Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! The weather is getting cooler and time to bring out of the closet those sweaters / jackets for the layering of wardrobe; but if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

            On our SacCatholic Lunch Club for the month at the Red Lion Hotel, we had as speaker Mr. Ned Dolejsi, Executive Director – CA Catholic Conference, on the topic “The Land of Oz: Politics and Faith under the Capitol Dome. He gave updates on status of Catholic actions on political matters in the state of California, such as Planned Parenthood – Abortion expansion; Lumen Fidei: Faith / Prayer; Women who are poor are vulnerable, without physician’s care; the human resummation bill; lobbying money matters. There  is need to send messages to local legislators to make known your stand on issues for them to act. As Laity, we called to evangelize! So Act / Work / Speak!     

We were all jolted by the news of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake which hit Bohol and other provinces in the Visayas, Philippines last October 15. From the Vatican were photos of old churches which were damaged by the quake. Network (FB) were on the frenzy. However, my niece confirmed that our island town of Panglao was spared of damage; our St. Augustine church, belfry tower, and Chapel of our Lady of Fatima were still standing tall, Thanks God, and the protection of said saints! They just celebrated the fiesta of Our Lady of Fatima on October 13. Later, on TV interviews of priests whose churches were damaged, they confirmed that only the church in Panglao was safe! We joined the rest in praying for the safety and speedy rehabilitation of all victims of the terrifying quake. I trust their strong Faith in God will pull them up fast!!!   

The Bohol quake prompted me to sign up for the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land set on Nov. 3 – 17, 2013, led by Pinoy Fr. George  Snyder. The invitation had been a year ago but with my other trips with my children: Sean to Belgium and Germany in April, and Sarah to Italy in September, I avoid overlapping of plans. Thus, arrangements with the travel organizers were done hastily, and I got a good deal/ cost still, God Wills! Joanne (my roommate in the journey) and I drove 3 hours north of SAC to Fr. George’s St. Joseph Parish Church in Redding, CA (Oct. 27 week-end) for the commissioning / blessing of our group of 32 pilgrims; way of getting-to-know and instructions from our guide Sr. Adele Gerlach over lunch. We appreciate and much thanks for the hospitality of Fr. George who invited us to stay overnight and enjoy the comforts of his 6-bedroom Convent, so much Blessings!

Other highlights for the month:
·      At St. Mel’s we had the ONE campaign for Bishop Soto’s fund drive; I joined the Wednesday, Oct. 16 gathering at the parish center, where I expressed my concern about being a ‘more welcoming community’ for parishioners;
·      On our OD group, we had our Recollection with Fr. Turlock on Oct. 12. I had a very holy confession and got very good advice / direction from him. I also opened our Library for some OD members to borrow books for 2 months. Ms. Percy from Berkeley came to visit;
·      On our Tuesday Bible Study, we continued with Galatians and I will be missing the last lesson in Nov due to our trip;
·      Filipino Fr. Ferdie (from Canada, Fr. Aldrin’s classmate) is at St. Mel’s celebrating Masses. He’s on his way back to Pinas; we had a nice talk. I also had a meeting with Fr. Aldrin on Nov. 25, on his plan to organize a Parish council at St. Mel’s;
·      Later that afternoon, Sean and I had our portrait-sitting for the St. Mel’s Parish Directory.

Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

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