Monday, May 31, 2010

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from Sacramento, CA! Happy Memorial week-end 2010 to everyone, as we enjoy the sunny weather, went out shopping, meet up with friends, and wear our comfortable summery get-ups. During the week-end, we also celebrated the annual Jazz Festival / Jubilee here in Sacramento, culminated with the Jazz Mass at our Blessed Sacrament cathedral officiated by Bishop Soto.

I wish to congratulate our Pinoy countrymen for the successful and peaceful automated elections and voting for change and new leaders! I am so glad that our candidates won – when we were in Manila / Bohol, Gerry would always say, ‘Kay Noynoy tayo’, every time he hands out moolahs. Even then, Noy was truly malakas, especially with ordinary folks. There was always healthy debate since my Kuya Rudy was a strong ‘Gibo’ supporter, due to the progressive development in Bohol attributed to the current administration. We do hope change will come for the better, starting from the hearts and attitude of everyone.

It looks like better business climate augurs well with the new administration / mandate. A Taiwanese shipping principal, who had cancelled a contract 5 years ago, called up last week to renew ties with our company, which means employment and income for our Filipino seamen. Thus, Gerry and staff are busy contacting our experienced officers and crew for possible deployment. We hope and pray that we can meet the target schedule per terms and conditions of our new manning agreement. For a global business like ours, it is really important to continuously keep in touch with business associates, even just sending out greeting cards during holidays, and keeping close communications / contacts through the Internet and websites. Likewise, a wealthy Dubai businessman is determined to locate a retirement business in Panglao. He is negotiating with my Kuya to purchase our 5-hectare soil property so we are busy with our SPAs and documentation for the sale, with so much potential for more business collaborations. I am looking forward to participate actively in these endeavors to develop Bohol and help our countrymen.

On our monthly Catholic Lunch Club held on May 21 at the Radisson Hotel, the guest speaker was Thomas E. Zordani, on the topic Faith Finances. The teaser stated: ‘Are you worried or anxious about the current economic climate? What does the Bible say about the economy and what do we do to survive?’ Mr. Zordani shared his powerful testimony and provided answers to these and many other personal finance questions from a scriptural perspective. He cited Bible passages relating to Finance, responsible stewardship, and gave the 8 steps for Success in your Finances, as follows:

1. Write a Budget; Spend, Save / Invest, Give Away. Live within your means.

2. Tithe; Give back 10% to God.

3. Pay yourself first; Provide for emergency fund.

4. Pay off / eliminate debt;

5. Keep / maintain 6 months of Income as emergency fund / reserve;

6. Fully fund retirement;

7. Pay off mortgage; and

8. Give and save in Abundance.

These steps, its biblical origins and relevant personal experiences were narrated in the autographed book ‘Faith Finances’, I obtained at the end of the session.

Together with my NPC colleagues Lorie ad Rose and families, we sort of agreed to have ‘potluck’ lunch regularly to keep in touch, as support system with one another, and updated with Pinas stories.

This week, I am completing the final exams for my NU MGT 451 - Production and Operations Management class. My students are employees of the Dry Creek Casino employees in San Bernardino, CA, as part of American education incentives.

Attached are 4 group photos of recent reunions with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


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