Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! The month was full of celebrations: gifts of life, good health, pleasant surprises, and wonderful blessings – Thanks GOD!

With the resumption of school, our Bible study group also resumed its activities with its launching on Sept. 13, ‘Movie and Desert Night’ at the new St. Mel’s parish center, showing ‘Introduction to the Bible’, attended by all participants – so enlightening! Our Tuesday Bible Study group of 22 is in the midst of 1 Corinthians.

I attended our catholic Lunch Club on September 21 at the Westlake Hotel with my friend Joanne where we had  Benjamin Glenn - Lawyer, as speaker on the topic “My Catholic Windshield is bigger than my southern Baptist rearview Mirror”. He was born “within sight of the buckle of Bible Belt” in Midland, Texas and grew up as a Southern Baptist. Now, one of Silicon Valley’s top intellectual property attorneys, Benjamin shared how history continues to draw him into the Catholic Church. He told anecdotes of biblical personalities, blended history, scripture and humor together to inspire others to fund joy in daily, personal faith formation, like David, Jonah, Elijah. He also offered practical tips for making the most of the upcoming Year of Faith, which starts on October 12.
Sept. 7 was the birthday of my daughter Sarah, and I offered Mass at St. Mel’s followed by my committed time at Adoration, then Sean and I had lunch at Elephant Bar, after we greeted Sarah by phone; we learned she had her own celebration! In the afternoon, I visited Carolina (originally from Brazil who married a Filipino) at Elk Grove who just delivered her son Paulo; she was experiencing difficult times in her life and I was glad to extend timely support, kindness and love! I also attended Paulo’s baptism at St. Stephen the 1st Martyr Church on Sept. 15.
On Sept. 20, I started the day with Mass at St. Mel’s, followed by brunch with some friends, after an hour at Adoration chapel. I intended to read books and let the rest of the day pass quietly. However, at 4:00pm, Sean surprised me when he passed by to deliver a basket of edible fruits and balloons – truly unexpected! The best gift we had was the firming up of plans for our multi-located family to spend Christmas here in SAC – God wills! This means flights had been arranged: for Sarah and Max (from / to New Jersey), for Gerry (from / to Manila). By the way, as previously planned, Gerry and I will be flying together on Dec. 30 for Manila, via Hawaiian Airlines – God wills!

Other highlights for the month:
·      Other celebrations: Birthday of Mama Mary: the ultimate Virgo! Likewise birthdays of Admiral Tomas Cloma – Sept. 18; Lyrio, Don Davies, Lori, Tess, and other friends.

·      Sean’s  move to Field Area Audit brought new excitements to his career, as he is fulfilling his childhood dream of becoming a ‘policeman’ - implementing laws. I recall, during his prep school graduation at 3 yrs old, on stage he said: ‘I am Sean Gerardo, when I grow up; I want to be a policeman!’ I was wondering then, why not ‘become a doctor, lawyer, or teacher . . the usual, conventional. . .’ Over the years, life went on, but Sean harbored the feelings of being a law enforcer, like when he sees drivers violating traffic rules, he would comment, ‘sarap hulihin’. In his position now, he goes with SWAT teams on car, with overhead helicopter, going after erring employers circumventing the law on red flag. I look forward to his nightly reports on exciting experiences he had for the day; While there are business owners who are resistant and difficult to deal with, on the opposite extreme are employers who are readily compliant, like when a businessman handed over a USD 200 million check to him as settlement (this happened on my birthday) – what a performance accomplishment!
·      Watched the movies The Life of Timothy Green and Hope Springs: moving and funny Movies experienced at Palladio – El Dorado, are always followed by lunch at Japanese Blue Nami, then shopping at Folsom outlets;
·      Read 2 inspiring books: You set my Spirit Free by David Hazard (given by Joanne W.), and Catechism on the Real Presence by Fr. John Hardon.

 Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

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