Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! Thanks GOD for the special lifetime journey to the Holy Land / Israel; my bucket is brimming full with Blessings – gifts of Humility, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Piety; Cardinal virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, Justice; the theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Love; and all the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and more. . .  more . . . more!!!

            I joined the group of 32 pilgrims led by Pinoy Fr. George Snyder and Sister Adele Gerlach; starting on Sun, Nov. 3, staying overnight at El Rancho Hotel, SFO for our early 7:00AM flight via United Air to JFK, NY; then by EL-AL airlines to Tel-Aviv, Israel; Mon, Nov. 4 – on flight.

Tuesday, Nov. 5 – arrived Tel-Aviv, preceded by Bus to our hotel:  The Royal Plaza Hotel in Tiberias (stayed 5 nights), overlooking the Sea of Galilee;

Wed, Nov. 6 – We visited Capernaum with Mass on the Church of St. Peter (I was assigned Lay Eucharistic Minister for Blood of Christ); went to the site of the Primacy of Peter along the shore and the Church of the Multiplication at Tabigha; continued around the lake at Kursi where Jesus cast out evil spirits. Enjoyed lunch of St. Peter’s fish($18, tilapia) and took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and viewed an ancient boat from Jesus’ day; (Song: Be Still);

Thurs, Nov. 7 – We began our day with Mass on the Mt. of Beatitudes church. Then we proceeded to Korazim, one of Jesus’ ministries. We walked through the Tel Dan nature reserve, then continued to Caesarea Philippi, where Peter identified Jesus as the Messiah; then we drove south toward Bethsaida, the village of at  least 3 apostles;

Friday, Nov. 8 -   We traveled to Cana for the renewal of wedding vows, 3 couples (Bill and Ann, Alan and Becky, Don and Marie) during Mass. Then we visited the nearby Roman city of Sephoris and took the short drive to Nazareth and the Churches of the Annunciation and St. Joseph, before continuing to the Mt. of Precipice; waded on the Mediterranean sea;

Sat., Nov. 9 – We visited Mt. Tabor, the site of the Transfiguration for Mass; continued to Beth Sean, only city of the Decapolis on the Western side of the Jordan river. We conclude our day with the renewal of baptismal promises in the Jordan River. Fr. George (assisted by Bill and Dr. Michael, CD taped) actually immersed us on the river: wonderful experience!

Sun, Nov. 10 – We left the Sea of Galilee, drove west to visit Mt. Carmel for Mass; where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal. We visited Meggido, the site of many battles; then on to Caesarea Maritima, a city and port built by Herod the Great. After dipping our feet in the Mediterranean Sea, we drove south to Jerusalem – magnificent nighttime city view with welcome drinks from Hana, before proceeding to St. George Hotel;

Mon, Nov. 11 -  We ascended by Bus to the Mt. Of Olives; from there we took the Palm Sunday walk to the Garden of Olives and Gethsemane. We prayed at the site of the Agony, and then crossed the road to the tomb of Mary. After lunch, we visited Mt. Zion, Dormitian Abbey and the Upper Room. We celebrated Mass in the Church of St, Peter in Gallicantu; settled at the Olive Tree Hotel for next 6 days.

Tues, Nov. 12 – We drove to Bethlehem (under Palestinian Authority, Nimer – our guide), visited the sites connected to the birth of Jesus, the church of the Nativity where we had Mass in the cave of Jerome; then visited the shepherd’s field where the good news was first heard; long queue to kiss the Altar of Nativity – so humbling and LOVE experience!!!

Wed, Nov. 13 – We began our day early following the Via Dolorosa / modern Way of the Cross from the Antonia Fortress along the Via Dolorosa; carried cross for stations 4 & 5 with Becky, Lyn & Marie) to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where we had Mass; the site of the Crucifixion, the Tomb and Resurrection; took the hour long queue: LOVE, Patience, Perseverance, Humility; managed by 3 different religious groups: Greek Orthodox, Moslems, and Christians; entrance by Ethiopian priests; Time for Prayer, lunch and shopping in the Old City; then to the new city to visit Yad Vashim, the Holocaust Memorial;

Thurs, Nov. 14 – We began our day with Mass at the Church of Agony / Gethsemane; then traveled out heading east to Jericho (the oldest city in the world); stopped for a view of the Wadi Kelt; visited Qumran the site where the Dead Sea scrolls were found; visited the Southern Wall excavations; continued to the Western / Wailing Walls to pray, offer written petitions; walk across the Antonia Fortress and Ecce Homo; the Church of St. Anne and the Pools of Bethesda;

Fri, Nov. 15 – We had Mass at Church in Bethesda; where Mary, Martha and Lazarus lived; enjoyed a Camel ride; proceeded to Masada – Herod’s fortress, 1300 ft ASL; 50 yrs AD, powerful insurgents crushed Herod’s Roman garrison at Masada; site of Sodom and Gomorrah; after lunch went bathing in the Dead Sea – body covered black sand to absorb minerals;

Sat, Nov. 16 – Cross the city to visit the Israel Museum and the Shrine of the Book where some Dead Sea scrolls are exhibited. We toured the Model of Jerusalem from Jesus’ Day. We continued on to Ein Karem and the Church of the Visitation for our final anticipated Sunday Mass at a Carmelite convent where Tagalog Our Lord’s Prayer were displayed in Church: a fitting finale of our Holy Land Journey: our One, Holy, Apostolic, Universal Church!!!       

Sund, Nov. 17 – Flight back to U.S.A., onboard EL-AL, entry JFK, New York; then United Air to San Francisco; met at Vacaville by Sean; 9pm, finally back home in SAC, thanks GOD for amazing pilgrimage!!!

Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! The weather is getting cooler and time to bring out of the closet those sweaters / jackets for the layering of wardrobe; but if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

            On our SacCatholic Lunch Club for the month at the Red Lion Hotel, we had as speaker Mr. Ned Dolejsi, Executive Director – CA Catholic Conference, on the topic “The Land of Oz: Politics and Faith under the Capitol Dome. He gave updates on status of Catholic actions on political matters in the state of California, such as Planned Parenthood – Abortion expansion; Lumen Fidei: Faith / Prayer; Women who are poor are vulnerable, without physician’s care; the human resummation bill; lobbying money matters. There  is need to send messages to local legislators to make known your stand on issues for them to act. As Laity, we called to evangelize! So Act / Work / Speak!     

We were all jolted by the news of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake which hit Bohol and other provinces in the Visayas, Philippines last October 15. From the Vatican were photos of old churches which were damaged by the quake. Network (FB) were on the frenzy. However, my niece confirmed that our island town of Panglao was spared of damage; our St. Augustine church, belfry tower, and Chapel of our Lady of Fatima were still standing tall, Thanks God, and the protection of said saints! They just celebrated the fiesta of Our Lady of Fatima on October 13. Later, on TV interviews of priests whose churches were damaged, they confirmed that only the church in Panglao was safe! We joined the rest in praying for the safety and speedy rehabilitation of all victims of the terrifying quake. I trust their strong Faith in God will pull them up fast!!!   

The Bohol quake prompted me to sign up for the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land set on Nov. 3 – 17, 2013, led by Pinoy Fr. George  Snyder. The invitation had been a year ago but with my other trips with my children: Sean to Belgium and Germany in April, and Sarah to Italy in September, I avoid overlapping of plans. Thus, arrangements with the travel organizers were done hastily, and I got a good deal/ cost still, God Wills! Joanne (my roommate in the journey) and I drove 3 hours north of SAC to Fr. George’s St. Joseph Parish Church in Redding, CA (Oct. 27 week-end) for the commissioning / blessing of our group of 32 pilgrims; way of getting-to-know and instructions from our guide Sr. Adele Gerlach over lunch. We appreciate and much thanks for the hospitality of Fr. George who invited us to stay overnight and enjoy the comforts of his 6-bedroom Convent, so much Blessings!

Other highlights for the month:
·      At St. Mel’s we had the ONE campaign for Bishop Soto’s fund drive; I joined the Wednesday, Oct. 16 gathering at the parish center, where I expressed my concern about being a ‘more welcoming community’ for parishioners;
·      On our OD group, we had our Recollection with Fr. Turlock on Oct. 12. I had a very holy confession and got very good advice / direction from him. I also opened our Library for some OD members to borrow books for 2 months. Ms. Percy from Berkeley came to visit;
·      On our Tuesday Bible Study, we continued with Galatians and I will be missing the last lesson in Nov due to our trip;
·      Filipino Fr. Ferdie (from Canada, Fr. Aldrin’s classmate) is at St. Mel’s celebrating Masses. He’s on his way back to Pinas; we had a nice talk. I also had a meeting with Fr. Aldrin on Nov. 25, on his plan to organize a Parish council at St. Mel’s;
·      Later that afternoon, Sean and I had our portrait-sitting for the St. Mel’s Parish Directory.

Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! Thanks GOD for the wonderful spiritual journey my daughter Sarah and I had to Italy, together with a group of pilgrims from Oklahoma headed by Rev. Fr. Price Oswalt, through Adriatic Tours on Sept. 3 – 13, 2013!

Following are highlights of our pilgrimage:
Sept. 3(USA) – arrived Milan Sept. 4AM. We met our Italian Tour Guide Fulvio outside the baggage claim holding area. We introduced ourselves to the rest of the group of 15, led by Fr. Price; boarded our bus (driver Alessandro) for a tour of Milan; met the local guide for a visit to the magnificent Gothic Duomo; continued through the glass-domed Galleria Umberto, to the Storzesco castle, and the Gothic/Romanesque Milan Cathedral; saw the bodies of St. Charles Borromeo, nail of Christ, and red Ferrari;  I remember Milan is where St. Augustine studied and learned much from St. Ambrose in the 4th century; Checked in at Hotel Des Entranger/ Art Hotel Navigli, Milan, (3 nights).
Sept. 5 – We left early for Magenta, birthplace of St. Gianna Molla (doctor, wife, and mother of 6); At her Shrine, her youngest  daughter  (1st class relic of St. Gianna)  Gianna Emanuela Molla narrated her mother’s life. After lunch, we proceeded to Mesero where we visited her Clinic, her tomb and Sanctuary dedicated to her, where we celebrated our 1st Mass officiated by Fr. Price; and went back to Milan hotel;
Sept. 6 – After breakfast, we left for Turin; visited the Turin Cathedral from its Renaissance inspired structure to the magnificent view from its steps. Down in the crypt was housed the Holy Shroud of Turin, claimed to be the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ exposed in 2010. Fr. Price celebrated Mass at the Turin Cathedral over Blessed Piere Giorgio Frassati's tomb, a handsome young man who died at 24, who did remarkable acts of charity for the youth; then back to Milan hotel;
Sept. 7 -   We left with our luggage for Venice , known as Europe’s most reomantic and unique destination; first, we visited the Church of St. Anthony de Padua where Fr. Price celebrated Mass, special intentions for the birthday of my daughter Sarah and Joe Elder; then, off to Venice, also an international shipping port with many tourist vessels; reminded me of our international shipping business hiring Filipino crew manning these vessels. We saw the golden dome of St. Mark’s, the trademark campanile, chaotic alleys and canals, barber –pole mooring posts. We found St. Mark’s Basilica a unique synthesis of byzantine, western European and Islamic influences, sparkling under gold mosaics, built to house the Saint’s remains. Our visit was capped by the exciting 40-min.Gondola ride winding along the very clean canals made memorable with stories by our flamboyant gondolier; Sarah and I shared the ride with Fr. Price and couple James and Joy; followed by shopping before proceeding to Hotel Biri, where Sarah and Joe blew birthday candles after dinner;
Sept. 8 – After breakfast we left with our luggage to drive for Florence, the art capital of the world and home to magnificent churches; We had Mass at the Cathedral (duomo), visited the Church of the Holy Cross, continuing to the Academy of Fine Arts containing treasures, including Michelangelo’s statue of David; I did my Italian jewelry shopping at the Gold market; we walked ‘500m’. (Fulvio’s estimate, actually 1.5 miles) to our hotel Palazzo Risolli;
Sept.9 – Likewise, with our luggage, we drove through the scenic Umbrian countryside to Assisi, where St. Francis founded the Franciscan Order; we went uphill to visit the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels; then onward to the Church of St. Claire where we knelt before the crucifix from which Jesus spoke to St. Francis. Then we went up again to the Basilica of St. Francis where we had Mass. In our going up and down twice, we senior citizens availed of taxi ride to minimize stress! Then we checked in at Hotel Roseo;
Sept. 10 – Everyone was excited for Rome, our culminating destination! Upon arrival, we proceeded to the Vatican, scenic tour of the Coliseum, along the Tiber(Tevere) River, visited the Basilicas of St. Mary Major, St. John in Lateran, and Mass at church of  St. Peter in Chains. Then we checked in at Hotel Domus Mariae;
Sept. 11 – We woke up early for our Papal Audience, leaving before 7:00A for Vatican for the scheduled 10:00A – 12:00; to join Catholics from around the world excited to see Pope Francis; Sarah and I got good vantage view near the Altar; when Pope Francis came out, Sarah was so blessed to be allowed by Vatican Swiss guard to perch on top of a column to get amazing photos of the Pope (5). Filled with graces/excitement, we went on for shopping, then more shrine visits and Mass at St. Mary Major Basilica; Later after dinner, we took a ‘Rome by Night’ bus tour around the magnificent sites, like the Fountain of Trevi;
Sept. 12 – We had a guided tour with focus on ‘Christian Rome’; admiring the treasures of our Church – arts and traditions; starting with the Vatican Museum, then to the Sistine Chapel, then to St’ Peter’s Basilica; we also visited Lateran Basilica, seeing the Miraculous staircase and the Church of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem and the relics of the Passion;  then to St’ Paul’s Basilica, which houses the remains of St. Paul’s under its Altar, where we also had Mass; At St. Paul’s my Catholic Faith was re-affirmed as the one true Church founded by Christ by the portraits of the succession of Popes to the Petrine Chair starting with Peter, then to Pope Francis – so conclusive evidence!
Sept. 13 – Early morning transfer to Rome airport for our flight back to USA. Arrivederci Italy!
Feedback on the trip: Two years ago, I took a Pilgrimage package on the Marian Apparition Shrines(Portugal, Spain, France) from Adriatic Tours and I liked it. To balance my time among my multi-located global family, having gone to Belgium and Germany with my son in April, I sent the Adriatic brochure to Sarah and she chose this Italy tour. Thus, I had to compare this trip with my 1st experience. I gave my comments to Fulvio on the 1st 2 days, but he was a bit condescending. On the 3rd day, when Sarah was about to jump out the window due to incontinence, I got firm on my request for ‘technical stops’ since his bus did not have emergency; then I was glad that he responded positively to our needs for the rest of the trip.

Other highlights for the month:
·      My sojourn actually started on Aug. 31, when my son  Sean and I took the DELTA air flight out of SAC for Newark, NJ with lay-over in Minneapolis with its high-tech concourse of IPAD on each table to make your snacks order. So excited to reunite with Max and Sarah; then to dinner with the Dompor family in  Clifton who were setting up their place for the celebration of Fiesta of St. Augustine the following day. As expected, guests came for the event, started with a Mass by Fr. Jed Sumampong, sumptuous buffet, program/dancing and reunion with family and friends in the area.
·      On Sept. 20, I celebrated my birthday with Mass and Adoration, then dinner with Sean; he surprised me with flowers and gifts;
·      On Sept. 28, we were invited to dinner for the 80th birthday of Don Davies, husband of Rose; held at their home with 80 guests; was surprised that Rose asked me to do the ‘Blessing of the Food’, and I gladly did it; I always find myself in this task, my share of ‘evangelization’, Thanks God!
·      Resumed my Bible Study class on St. Paul’s Galatians; then continued ‘Intentional Disciples’ and Cat. Of Catholic Church;

Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! Everyone is finishing up summer activities and preparing for the resumption of classes for kids, shopping for school necessities and the fall wardrobe, making use of Sale offers!

I am always excited about the month of August for the following reasons: celebration of Feasts of some of my favorite Saints: Maximilian Colby on August 14, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 15, and my childhood patron St. Augustine on the 28th - when our Panglao town open homes to share food on table with ‘uniform menu of dozen dishes, centered with lechon’; street dancing, and many more as part of Big Fiesta. When in Pinas, I always go home Panglao for this feast. This year, Sean and I join the Panglao society in Clifton, New Jersey for a fiesta dinner gathering. Wherever you are, Panglao natives really celebrates the feast of St. Augustine in some ways.

Sean and I leave for New Jersey via DELTA air; then on Sep. 3, Sarah and I will join a group for a pilgrimage to Italy: Milan, Magenta, Mesero, Turin, Venice, Padua, Florence, Assisi, then 4 days in Rome/ The Vatican. As we embark on this journey, I share this Traveler’s Prayer:

Good and Gracious God, on the day of my Baptism, I began the journey of my life of Faith, to the joy of your everlasting reign;
Help me to see all of life as a journey to your heart; a heart filled with hope, joy, compassion, and Peace;
In my travels, May I find refreshment and renewal; the expanding of my mind and my spirit; That I may find new expressions of your goodness; and new experiences of your continuing Presence on Earth;
In my time of rest, May I find your Peace, and through my quiet Prayer: Hear afresh your Word of Truth that guides my Life’s journey;
When I return home, May I be rededicated to the Mission You have given me: To build a family modeled on Your own – The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - United in Trust, Openness and Care;
May each step of my travels, whether easy or challenging, Bring me ever closer to you, my loving Lord; walk with me now, And lead me to your glory
Until my journey is complete and I can live, with You forever and ever. AMEN!

Other highlights for the month:
·      On August 15, Sean and Claret mates (Roy Pineda from Leuven, Belgium; Abe King Cada from SFO, CA, and Red Balanag of Concord, CA) had a reunion at home. I enjoyed hosting them for 4 days, treating for lunch at FATS Asian Bistro in Folsom, they had fun recalling their ‘hunger days at Snackbar’ with silog or siomai paired with ‘extra rices’, LOL!
·      Instead of the 2nd Saturday Opus Dei Recollection, I spent the day for other charitable works of Mercy, culminated with time at our Eucharistic Adoration chapel, followed by the anticipated Mass;
·      On Aug. 17, Ms Joanne Wagner was so kind to drive us (Gloria Burgette, Gayle Johnson and I) to Vallejo for the funeral Mass of Fr. George Snyder’s grandmother Mary Snyder. Later, we joined a large group of Fil-Ams for the reception. Fr. George’s family originated from Cavite, in Pinas.
·       I read the book Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry Weddell, and continued reviewing Catechism of the Catholic Church on some topics/issues;
·      Movie watched:  Scenic Route, featuring Josh Duhamel whose wife Fergie (of Black-eyed Peas) just delivered their first baby, a son named Axel.

     Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!