Sunday, March 03, 2013

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! In the middle of the Lenten season, I am focused on meaningful spiritual activities – mortification, readings, self-denials – aimed at closer relationship with God, especially on the current shake in the Petrine chair with Pope Benedict VVI’s renunciation and coming Conclave; we pray all for God’s Glory!!! Pope Benedict timed his announcement on the season of Lent to allow us to meditate, reflect and find meaning, according to the Paschal mysteries / triduum of our Faith. Ash Wednesday was celebrated with deeper reflection and piety. I was in tears as the Pope’s helicopter took off for Castelgandolfo. Much Thanks and God Bless, Pope Emeritus!!!

Sean surprised me with a yellow-green orchid flower plant on Valentine’s evening – so thoughtful and loving; in addition to the many greetings received during the day; Love was truly on the air!

I resumed my attendance to our SAC Catholic Lunch Forum at the Red Lion – Woodlake Hotel on Feb. 15, 2013, with Fr. Mark Richards as speaker. He is Canon Lawyer, Tribunal for Diocese of Sacramento, Chancellor, Pastor, and Vocation Director. He discussed the topic ‘Annulment: The Myth vs. The Reality’. While Marriage is indissoluble, there are exceptions, like incest (between relatives) and few cases, such as mixed Faith and others, undergoing the tedious process of Annulment, which usually last 10 months to 2 years. He presented several grounds for annulment like Fraud, gunpoint / forced / deceived marriage, simulated, 3rd party situations. He went over the process: submission of 4-page info to the Tribunal, submit testimony in 3 weeks, review by expert / psychiatrist, decision by Judge (beyond reasonable doubt, moral certitude) Then it goes to the Appeals Court / 2nd Instance. It undergoes Spot Checks; Then Case is concluded: Deed of Execution: Restrictions / Warnings. Fr. Mark advised that until the final Deed of Execution is released, parties should not set a Wedding Date for another party wedding!   
One exciting activity we did on President’s day week-end was shopping for Sean’s new car to replace his gas-guzzler Jeep. We started early on Saturday to Roseville automall. Earlier, I did my internet research on the most fuel-efficient (mi/gal) vehicles, so I narrowed down choices to at least 4 alternatives. The next criterion was the one who could give us the best price for our trade-in. Sean tried test-driving several models. Although we agreed to go for the basic features – aircon, automatic, anti-theft, Sean opted to get the highest end state-of-art Nissan SR with keyless operation featuring - touch screen GPS, CD/radio, sun-roof, spoiler trims, anti-theft, among others. Keyless means you just keep the key in your pocket, and you can open/close car doors, start/stop ignition, drive, and operate anything – so amazing! It has been 2 weeks running and Sean goes for an average 40mpg – true to its hype.   

Other highlights for the month:
·      Books read include:  Discernment: Acquiring the Heart of God, a tour de force of the spiritual life, by Marko Ivan Rupnik, S.J.; consistency in our relationship with God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – in our thinking, feeling, willing, acting; and The Lamb’s Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth, by Dr. Scott Hahn;
·      Movies watched: Beautiful Creatures, featuring many British performers – a must see entertaining movie; and Safe Haven, a Nick Sparks love story, starring Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough;
·      Renewed my attendance to our Bible Study group where we are discussing Book of Revelation – events and truths revealed, not commands meant to scare us, but to raise our awareness of rewards and consequences for our actions/decisions, given that we have free WILL as children of God!

Attached are 3 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


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