this athletic type of body; hence, I always go to the clubhouse to do some exercise such as cardio work-out on the treadmill for 30 minutes so that I would be like Sabra, Kelly Ripa (of Live Regis and Kelly), or Angelina (my role body models). Likewise, I regularly join the group doing aerobics. Our instructor is very lively and energetic, and what amazes me most is that even if she is now 8 months pregnant (her baby is due on Sept. 18), she still jumps around, lift weights and do whatever to keep her body in shape. She has been our instructor for the past 10 months and intends to continue doing so until end of August. These are the types of people who inspire me to work hard to help maintain my health. Especially because of recent Flip visitors, I have a lot of Filipino foods in my fridge right now such as sinigang, kare kare with bagoong, embutido, dinuguan, etc. all of these fattening food, of course I eat along with my son Sean, but because food here is really abundant, it is so difficult fighting the temptation to indulge. And so in order for me to maintain my weight, I balance it with a good amount of exercise.

Summer will soon be over so we have to maximize the use of our other clubhouse amenities – the swimming pool, jacuzzi, spa, so Sean and I go there 2x a week – oh how relaxing! In the early morning on week-ends around 8am, when most are still asleep, no one else is using the spa and the 3 pools, thus we have exclusive use, it feels like you own the entire complex. Somehow the ambience is similar to being at Tagaytay Highlands. The pool is well maintained, the air is unpolluted like in Tagaytay up in the mountains. The big difference is that while we have to drive 2 hours to Tagaytay, these amenities are just 100 meters walk from our home. I do about an hour swimming - backstrokes, freestyle, or just float around, enjoying our masterplanned community facilities – life is beautiful! The fall season is coming soon, so we take advantage swimming twice a week since the pools and spa are located outside the main clubhouse. Once the cold season is here, the pools will be closed and we will be limited to indoor facilities and exercises. Swimming is a good exercise as it works your whole body, improving cardiovascular conditioning, muscle strength, endurance, posture, and flexibility at the same time. Here are some photos of our outdoor activities.

Last August 10, Thelma Tan-Gee (my former office-mate at NAPOCOR, Pinas) and family visited and had lunch at home. The 6 of them (she, her husband Terry, son Terence, sister and her two children) were on their way 3-day vacation to Lake Tahoe. Wish they had a great time in Tahoe!

Thanks for God’s Graces! Let us continue to pray for our country and people - Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings to everyone! Scorching summer in our part of the globe, wet days in Pinas, winter in New Zealand where my friend Margie’s family had settled.

“Why are you Asians so determined and persistent to achieve your goals to the point of stubbornness?" was the comment of Sean’s school counselor when he insisted on enrolling in three (3) subjects this summer. He needed to complete the requirements in order to be qualified in the regular Accounting degree program at California State University Sacramento (CSUS) this fall term. Since he took Design Technology subjects during his 1st year at American River College where he got straight As, but decided later for an Accounting degree for practical reasons, he had to catch up on the units requirements. With a lot of hard work and prayers, he passed the 3 subjects: Business Math (with Calculus), Political Science and Computer software.

His professors and advisers thought it was quite a feat because normally students take only 1 or 2 subjects during summer. They thought he would not pass them all, with a 90% probability. After congratulating him when he passed the 3 subjects, his adviser commented that he just “defied the natural law” with his accomplishment. His Math professor was so impressed with his performance, but persuaded him not to take much load again if he wants to live longer. I was amazed by his swift comprehension of the applications of Differential Calculus. When I took it in college, I did not fully understand Calculus; it was only when I taught it at UST Engineering that I appreciated the useful applications of its concepts. So I am still learning so much, along with my son. Now that he is in CSUS, Sean’s professor Ms. Julie is anxious that she trained him to go against them next, so I advised him not to join Math contests anymore. Ms. Julie is also insisting Sean to take Actuarial Science as she says “you’re so good in Math and it is where the money is”. But Sean is already bent on a career in Business Accounting, maybe later God willing!

We attended several parties along the block: the inauguration of Eagles Nest Park just next to our block with games, food and movie “Over the Hedge”, and the 6th birthday of pretty Lanie Mateo with a swimming party at our clubhouse, where I met a couple (girl from Cagayan De Oro and white husband) who just recently returned from a vacation in Pinas, spent a week in Bohol / Panglao (Bohol Beach Club). They got the Bohol tour as part of the package from here. Bohol is being promoted as No. 1 tourist destination because of its many cultural attractions, better than Boracay.

Emma, thanks for the compliment as being your image model of an ‘aerobic exerciser’ in the Women’s Friendship Greetings sent by Dolly to TNEM ladies, much appreciated! I needed the motivation for me to adhere to the discipline and exercise schedule.

I like summer here because it is cool in the early mornings as you walk outdoors, and then stay indoors the rest of the day in air-conditioned comfort - such amenities! I am also happy with the Opus Dei activities that I am regularly participating and committed to be involved with; It makes my life here complete and I feel so blessed! From the Dr Gray’s book ‘Getting What You Want and Wanting What You Have’, I am right on track according to the appropriate stages in my life (now, giving back to the world) and I feel so good about it. I do pray that all my family and friends are also experiencing the same feeling of contentment and happiness in whatever state of life they are now. 3 photos attached: 2 at the Bohol wedding and our 33rd at Saisaki.

With the 3 Novena booklets (to the Blessed Holy Trinity, to God the Father, to the Holy Spirit) given by Msgr. Fidelis Limcaco of Fairview, I am engrossed in prayers for various intentions requested by friends and family, like the ‘manangs in Quiapo’. It’s part of my apostolate here, being more contemplative, thanks for God’s Graces! Let us continue to pray for our country and people - Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

June 30, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

Happy, happy birthday to my grandson MAX BERNARD! He will be 5 yrs old on July 3.

Thank God I am back in Sacramento and work after a week’s rest due to severe colds - change in climate and hectic activities in Pinas. The trip was very fruitful, achieved my objectives – memorable celebration of 33rd wedding anniversary, trip to Bohol, bonding with husband, relatives and friends, photo-op with Senator Chiz Escudero and many more!

On June2, as specified by Fr. Ed O.P., we were 10 at the Bahay Dominiko Chapel (altar has relics of Dominican saints) for our renewal/thanksgiving Mass – very solemn, intimate, joyful, made special with ‘sharings’ by Fr. Ed and friends – Lito and Estrel Mendoza (Opus Dei), Couples for Christ (Gammy and Grace Cruz, Jack and Tess Gelvezon, Vivian Velez) and Tony Palenzuela. We are truly blessed to have them as companions in our life journey. At dinner later at Saisaki, we were joined by other close friends – Fr. Art Dingel, Carl Aquino and family, Tess and Chito Santiago, my classmate Sally and Vic Velarde, OD circle Cynthia and Ingrid, Agnes and Luis, Ed Evangelista, Arlene M. and office staff. My assistant Jessica made room reservation for minimum 30, but more confirmed. After the joyful celebraton, picture-taking, the attendees count was exactly 30 - God Bless the accuracy! And thanks all for your love!

Then came our week-end Bohol trip (June 9) to be wedding sponsors of Jasper and Elsa (based in New York). We were amazed at the development of Bohol tourism – flights overbooked with group/corporate tours. We checked in at Metro Center Hotel to prepare for the afterlunch event in Tagbilaran. It was a ‘big’ wedding with grand reception, family members many balikbayans from the U.S.; then enjoyed a spa body massage to culminate the day. We also attended the clan reunion luncheon the following day in Panglao. We had many discoveries and realizations in Bohol – Gerry decided to retire there and firmed up a plan to invest in a business with my Kuya Rudy, God willing!

One of my mission was to convert assets into cash like stocks, bonds, insurance, real estate. We figured that our children Sarah and Sean who are both in the U.S. would not have to hassle to claim, when we move on. Gerry and I carried out the processes for some days. One day we parked our vehicle at Insular Life (Paseo de Roxas in Makati), walked to Enterprise Bldg, then to PCI Towers(Makati/Gil Puyat Ave.), then to Citibank (Makati Av.), then to RCBC Plaza (Ayala/Gil Puyat Ave.), and back to Insular, in order to file the claims; a few days later, back to the same routine to get the checks. We enjoyed the walking and bonding, it was worth it - as we shared the proceeds! We got 90% of the face value of our insurance (Insular and Sunlife); got a windfall from our Meralco B stocks which I bought at 27 P/share and sold at 97 P/share. Cashouts from other investments made on PNB, Petron, PLDT, PhilamMutual were good too. The experience of enjoying the fruits of investments for ourselves, is quite a blessing!

One downside was the discovery for Gerry (I insisted on his physical/medical checkup) that he had high blood sugar – we are both diabetic, so we now speak of the same concerns – medication, exercise, diet. We are truly soulmates!

Other highlights: Get-togethers with various friends - Lunch with NVSC partners Ozone and Arlene at Italianis(Gateway), Dinner with CFC friends Gammy and Grace, Jack and Tess and Vivian at Ayuthaya(Thai), Lunch with OD Cythia, Mon and Tess at Shabu-shabu(The Block-SM); tour around Eng’g/UST grounds with Fr. Art; overnight stay at Sofitel/Phil Plaza Hotel to go shopping at SM AsiaMall; dental check-up with Dr. Ariel Santos; conversations with Dr. Rudy de Lara, VP Vicky Naval, Cora Ignacio, Margie del Rosario; and picture-taking with Senator Chiz. This was totally unexpected. On June 14, Gerry and I had breakfast at his Figaro Cafe (Senator Chiz usually comes in the evenings). Suddenly Sen. Chiz entered. After congratulating him, we had the photo-op. What a fitting climax to my Pinas visit! Three photos posted in my blog are: 1) at the Chapel Dominiko; 2) at the Saisaki; 3) with Sen. Chiz.

Thanks to all who spent time/resources to be with us, your love is greatly appreciated! I have an interesting case study of elections in Panglao. Let us continue to pray for our country and people - Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!
For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

Wishing everyone enjoyable summer in the U.S., rainy days in Pinas. Thank God the election heat had subsided, and thank you all for the votes to Sen. Chiz, he landed No. 2 (almost no. 1 per early AMA count). Reality check: Filipino youth comprise 70% of the votes and want youthful leaders, hence young senators were chosen: Escudero, Aquino, Lacson, Honasan, Trillanes, Cayetano, and others. I am glad that Fr. Ed Panlleo won while Garci lost and M. Pacquiao lost to cute Darlene!

Thank God, I arrived safely in Pinas on Tues evening rested and watched Pirates at SM Fairview yesterday, and reported to Fairview Shipping office today to check on mails and send this update. To those who will attend our dinner on Saturday June 2 and have not confirmed with Jessica yet, please call me at my cell no. 0918-920-4562 (Smart), to get accurate head count for reservations at Saisaki West Avenue, Q.C.

I traveled alone from the U.S. since Sean is moving over to California State University Sacramento this fall. Thus, he has to attend the orientation, enrollment and other activities related thereto, so he is left in the U.S.; maybe this January, he can come home with me, God willing!

Last May 12, I am glad to share that I attended my 1st ‘conference for female members of the Opus Dei(OD) organization, directed by an OD priest from SF (San Francisco) at our St. Mel’s parish church here in Sacramento, and will be held every 2nd Saturday of the month thereafter. The conference (9:30 a – 12:00n) included a lecture on doctrine, recollection, Sacrament of Reconciliation and Benediction. In the gathering of 30, there were many Filipinas, coming from Fresno, Vallejo, Solano, etc. and the coordinator Alice Librea also came from Q.C. Habihan Center what a coincidence! So God is making my life fully complete here in Sacramento. As I said earlier these OD activities are what I miss most from Pinas. So to my Pinas OD circle, I am happy to re-affirm all my norms.

Before I left the U.S., on May 19, I was touched again by the goodness of Liklik and Gene Schroeder, the childless couple who had been our support in our Sacramento journeys. Liklik marshaled her friends at her home to host a ‘baby shower party’ for the coming son of Luke and Inger (Cuenco of Cebu) Mejares (due on May 29). Luke is the former falsetto vocalist of South Border band who went solo, and native of Loon, Bohol. The party of 50 crowd enjoyed the games, Luke’s singing, reunion and stories of kabayans, food potluck and to go, from 2 to 8 pm. Guests enjoyed the all-host party and great company, even as we were so amazed at Lik’s energy and kindness, preparing all the details, decorations, favors, etc., going all out to make them happy, considering that the Mejareses were not even relatives, just kabayans in a foreign land. Nevertheless, it is Lik’s nature to be ‘showbiz’. These are wonders of our positive Filipino culture, God is great!

On June 8 Gerry and I will be going to Bohol for the wedding of my god-child in Tagbilaran. I am scheduled to fly back to the U.S. via NW on Sat, June 16.

With the elections over, let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!! See you in Pinas!
Much love and Best Regards!!!


Monday, April 30, 2007

April 30, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

Wishing everyone an enjoyable spring or summer months, depending on which part of the globe you are! For those in Pinas, the heat of the elections may tend to be unbearable. For those of you voting please include Francis ‘Chiz’ Escudero for Senator in your ballot – I had long been his fan as we hang out in his Figaro Café at El Jardin along Bohol Ave, Q.C.

To those who will be in Manila on June 2 Saturday, Gerry and I invite you for Dinner to mark our 33rd wedding anniversary, somewhere in Quezon City. To RSVP, please call my assistant Jessica at tel. No. 303-3605 / 04 (c/o Fairview Shipping) during office time (9:00a – 4:00p) Mon to Fri. Please give your name and contact telephone number, so we can get back to you when I am there. Fr. Ed Nantes, O.P. has graciously offered to say Mass in the afternoon at the Bahay Dominiko.

Our Dominican Links: You may call me a true-loyal Thomasian/Dominican. I completed all my 3 degrees: B.S.Civil Engineering, M.B.A, and Ph.D. in Commerce at the U.S.T.; started my teaching career at U.S.T. Engineering, got married in 1974 at U.S.T. church (by Fr. Q. Garcia), celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary at Sto. Domingo church, officiated by Fr. Art Dingel (Eng’g Regent), and this 33rd by Fr. Ed N, the current Philippine Dominican Provincial.

Flashback to 2003: The parish priest of Panglao, Bohol (a U.S.T. graduate) organized a “homecoming queen” contest for the town fiesta (August 28), and asked me to represent Metro Manila. I loath these contests; however, my Kuya Rudy (also a ship captain, dollar earner, and sort of town honcho) and my husband Gerry were convinced to take the occasion as generous benefactors to help raise funds for parish projects; thus, conspired to make me win. Even if I win, I did not plan to go home, so thought of assigning a proxy to represent me.

A week before the date, after our daily Sto. Domingo Mass, Fr. Richard informed me that 15 of the Dominican priests were going to Cebu for a Retreat, and proceeding to Panglao, Bohol for short R & R on the 28th. What a coincidence! Thus, I decided to go home to meet up with them, then participate in the festivities as well. On the afternoon of Aug. 28, Fr. Richard cell-phoned that coming from Chocolate Hills and other tours, they were caught up in traffic by the long parade, so I said I was on top of the last float in that parade. It was so funny as they watched from a street corner, and then later came to my brother’s house in the evening as we prepared for the coronation. The following day, imagine the joy and boisterous laughter when we and the Dominicans, led by Fr. Ernie Arceo (current U.S.T. Rector, who was also my professor in Ph.D.) met at the airport lounge, as we all took the same plane back to Manila, with my assistant hand-carrying the big trophy, sash, and scepter. Thus, since then, the O.P. priests and I share a code of ‘panglao queen’ whenever we meet, and make a good laugh. During your ‘alone moments’, these coincidences and simple joys make you smile and marvel at God’s wonders!

The surroundings have dramatically changed with the beautiful colorful flower blooms and a nice weather; yes, if winter comes, can spring be far behind, then soon comes summer. This is the best season I like in Sacramento, the perfect balance of cold, hot, rain and sun!

With the elections coming up, let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to you all. God Bless us all!!! See you in Pinas!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


Friday, March 30, 2007

March 30, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

Wishing everyone a meaningful observance of the Holy Week season and hope we all feel Christ’s Passion, Death and eventual Resurrection, and enjoy more Blessings in all our lives! How I miss the 3-day Opus Dei Retreat before Holy Week!

For Your Indulgence! Part of the NU system is for the Dept. Lead Faculty to physically observe a faculty (on 1st anniversary) in actual teaching session, evaluate and give feedback on the observation. Notice was given by Dr. Jeff Mueller (head of the NU School of Business and Management) to me on the morning of March 13 that he was going to observe my MGT 451 – Production and Operations Mgt. class that evening. Although we had communicated by phone and e-mails before, it was our first face-to-face encounter. The feedback which I read when I opened my e-mail at 8:00 AM the following day Mar. 14, is as follows (in its entirety):
TO: Dr. Susan Gerardo

FROM: Dr. Jeff Mueller

SUBJECT: Teaching Observation 3/13/07

DATE: March 14, 2007

This was class #3 of MGT 451 – Production and Operations Management. Twelve students were in attendance. Class started promptly at 5:40 after iLinc difficulties were resolved. Tonight’s topics started with a lecture on supplier partnerships. Period of observation: 80 minutes.

Good reinforcement of student work
Good response to student questions
High comfort level with iLinc technology
Paused frequently to solicit student questions
Demonstrated knowledge of the material was interesting and informative
Students appeared to be engaged and motivated by her passion for teaching
Assignment instructions were clear and comprehensive e.g., “always start with an action verb form”

Begin with written objectives for each lesson
Use the iLinc shared pointer when explaining flow charts and other visuals
Integrate more questions into the lecture e.g., what happens if your company does not know its suppliers very well? Any examples?
Continue to encourage students to raise hands instead of text messaging
Feel free to augment publisher’s slides with your own

It will be a pleasure to continue to staff Dr. Gerardo in available courses! Her pleasant demeanor and teaching competence is a valuable addition to the adjunct faculty!

Six students were on campus in Sacramento, while 6 others were on-line in San Diego and other sites.
Thus, I am glad to share this sort of ‘Certification’ of my Acceptance to the American academic community. Especially to my advisers Dr. Rudy, Dean Vicky, Fr. Ed / Fr. Art, Ms. Cora, I know you will be happy that your trust in me had been affirmed. For those in education / training, what is so amazing is the process - promptness/timeliness, comprehensiveness of the observation/feedback. ILinc is a Video and Voice over the Internet Platform teaching system used by NU. I immediately thanked Dr. Jeff on his comments, assuring that I will do my best to improve, especially on the ‘Suggestions’, and he replied that NU was honored to have me as faculty. I sent Dr. Connie a copy to thank for her support, being ‘my angel and sponsor’ in my American teaching career, and she replied as follows ”Right from the start I know that you are an excellent teacher. So, you truly deserve being part of the NU family and NU is lucky to have you. Keep up the great work.” What an inspiration / encouragement!!!

After more than a year, I plan to go home Pinas on May 28 and be back June 16, God willing! Part of the itinerary will be a side trip to China with my Manila office staff Jessica and Agnes, be a wedding sponsor in Tagbilaran, Bohol, and celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary with hubby Gerry. See you then!

With elections coming up in Pinas, let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

February 28, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

Belated Happy Valentine and wishing everyone a meaningful Holy Week season ahead, hope we all fulfill our Christian obligation to make a good Confession before Easter!

To my UST Yahoo Groups who went to Pinas for the Grand Engineering Centennial homecoming, Welcome back to America! I enjoyed the pictures you shared and wished I were with you; hope you enjoyed sightseeing, shopping, etc. Had I been there, I would have treated you to the Tagaytay Highland trip. My classmate Sally and I are members of that Club. Yes, definitely count me in for that 2010 reunion when the ENG70 batch will get the 40th year (Ruby anniversary) Medal, God Willing!
I am back to my Willdan home office since Feb. 20, after completing my project at CSD1, returned to the 30-minute commute from home. I am very thankful for the ‘high-tech GIS experience’, spending the winter months just around the neighborhood, knowing many more people. Would you believe that there were more Asians than ‘white’ employees at CSD1, Filipinos and Vietnamese? I got a bigger cubicle, directly in front of our VP Jeff, just like the arrangement before we moved to this new office. I chided him that I needed a salary raise more than the bigger space, and he assured me that I could expect it on my 1st anniversary on April 3. Moreover, our SVP said that with my good performance at CSD1, I could be recalled to do projects there which I would welcome anytime!

Like in my professorial life, I am happy to meet new people all the time. Because the NU system is a monthly course, I know new sets, at least ten new students every month, bringing their own personalities and backgrounds, sharing with me their individual experiences, thus enriching my life with their new / fresh outlook and allowing me to contribute to their improvement and happiness! It is very satisfying to receive their positive comments and appraisal at the end of each course, which are stored in the database for administrative evaluation/action and faculty performance feedback/ motivation!

More personal Blessings in my ballroom dancing group, I met this young couple, Lance and Yumir Mateo (originally from Paranaque), whose home is just behind our own. They live with their 5 year old daughter and his mother Gloria (in her early 50s) who used to be a caterer, so she is fond of cooking Filipino food. She suggested if I wanted for her to cook during her spare time (she works at Costco), so voila, we now have a weekly ‘caterer’, delivering us goodies like menudo, embotido, fish sinigang, palabok, leche flan, turon, etc. Can you beat these nice amenities! Come to think of it (as Sean said) I had only been preparing spaghetti and chicken adobo ever since (in addition to the ‘to go’ that we often do). Since I have this type II diabetes (from my Mom’s genes), I avoid cooking delicious foods because I am not good at appetite control, as part of my health management. So now, Sean can have his cravings for Flip menu satisfied through Glo’s cooking.

Sean did it again! Recall that at around this time last year, he participated in a Math (Algebra) contest at his school - American River College (ARC), where he placed 2nd and won an IPOD. This year, his teacher Ms. Julie, entered him again, on a higher level, Algebra and Statistics (subjects he had completed). This time, the contest was held at the California State University Sacramento (CSUS) campus auditorium. The contestants were combined students from both schools. Starting with 120 from ARC, the finalists were trimmed to 30 from CSUS and 30 from ARC. The elimination style were both written and oral, with the final round done similar to the ‘GREED” quiz show on TV. At the end of the day, the final result: Sean placed 3rd and won a Play Station II/ DVD player - an advance Birthday Gift for himself (March 25)! He is making a habit of acquiring electronic gadgets by winning in Math contests! Of course, Ms Julie became hyper again, jumping up and down, and told Sean to give a chance to others next time!

With elections coming up in Pinas, let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

FYI: My WILLDAN office phone is: 916- 924-7000 Ext. 1625. For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

January 31, 2007

Dear Loved Ones,

More Blessed Year 2007 and Happy Valentine ahead of us!

Like everyone else, I commenced the New Year with resolutions, setting benchmarks, commitment renewal or whatever you name it. Among them are:
1. Be more faithful to the norms of our Opus Dei! Consistent with these are more Prayers, improve on interpersonal relationships and follow The Way, continue with my apostolate in Pinas, among others.

2. Spend more reading time - Friday afternoons at Barnes & Noble bookstore over starbucks coffee. For this month, I completed ‘Why we want you to be rich’ by D.Trump and R. Kiyosaki; ‘Rch Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom by Kiyosaki, and the biographies of Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren.

3. Enjoy finer quality of life, such as maximizing the benefit of our 50” ‘high definition TV’. A visitor commented that ‘not utilizing the HD features of our TV was like driving a sports car on 1st gear all the way, when you can enjoy much more riding pleasure by moving up to the higher gears; so we decided to call our cable provider Comcast to add the HD feature, expecting to pay more. At first the Comcast customer service officer told me that the rate will become $80.00 from the $53.00 monthly (plus the $46.00 for Internet = $99.00, my present total bill), then he excused to schedule a technician to change the cable modem at home. Thus, I was prepared to pay $126.00 / month for Cable and Internet services. Then after a few minutes, he returned to the phone to say that since I was living in Anatolia, I was entitled to their Silver Package (Anatolia is exclusive Comcast area) and that my total bill was only $ 84.83 monthly), lesser than the current bill. Was it a case of excellent timing, luck? Whatever, it’s one of God’s marvelous Ways! At the start of the year, we are enjoying the ‘Starz and on demand’ movies on ‘high def’ TV, like the driving pleasure of higher gears!
Exercise actively by joining the Aerobics class on AM Saturdays and ‘Ballroom Dancing’ on PM Sundays in our clubhouse. The instructors are Flips, so as usual the Filipinos are active (more than 10 couples). It seems that there are more Asians than ‘whites’ in our Anatolia. As S. Covey said, ‘Exercise for self-renewal’!

4. Participate actively in the financial management of my 401K Plan under Schwab Plan. Since deferment amount is tax deductible, my objective is to maximize benefits. Feature of our Willdan 401K is: the employer Willdan gives its share of $1,000.00 for the 1st $4,000.00 the employee contributes or 25% share (compared to 5% bank interest on CD savings). I had 20% of my salary deferred to the plan and left it for Schwab to manage and invest last year. After careful study of the investment alternatives, advice from ‘guided choice’, I decided to exercise my options. At the year’s start, I realigned my investments to: 25 Bonds and 75% Stocks. The choices turned out good. In just 3 weeks, the net asset value of my deferment is now 130% or yielded 30% ROI of my original investment. Much better than what you earn in banks or even your own business. I hope to continue making good decisions.

To summarize my resolve for the year, consistent with ‘The Thinker’s Way’, are:
· Think critically;
· Live creatively;
· Choose freely;
· Reason boldly;
· Communicate openly;
· Love unconditionally

And still continue to pray hard, like everything depended on GOD!

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!