Friday, July 31, 2009

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from Sacramento, CA! We are reminded of Pinas days with 3-digit temperature in the afternoons (4-5pm) but cool air in the mornings/evenings with delta breeze!

The month started with the 233rd Independence Day celebration with fireworks observed in various parts of the SAC area. Since Max’s celebration of his 7th birthday and his mother Sarah referred us to her facebook account to view recent photos, we (Gerry and myself) had to register our individual accounts in order to be updated. Where before, I only used Sean’s account to view photos, I can now update myself easily on current developments – we are truly electronically connected (with other friends and relatives) globally! Despite the advantages of fb with photo uploading facility and instant comments, I will still continue with my monthly journal/blog, which has its unique feature.

On our monthly Catholic Lunch Club, held on July 24 at the Radisson Hotel Sacramento, our guest speaker was Rev. Fr. Joseph Howard, Jr. – Professor, Bioethics, Moral Theology, and John Paul II Fellow. He spoke on The Catholic Response: Reproductive Choice, Death with Dignity, Stem Cell Research. His discussion provided answers to some questions: What is the most fundamental of rights? How do we respond to the medical and ethical issues confronting us today? How do we present the Catholic response to our friends, families and co-workers? Fr. Howard helped us understand today’s threats to human dignity and how to present the catholic point of view and charity. Grounded in doctrine and guidance on the crucial issues, as well as the most current scientific research, he was uniquely qualified to lead us through this rocky ground. He often used and cited the philosophies of St. Thomas Aquinas as rationale of his treaties, especially on truth, faith, reason, and proofs of God’s existence, for which I am very familiar.

Yesterday, I hosted our monthly OD Circle with a Swimming party at our clubhouse. I had promised our leader to give me the summer month so kids are out of school to come and for them to have fun. Yesterday, we had five adults and more than ten kids enjoy our gathering from 10 to 3 pm. For food, we had hotdogs, siopao, muffins, candies, chips, nuts and various drinks. The kids had real fun and were very appreciative of everything I did – they are looking forward to next summer.

At past 3:00pm today, while Sean and I were having late lunch at Red Lobster, I got a text message from my daughter Sarah (in New Jersey) with the message: “Tita Cory is dead. May she rest in peace!" Shortly thereafter, she followed it up with a call, then we started talking and recalling on our Pinas experiences - attending all the Cory ‘yellow’ rallies from 1983 – 86. Yes, (in her early teens - Sarah, Gerry and I) were committed participants; together with 5 other ‘middle class’ couples from North Fairview, we attended pre/post-election rallies, concerts, and 4-days of EDSA (Radio Veritas, Luneta, NAMFREL counts, EDSA, etc.). We voted in the same NF precinct with Jim Paredes (of APO) who were regular features in the rallies and concerts, so we were quite familiar seeing one another in those events. We were physically in EDSA (every day) when Cory took oath as President, and when Marcos took off for Paoay. We truly thank God for Tita Cory for restoring Democracy in our country!

What happened after that is a different story – considering Cory’s limited expertise and managerial skills – like the brownouts/mismanagement in the power sector, abuses of her cronies, the leftist influences and the power-hungry rightists, among many other problems. Despite everything, she maintained her moral high-ground and spiritual values, for which we are very grateful, remember and pray for. May her soul rest in peace in heaven, AMEN!

I was deeply touched recalling all those events with Sarah on the phone, bringing us back 20-25 years in our mother-daughter bonding, when everything seemed simple, easy, always happy – these are what beautiful memories are made for, and we truly thank GOD for them!!!

Attached are 3 more photos of: 4th of July celebration, OD Cirlcle. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!



Unknown said...

Hi Sis Sue! Could you please email me Fr. Howard's lecture on the Catholic Church's response to the issues you mentioned? I would like to be enlightened, because much as I am a devout Catholic myself, my inclination is to agree to the 3 controversial issues (I'm considered a deviant then, am I not?). Cory.........
I was never physically there in EDSA (unlike you) but in spirit I was one with all of you, totally rejoicing at the success of EDSA I. Cory made us all proud to be Filipinos during those times. Pinoys pioneered People Power. May GOD bless the soul of Pres Cory Aquino. As Kris said, she is now with her beloved Ninoy in heaven.

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