Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings to everyone! The transitional spring month of April brought about dramatic changes from the cool months of winter to the warmer months of summer, with all the flowers abloom, with mixed feelings of looking forward in Faith, Hope and Love!

On the 2nd week of April, our multi-located family (husband Gerry in Pinas, daughter Sarah in New Jersey, us in CA) experienced some trials which needed remedial measures. The major one involved Gerry’s interpersonal issues with some office staff. It reached a point where our children advised me to rush home to resolve matters. Having previous commitments here, I pleaded with Gerry and he acceded for us to wait, and give him a week to simmer down. Then I totally immersed on spiritual activities like Masses and Meditation, Scripture study (our month topic ‘Reflections on the Mysteries of the Rosary’ just culminated today with a group lunch at the parish hall). I also followed closely the EWTN coverage of Pope Benedict XVI’s Papal Visit to the U.S.A. (where Filipinos participated actively) and prayed hard for special blessings.

After 2 weeks of continuous prayers, mortifications, sleepless nights, and complete surrender to His Will, the issues in Pinas were settled, and everybody seems at peace now, thank God! During crisis when things get out of hand, let God take control and issues will be resolved smoothly. Taking drastic actions, like going home to Pinas immediately, would have derailed set plans and schedule. Instead of moving swiftly, I prayed for discernment and guidance, surrendering everything to God. He led me to focus on spiritual activities, allowed things to simmer down and problems resolved easily, God is truly great!
Our spiritual blessings were highlighted by the week-end visit (April 26-27) of Fr. Ed Nantes, O.P., in our home here in Sacramento. Fr. Ed (my classmate in U.S.T. - Ph.D.) is the Philippine Dominican Provincial who is on sabbatical leave and on studies since January 2008 in Berkeley, CA. Sean and I fetched him from Oakland Saturday morning. After having lunch, we visited the Sacramento Blessed Sacrament Cathedral (where a wedding was on-going), then to the State Capitol grounds. On Saturdays, the Capitol is open for guided visits, so we were fortunate to join the 3:00 pm last group, received briefings on CA history and the workings of American democracy, direct observations on the session halls and offices of the Legislative and Executive branches of government, the dioramas and many others.

Later that evening, we were joined for dinner at home by Fr. George Snyder, the Pinoy priest of our St. Mel’s church. Obviously, the younger 8-month priest had a lot to learn from Fr. Ed’s 27 years experience in the ministry, so he asked Fr. Ed to con-celebrate at his 7:30 am. Sunday Mass. Fr. Ed delivered a touching message of Hope to the people, especially to the elderly, which I am sure, was deeply appreciated. After Mass, we all had breakfast with the 3 Irish priests at their rectory. I felt so blessed to get a glimpse of the inner sanctum of our parish. Then we visited the Regina Coeli convent of the Dominican sisters in Rocklin, which is situated on a 120-acre property with a lake, donated by a wealthy benefactor, for them to build a school. What a big potential, I hope Pinas Dominicans could get involved here!

After having lunch at ‘hometown buffet’ and talking on the phone with my daughter Sarah - by 4:00 pm, it was time to bring Fr. Ed back to Oakland, then back to Sacramento for us - a little sad for such wonderful ‘hello and goodbye’ week-end! What is amazing of the visit was the perfect timing and impact on our lives – so meaningful and memorable; Thanks so much Fr. Ed for your time, especially my opportunity to share and unburden my trials and small triumphs – how blessed I am to have you as classmate for life!

By the way, the next station of Fr. Ed’s life journey starting in July, will be in Indonesia where he will join 2 priests educated by Pinas Dominicans, to put up a school and strengthen Catholicism in that country. The time frame for his stay there is indefinite. This is another lesson on the missionary/pilgrim outlook – ‘detachment, letting go, and moving on’.

Attached are photos courtesy of Fr. Ed: a) with him at the Capitol grounds; b) with Fr. George at our clubhouse; and 3) dinner at home. Let us continue to pray for our country and people and for America at this difficult time of recession. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


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