Friday, July 31, 2015

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sacramento, CA, USA! With school on vacation, families on out of town trips, and summer heat on 3-digit figures, many activities are held in abeyance until the fall season. We are still experiencing drought although authorities are more lenient since we are achieving our water conservation targets!

The weekly ‘Truckin’ Tuesdays’ (5 – 9PM), where food trucks gather and park around our clubhouse park and offer various delightful foods, is becoming popular attracting more crowds gathering to bond with one another and savor fo

ods not ordinarily prepared in home kitchens; it is a welcome respite after an hour of workout in the gym. Likewise, new restaurants have been cropping up along Sunrise: Pieology, Chick-fille-a, Chipotle, among others, which are signs of prosperity in Rancho C. In fact, they have installed new traffic cameras along the route, as part of their $ 10 M surplus budget for the year.

The annual CA state fair was held on July 10 – 26, featuring, among others, concerts, county food fair, markets, etc.; one concert we attended was the Air Supply ( July 12) – a beautiful evening of love songs after 40 years of being together; the big crowd of contemporary seniors enjoyed singing to their hit songs – very nostalgic and memorable.
Other highlights of the month:

  • I continuously serve as Eucharistic Minister (Eucharist or Precious Blood) twice a month. To prepare for worthiness to serve, I pray a lot, do fasting, and mortification. Please help me Lord! We have a newly-ordained priest at St. Mel’s, Fr. Victor Gutierrez, of Italian roots. He is so cute, and has a clear, loud speaking voice – an inspiration!
  • On our Opus Dei group, Fr. Turlock had Mass on our regular 2nd Saturday Recollection, followed by Meditation, Confession, more talks, examination of conscience, culminated by the Benediction; I am spending more time at the Adoration, especially when Marge calls me to sub for others who cannot make it to their committed schedule; it means more time communicating with the Lord;
  • A new Catholic convert Ms. Hanh Le Bielski has become close, as she considers me her Mentor and I am touched when she thanks Jesus for sending me into her life. We spend time walking along the American River, discussing doctrine, reading Scriptures, sharing the Faith. I do my best to be a worthy guide in our journey of our life faith – GOD Bless us all the way!
  • Movies watched: ‘The Ant-Man’ starring Paul Rudd; not so many good movies this season. The 33 Doctors of the Church, review of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologia, and The Faith of our Fathers, by James Cardinal Gibbons;

Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


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