Thursday, July 31, 2014

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings Sacramento, CA, USA! The summer temperature is now in the 3-digits middle of the day so I stay out to save on home electricity, like go to the Gym, malls, bookstore, or in parks; still better than the long brownouts in Pinas due to storms / disasters – so sad for the misfortunes of our countrymen; but conditions are now improving, Thanks GOD!
For the summer, we are taking a break in our monthly SAC Catholic Lunch meeting to give opportunity for family vacations before classes resume. Instead, I am quoting wisdom nuggets from John 14: “Do not be troubled: trust in God and trust in me. In my Father’s house there are many rooms and I go to prepare a place for you: did I not tell you this? And as I go now to prepare a place for you. I shall come again and take you to me, that I am, you also may be. . . . . .”   The Gospel is taken from the Last Supper discourse, found in the part of St. John that covers many of Jesus’ thoughts from throughout His ministry. He is the Way, the sheep gate; the Truth, Wisdom incarnate, and the Life, the source and goal of our lives. We cannot know God the Father except through Him. His leaving at that time is not abandonment, but what is best for us, for He prepared the way ahead of us. As His disciples, we can represent Him now, while on earth. This is one of my favorite Bible verses: the promise of our salvation – fulfillment of our goal for Holiness!
Some time was spent on preparing for retirement: inquiries on possible health plans/ insurance, liquidating 401 K plans / investments, praying and discerning God’s plans for the forthcoming life phase, getting spiritual direction from our Opus Dei Fr. Turlock – he always gives wise advise; having the gift of prophesy!

Other highlights:
·      My grandson MAX marked a double celebration – his 12th birthday on July 3 and his graduation moving on to middle school; he got a special recognition for his exceptional talent in Art. His art works, like his painting on Spider-Man is truly beautiful – attention to details. I am proud and love you MAX!!!
·      I got my thrill watching the games of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil; rooted for the team which eventually emerged champions – Germany! Our recent visit to Belgium and Germany (Frankfurt, Stuttgart, and Munich) is still fresh, with beautiful impressive memories, prompting my affinity to the culture and life quality. They deserve the title and I chose right!
·      On our Opus Dei Recollection, Fr. Turlock talked on Faith and Reason, which is a favorite topic because of my St. Thomas philosophy background; also, on the gifts and fruits  of the Holy Spirit; to encourage and nurture these virtues on our children:
·      Sean invited me for dinner with his Knights of Columbus group – Hawaiian motif. It was the induction / installation of officers for the incoming year and I was surprised that Sean is an officer, so I got to stand by his side – I am the only Mother, the rest are all spouses. Being a Knight is the closest Sean could get to being a priest - as Jesus’ disciple, and I am happy about his spiritual commitment / development!
·      Received an invitation from the Mayor of Panglao, Bohol, Pinas, to participate in the celebrations of the Feast for our patron Saint Augustine on August 26 - 30, and I am honored to accept it, so I am planning for that trip;
·      I am continuing with my fitness regimen (balance of diet, exercise, medication); with proper discipline seems on the right track effectively!
·      Serving as Eucharistic Minister at St. Mel’s, actively participating in the Liturgy of the Mass has inspired me for a more prayerful life – more Blessings!

Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


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