Friday, January 03, 2014

Christmas Day 2013

Dear Loved Ones,

            Pleasant Greetings from Sac, CA, USA! Thanks GOD; I completed the 9-days novena Masses to prepare for Christmas, fulfilling my personal life Tradition! I wish you all had a Happy Christmas and enjoy a more Blessed New Year! After the Holy Land trip, celebrating the season brought more meaning beginning with Advent, culminating with Christmas – watching EWTN Jesus birth – related features allowed me to visualize the images of our Holy Land journeys, and our guide Hana’s historical narratives, wonderful Blessings!

            The season afforded me to express thanks and appreciation for all the gifts and Blessings – to GOD – for Faith and Graces - good health, Love and Generosity, Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit, Cardinal and Theological Virtues; to Family and Friends for their support; specially, my son Sean for encouraging me to take 4 international travels this year (in January to Pinas, in April to Belgium and Germany, in September to Italy, then November to Israel, as he said: “Go, go now, don’t wait for me to push you on a wheelchair for the Holy Land.” He was as right as I joined all the processes / functions: renewal of Baptism on the river Jordan, Via Dolorosa Stations, a Camel ride, Dead Sea wade, standing on long queues, long walks, going up / down excavations and steep terrains, shopping, and many, many more . . . . . in God’s time!!!  

            Meet-ups and gatherings always featured exchange of gifts and partaking of food thus, the need for more control / discipline and sticking to exercise regimen, and my resolve to avoid contracting disease, like we experienced last year; so far, the care is effective! Parties were limited to important socializing with Sean’s office staff at Rose’s home, OD group and church organizations. With all the year’s blessings, gift-giving and sharing to charitable groups were more generous!
            I am now looking forward to my next journey: to Pinas (Jan. 5 – March 16) to spend time with one third of my multi-located global family, and attend to our international shipping business. By The Way, I am now in the TSA pre-approved List; upon check-in at airline/port, persons with TSA pre-approved code, take a special line queue where we don’t remove shoes, other paraphernalia, and make a swift pass. The highly strict EL-AL officer commented on my passport: “You are a very-well travelled young lady!” Such nice thing to hear, considering being a senior citizen.

Other highlights:
·      On our Opus Dei, Fr. Turlock gave a moving Reflection on Advent, Penance and memorable meditations, then Benediction;
·      Books read: God Alone Suffices, and The God Within by Fr. Tom Allender; doing regular Liturgy of the Hours;
·      In addition to daily Masses at St. Mel’s, I attend the EWTN Masses for the readings and homilies to listen to other perspectives of the readings and watch the Season’s features, especially the Concerts, like Friar Alessandro of Franciscan Assisi, France;

Attached are 4 photos with family and friends. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


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