Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from Sacramento, CA! I just took time out from watching the live video coverage of the inauguration ceremonies of the 15th Philippine President Benigno Simeon ‘Noynoy’ C. Aquino III streamed over GMAPinoy.TV, which started at 7pm, PST(June 29), 10am Pinas time(June 30). Since I am an avid P-Noy supporter, I wish him the Best in his governance and pray for the achievement of our Bagong Pilipinas (‘kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap’). As Regine sang, ‘Noy, hindi ka nag-iisa’, watching the crowd’s energy and expression of love for P-Noy in colorful yellow theme, I am truly happy and proud to be Pinay. Congratulations Pinas!!!

On our monthly Catholic Lunch Club held on June 25 at the Radisson Hotel, the guest speaker was Bishop Jaime Soto, on the topic Grace and Temptation. Bishop Soto commenced his talk with: ‘We are all called to holiness. Our whole life is caught up between the grace of doing good versus the temptation of doing evil.’ June, as the feast-months of St. John the Baptist and St.Thomas Moore, he encouraged us to be reminded of their lives and virtues. The significance of Jesus and John: Jesus, being born in December 25 (winter solstice – shortest sun) while John, being born in June 24 (summer solstice – longest sun) as he said: ‘I must decrease, that you might increase.

God made us free to make choices: do good, detest evil or fall into temptation to be bad. We should all try to emulate St. Augustine in turning to God, who said: ‘Our heart is restless till we rest in Thee.’ As human persons, we have the desires to experience what is good, true and beautiful; and the senses and potential to want, choose, do good. Thus, to act wisely as God intended for us, we should: 1) Accurate Information; 2) Proper Instruction, Suggestion, Guidance; 3) Desire/Act to do Good: Journey with God through the Scriptures, Holy Eucharist / Blessed Sacrament; 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, Fellowship: choose friends carefully for good influences, active Prayer life, filial Obedience to do God’s Will – say YES to GOD!!!

This warm month was peppered with many gatherings and social interaction, as follows:
June 6 – As volunteer of the Meg Whitman for Republican Governor campaign, Sean and I attended her final rally at Elk Grove (before the primary) where we listened up-close to Meg’s speech, took photos, and actively participated. as part of responsible citizenship. By evening of June 8, candidates we voted for, won – Meg, Carly Fiorina for Senate, and my lawyer Andy Pugno for Sate Assembly.

June 12 – Feast of St. Jose Ma. Escriva, celebrated at our St. Mel’s church starting with Mass and Confessions, followed by pot-luck brunch. Cooperators, families and friends came in force for the joyful celebration. My special guest was Anne Colter, who is a mother of 7 (ages 1 to 16), whose entire family converted to Catholicism just last Easter Sunday. Since that day, the entire family comes to 8:30 AM Mass every single day. We parishioners are deeply touched by this family, and I am so happy that I had become a friend to them. On that evening, Sean and I went to downtown SAC for the 2nd Saturday evening street party, with music, night market, art exhibits, and varied cultural activities – the crowd was so huge!

June 19 – After the anticipated Mass was the Despedida for Pinoy Fr. George Snyder who (after serving for 3 years) is being transferred to the St. Joseph Parish of Redding (2 hours north of Sac). People here truly love him with his faithful and inspiring service. As he reiterated: ‘St. Mel’s is his first parish, hence his first love; and first love never dies.’

Then, I sponsored a Fil-am girl to have her debut at our clubhouse. It is required that I be present during the entire event, so I had to stay till 11:30 pm to ensure that everything was in order. The guests of more than 200 truly enjoyed since they refused to leave even as the 11pm end-time was announced.

June 26 – A baby-girl shower was held at my sister’s Roseville home for her son Mark and Serri, expected in September. The couple had their wedding in New Orleans in October 31, had their honeymoon in Bohol, Pinas in December (Chrstmastime); thus, obviously their daughter is made in Pinas. BTW, on her 40s, Sherri’s pregnancy is God’s special blessing!

Attached are 4 group photos of recent pictures of family and campaign. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


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