Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from SAC, USA! It has been a very hectic month: with the summer activities, including the planning and preparation for holiday celebrations and

visits of my daughter Sarah and apo Max, from New Jersey arriving on June 30 for 10 – days with us.

On our SacCatholicForum held at the Radisson Hotel on June 17, we had as speaker Mr. Thomas Loarie – Life Science executive, Columnist: Catholic Business Journal. He talked on the topic ‘Taken, Blessed, Broken, Given: An Executive’s spiritual journey of Faith. Mr. Loarie is a life science engineer with over 30 years of experience in growing multi-national medical start-ups from concept to commercialization. In 2003, he survived a near fatal car crash. Since that time, he dedicated himself to spending every minute of

his life helping repair the world. He advised the audience to find meaning / purpose in life, in accordance with the life of Jesus. Each of us will be broken in our journey; we can heal through serving others, with all our strength!

Our Opus Dei group, we celebrated the feast of St. Josemaria Escriva on June 25 with a Mass with family and friends in attendance, followed by potluck

brunch at the Doheny Hall. Then Sean and I had lunch at the home of Rose and Don Davies as they had as guests the family of NPC colleague Noemi Isidro (with husband and two sons), visiting from Canada. By 5 pm. We proceeded to our Anatolia clubhouse to attend the birthday-swimming party of Jericho Caliao, with more than 50 guests; sumptuous Filipino feast!

Other highlights for the month:

· We are in the middle of planning details for Max’s 9th birthday celebration on July 3 Sunday at the Anatolia Clubhouse, Cabana2 – Swimming, expecting 50 guests.· Movies watched for the month included: Transformers 3. Bad Teacher, and enjoyed finale of the “Voice”. I am impressed by the management decision/skills of Adam Levine (Maroon 5) who pushed his protégée

Javier Colon, who eventually emerged the Winner, which made me a big Adam fan!

· My friend Joanne convinced me to join the pilgrimage organized by Fr. George, to Portugal, Spain, France on Sept. 12 – 24. Through God’s grace, a spot was given to me and I am looking forward to this journey with 38 people, God


· Met Sarah and Max at the SAC airport this morning, their flight from New Jersey via Houston, Texas; then we proceeded directly for lunch at the Japanese MIZU at Natomas. Sarah got her clubhouse ID, and went swimming to beat the summer heat.

Attached are 3 photos of Max SAC family reunion. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


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