Monday, April 30, 2012

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from SAC-CA, USA! I am happy to share the lovely red and white roses abloom in the front and back gardens of our new Erato home – spring signs; then expect the heat of summer. I’ve just switched wardrobe and accessories for the sunny weather, and back to the tanned complexion, oh well!

            On our SacCatholicForum held at the Woodlake Hotel on April 20, 2012, we had as speaker Matt Warner, a Texas Engineer in his 30s, and father of 3, who spoke on the topic “Why the Church is losing young families and How to fix it?” He cited statistics on demographics on church/ Mass attendance by age groups and causes young families shy away from church: Hard to go with kids; Level of anxiety due to uncertainty; Lack of catechesis – undeveloped family relationships. He shared his humorous experiences when his family is in church, mostly reactions of other churchgoers. Matt proposed measures to fix (addressed to parishioners): Look at ourselves – what we have done / failed to do (parents learn to discipline children); Parish to do something (Announcements / Hand-outs: ‘Families are welcome’, teach them, tell people about it, communicate); SMILE, then help them, encourage kids in Peace – action of Love! Be kind to everyone you meet, everyone is having a battle, Affirm them; There is HOPE! Prayers help: Be positive, affirmative way!  

            During the Easter vigil ceremonies, our parish welcomed many converts who received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, and Holy Eucharist. I participated actively in all the religious ceremonies in our parish related to the commemoration of the most important events in our life - Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection, and is definitely rewarded for my faithfulness!

            Mert T. called me wondering why there are new people in our Anatolia house, and was surprised that I sold the house as fast / easily in less than 6 months, whereas his neighbor had theirs in the market more than 2 years already, still with no buyer. Oh yes, God truly loves and blesses me. As I said, when you decide, discern very well and ask for His guidance to lead you to His Will. As I always do, I am very specific in my prayers – Lord, please lead the right buyer to our house, and the mortgage loan be approved, Thank you God! And so it is, that on April 12, the new owner closed the mortgage, and my liability to the property was wiped out. Normally, short sale really takes time (a year or more) but ours was sold in just 4 months. There are financial gains and losses to the transactions: however, the pluses outweigh the minuses - we got  a bigger home for half the price, and more importantly, I passed on the responsibility of home ownership to my son. What a relief it is to see when I open my on-line account with B of A, that my mortgage liability is no longer there! I realize that American economic and financial systems are easy to grasp; the experience has given me wider perspective to share in my education advocacy and life missions!

 Other highlights for the month:
·      In our Bible study, our group started Psalms (though I had taken this before, I am taking it again due to its richness and gain deeper insights with new sharings);
·      Had Easter lunch at the home of my Ate Nen with Maria; with updates on family matters; plans on a family (Ciriaco and Irenea Cloma tree of 11 children) in Panglao, Bohol, Philippines in August 2013;
·      Books read are: Wisdom from the Monastery, edited by , When God Whispers your Name by Alex Lucado,  Movies watched include: The Lucky One (adult Zac Ephron), Think Like a Man, The 5-year Engagement.
Attached are 3 photos for the month. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


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