Saturday, January 31, 2015

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sacramento, CA, USA!  The most anticipated season of the Christian world commenced with Advent preparing for the commemoration of Christ’s birth – season for sharing, giving, mortification, and remembering: calling to mind the Nativity scenes and all its meanings, especially memories of Bethlehem where we sang carols during Mass in our visit last year; life has never been the same since then!

The Holy Land experience last year brought significant improvements on living: priorities, values, relationships, and service to GOD!

The month was a flurry of activities: in Church with our Opus Dei group, Adoration chapel, lunch meetings, shopping, and highlighted with the completion of the 9-days Novena morning Masses towards Christmas. With the brrrry cold weather, this was the most challenging to accomplish – Much Thanks to  GOD as He allowed me to fulfill my life tradition even as I experienced severe colds after Dec. 25; what is so grace-filled is I am able to fulfill my assignments as Eucharistic minister for the Body and Blood of Christ as scheduled – truly meaningful! I have so much to Praise and Thank God for: Good Health for all family members, Peace, Joy, Love, prosperity and continuous source of income in our business, and ability to help others through our international shipping business!

            With so much critical incidents around the world, I just appreciate all the blessings on my family, friends, and the peaceful experiences in my little world as I watch it slowly grinding around me, doing my own share of apostolate / evangelization – what a blessing!

Other highlights:
·      2nd Saturday Opus Dei Recollection with Fr. Turlock, confession, benediction; Talks  on Holiness and Family Life were held at our new St. Jude Room; we also have the new St. John Paul II meeting room;
·      My regular work-outs in our gym is fruitful as the aches and pains on my body and legs are slowly disappearing – with needed commitment to schedule; Likewise, Sean introduced me to Happy Massage for a 1-hour foot/body massage – very therapeutic, after 8 years, I am enjoying refreshing, little self-indulgence – amenities;
·      Dedication to my church commitments as Eucharistic Minister, Adoration chapel time including additional hours as substitute when called, arranging images and paraphernalia and church library duties;
·      Sent out the traditional snail-mail Christmas cards to family and friends;
·      Streamed Live over EWTN, I watched the beauty and splendor of the orthodox Maronite traditional rites celebrated with Pope Francis in Istanbul, Turkey over this week-end – so inspiring and moving! 
·      Communicating continuously with our contacts in our SAGA 1965 Golden Reunion FB website; we pray for maximum participation in our Feb. 21, 2015 event!
·      Movies watched: Into the Woods, Unbroken (directed by Angelina Jolie, re-affirmed my admiration of her); followed and watched in wonder the pre-nuptial, and wedding activities of the Dingdong-Marian Royal Wedding of the Year; amazed by their Love for each other; so happy and proud of their Catholic values – wish them the Best for their Life together!!!

Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


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