Sunday, December 31, 2006

December 31, 2006

Dear Loved Ones,

Happy Christmas to you all and a more Blessed Year 2007 ahead of us!

The year had been very successful for us in terms of achieving more targets than what we set at the beginning of the year - personal, career and other dimensions of life! December started with a bang as Sean and I attended our Willdan Holiday Dinner Party at the Holiday Inn (Dec. 1). The party opened with cocktails, casino games, dinner, and then raffle of prizes. Big surprise to get the 1st item that was raffled off! Enjoyed the ‘magic shining moment’, amidst applause from the 150 white crowd, memorable corporate Christmas party!

Eagerly awaited are two visitors from Pinas since Gerry sent stuff for us through them separately, although both of them took the same PAL plane from Pinas on Dec. 15. The 1st is Fr. Victor Bompat, director-formator of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Tagbilaran, Bohol who is on his annual mission campaign in America, and is going to bless our home and vehicles on Dec. 30. The other is Ms. Nayoka M. who works at the Embassy of Sweden in Makati, who is visiting her relatives in San Diego.

Due to my Norwegian connection, I am part of a Consultancy firm ‘Nordic Ventures Synergy Center’ (NVSC), which serve as commercial arm of the Norwegian Embassy and other Scandinavian countries in the Philippines and Asia. You can visit our website at www. Our President Arlene M. is doing a great job running (keeping and acquiring clients) the business, even as I am VP Admin-Finance (in absentia). Our link with the Embassy of Sweden is Nayoka, who recently got engaged to a Swedish national and is joining him here and drive all over CA. By the way, SN Power of Norway, represented by Ozone Azanza as Pinas country Manager, is NVSC’s client. SN Power partnered with the Aboitiz Group to form SN Aboitiz Power which won the bid to buy the 360-MW Magat Hydropower Plant in Luzon for $530 M (biggest power investment, source: With SN’s business, I am eager to be back in Pinas to resume my corporate life in the power industry.

Sean attended the 18th birthday of her friend Angelina, with full Filipino feast (3 lechons, embotido, crabs, barbecue, dinuguan, palabok, fish kinilaw, leche flan, turon), then brought ‘bringhouse’ of all these which we ate for 4 days. Typical of Flip parties, they had ‘magic sing’ where the host parents challenged to give $100 to anyone who can score 100. Sean sang 5 songs, he scored 100 in 3 songs, so he was given $100. He sings ala Nick Lachey / Josh Groban! (thanks to his training as member of the People Precious and Few choir at our Good Shepherd Paris; performing arts is his strength, he plays the guitar and piano as well). He also turned out to be the emcee of that evening. His English / Speech teacher remarked that Sean has the makings of a ‘stand-up comedian’. Thus, he could easily get an alternative part-time career here.
CSD1 holiday lunch was on Dec. 20 held at the Dante Club; it was a sumptuous ‘thank you’ treat by Management to its thousands employees, also with ‘giveaways’; the whole month we had daily treats from our clients, so kept watching out on the calorie intakes.

Fr. Victor blessed our home, vehicles and us, yesterday Dec. 30 at 4:00 pm. Our guests were Dr. Connie of N.U. and her husband Gerry, Lik and Gene Schroeder, Eve C. and Auntie Nene of San Fran(Fr. Vic’s chauffer when he’s here). We had Flip food and nice time!

Highlight of the month! After 15 years, I was re-connected with my Kumareng Rebbie Santiago, my former NFairview neighbor and baptismal ninang of my Sean, whose family had moved to Canada. She was browsing the Internet, serendipitally came across Nordic Ventures Synergy Center, then found my name! She sent me an e-mail immediately, now we are updating one another’s lives, my blog is very useful. Take note Ms. Arlene, our NVSC is truly a global entity!

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

November 30, 2006

Dear Loved Ones,

We Praise and Thank God for all the wonderful blessings He generously showered on us for the month of November, enjoying the Thanksgiving four holidays week-end, as we look forward to Christmas and His continuous outpouring of Love, Mercy and Generosity to share with others in the coming days!!!

The long break was partly spent catching up on reading books in the comfort of home and our Anatolia clubhouse (for different ambience). I tackled three interesting books: ‘The Thinker’s Way by Dr. John Chaffee, a biography of Johnny Depp (wasn’t he funny and gorgeous in his latest Pirates of the Caribbean!), and one by Barak Obama, the Democrat ‘shining star’ senator who is at par in the surveys with Hillary Clinton, for US President. I love reading reality books, not fictions. Last Saturday, Nov. 25, Ate Senie Ignacio- Davis with hubby Lloyd came for home visit and gave us a pot of beautiful poinsettia flowers which fitted as decor into our side table. With them were visitors from L.A. - Terry Balane (former NPC co-employee) with husband Pat and two other relatives. Time updating on our friends’ lives in L.A., reminiscing happy NPC memories. The visit was capped with our clubhouse tour!

Since it is the 1st Thanksgiving in our new home, we had typical American fare like Turkey with stuffing, salads, Pumpkin pie, Japanese sushi and maki/kani (which is always Sean’s favorite). In fact that day, because I had visitors, Sean went to anticipated Mass alone and saw Lik and Gene Schroeder. After Mass, they invited Sean for dinner at a Japanese resto, he gladly went with them, after giving me a phone call. Japanese food is simply irresistible and Sean is comfortably Americanized, Thank God too for kind and generous people! This time of the year in Pinas would mean decorating home for Christmas with all the lights and cleaning up our life-size Belen; actually the Holy Family figures stand all-year long, as centerpiece of our ‘home chapel’. Here in Anatolia, we bought a small Belen (which is truly the symbol for Christmas), and is the focus of our small home altar.


Last week, I completed working on the set given when I started my project. To ensure a longer stay, I wrote a note to the CSD1 boss, hinting for more work until year-end. Yesterday, she gave me 3 times more data to work; thus, I’m so happy for my job security here in Mather! Busy life goes on with my teaching job, alternately handling ‘Management Science’ and ‘Production and Operations Management’ every month for the past four months. My students have increased as they enroll on my next class after taking one, and invite their friends to attend my class. Apparently, they perceive me as ‘good teacher’. Obviously, the trust and inspiration provided by Dr. Rudy De Lara, Dean Vicky, Fr. Ed, Fr. Art and other role models are paying off. Here, Dr. Connie and Dr. Ken Goldberg are according me similar support systems.

My three work assignments mean getting along well with 3 sets of people with various group schedule/activities, like birthday lunches and Christmas parties. (Our Willdan holiday party is tomorrow at the Holiday Inn). I have to stick to my exercise, diet and discipline to maintain balance and good health. I look around at people to remind myself about ‘what not to become’. In contrast to the abundance and wastage in America, I think of the poor children of Payatas, living in scarcity. Let’s spend and share more for these children this Christmas!

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

October 31, 2006

Dear Loved Ones,

We Praise and Thank God for all the wonderful blessings He generously showered upon us for the month of October, the Holy Rosary/La Naval month as we look forward to His continuous Love, Mercy and Generosity for the coming months!!

La Naval is very special for us as we always join the Sto. Domingo procession in Pinas; our family is the sponsor of the ‘St. Thomas Kuong caroza’ and novena mass for many years already, and the tradition is continued by my husband Gerry. He reported that he saw all the friendly OP priests, e.g. the head of the Dominican Province in the Philippines, Fr. Ed Nantes (who was my classmate in UST Grad Ph.D.) and Fr. Arthur Dingel, who is the new Regent of the UST Faculty of Engineering. Fr. Art officiated during our 25th wedding anniversary at Sto. Domingo in 1999, and at the wedding of my daughter Sarah in 2002, also in Sto. Domingo. The two revered priests are in the loop of my Journals.

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October 10 marked another milestone in my U.S. journey. Willdan Management decided that I was ready/ ripe to be set out as “consultant off home-base”. Since then, I am working full-time at the Sacramento County Sanitation District 1 (CSD1), which is located at the Mather Field (former U.S. Airbase now being used for commercial planes). Mather is just across from my Anatolia home. From the 30 minutes commute to my Willdan office, it is now just 5 minutes/ 5 miles commute to Mather for me. What a blessing! It’s like fish being thrown into water, how I love it here! During our ‘halloween party/meeting’ I was introduced as ”here to clean up our messy database to enable us meet our customers’ requirements, and staying until the end of the year”.

My project is highly technical, I extract data from their computerized Geographic Information System (GIS), (in Adobe, PDF format); pull up plans and profiles, identify underground utilities - upstream sewer manhole rim elevation, then pad elevation of all residential and commercial structures in the Sacramento region; build-up database for those which require sewer backwater flow valves to be installed, as part of upgrading/ improvement of facilities projects. Users of my report are home/property owners, contractors and other stakeholders. I need to be accurate since nobody else will check on my output. I also do quality assurance TV inspection of underground utilities pipe installations. The GIS is awesome, similar to ‘Google earth’, but with so much more information to pull out, so state of the art high-tech! I wonder when our public works system in Pinas can have even a fraction of the GIS system? Public works service here is overwhelmingly efficient!

Funny is my Willdan boss keeps calling and consulting on me, asking when I will be finished with my work here, after just one week. He said my stint here would only be for one month, so I was happy to hear that they expect me stay here until the end of the year! I told my Willdan boss I can finish my work in a month if he wanted me to, but I must ensure accuracy for quality output.

What my assignment here meant too was, I have to let go of Sean to drive the Chevy himself to and from school. So that is why God gave us the Grand Cherokee SUV for me to use, sooner than our January purchase plan. Mather is also just 5 minutes from my school NU where I have continuous monthly teaching assignments until December, which meant additional income for the expenses, more gasoline and insurance expense for Sean; but no complaints, the benefits far more outweigh the cons, especially the independence and maturity that is developing in my son. I have to impress upon him that with “freedom comes the big responsibilities.’ Thus, Everything happens for a reason, and Change is the only permanent thing!

I now have several contact addresses, at work:
Email: ; Tel: (916) 924-0806
Sac County (CSD1):
E-mail: ; Tel: (916) 876-6290
National Universsity:

My primary e-mail is still this, and my home phone is: (916) 294 – 0806
Cell phone: (916) 532- 3249

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

August 30, 2006

Dear Loved Ones,

We Praise and Thank God for all the wonderful blessings He generously showered upon us for the month of August, as we look forward to His continuous Love, Mercy and Kindness for the coming months!!

After the hectic activities of the house move, adjustments and my husband’s departure for Pinas, Sean and I slowly settled to our regular schedule of house chores, work and new realities in our home. It was a good thing that Sean was on school break so he could attend to house callers like deliveries and blinds installations. Yes, our blinds were finally installed last August 19, so we are now fully covered!

We had our visitors one after the other on that week. Our first visitor on record (after my husband left) were Emma Padaoil-Bull (UST ChE 1970) and her husband Bill. The happy couple came all the way from Virginia / Washington D.C. and were on vacation with their son to the California area. After leaving their son on ‘taekwondo camp’ in San Jose, they went on their own getting a rental car to go around the bay area, culminating in Sacramento. I am very glad that Bill and Emma made us part of their itinerary, in response to our open invitation in my journal to TNEM, that if you happen to be in the SAC area, come visit us! They arrived Friday evening, stayed overnight with us and left before noon the following day. We truly enjoyed their company as we exchanged stories and experiences of the good old days (while Emma was cooking breakfast for us) as they shared tips on survival / living in America! Thanks Bill and Emma for your company and for giving us our first housewarming gift! Thanks too for the photos you sent!

After the “Virginia Bulls” (that is how they referred themselves in the ‘Thank You card’ they sent) left, my brother’s (Kuya Rudy) son’s family arrived to spend three days with us. They (my nephew Rigel, wife Mabel, children 4-yr old Athena and 10-month old Andrew) came to evaluate the possibility to move here, from their base in Arizona to SAC. Both Rigel and Mabel are nurses so jobs are easy; they went for hospital interviews, viewing houses, etc. Rigel called last Sunday to say that they have decided to move to Sacramento by November. I am looking forward to more family members here in the area.

My kumare / former NPC boss/ friend Cora Ignacio, who is on vacation from Pinas and is scheduled to leave for home this week-end, came to stay overnight with us on August 25. We brought her to our newly-opened Anatolia Clubhouse, which is just next block to our home. We live in a master-planned community and we are very fortunate that our clubhouse is very accessible to us. The amenities, like gym equipment, 3 swimming pools, dance / aerobics and other sports / hobbies activities, video/audio, coffee shop, etc. are so varied and comprehensive that we can avail of anytime. How overwhelming! And we have met other ‘Flips’ (that is how Filipinos are referred, especially the young) in the area and have bonded with them. Sean goes their daily, while I go 3 times a week to work-out. How awesome is God’s Love!

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Imagine, as card-bearing members (Sean and I are), we have all the Club (open 9am to 9pm) amenities at our convenience anytime we want, because of its proximity to our home; we intend to go there 7 to 9pm any day to maximize our benefits and we can entertain our visitors there! It’ practically like, we have expanded/ widened our home area with complete amenities! At home, what has been added to a former apartment lifestyle is our enjoyment of our 50” HDTV. Thus, there is no time to get bored in our American living.

Sean is back in school. Although he already got his Driver License, he does not have his own car yet because of high insurance; maybe by January, I will get myself an SUV Jeep and let Sean use my present car. So right now, we have to wake up early at 5:30 AM, prepare and leave home by 6:30 to bring Sean to El Camino to catch his bus for school at 7:10 am, while I proceed and reach my office before 7:30 PM. We then agree for me to pick him up at the bus station at 5:00PM to go home together. Now, he found a Flip classmate who also lives in Anatolia, who volunteered to take him home on T-Th at 3PM (another angel!). The road to Anatolia is undergoing expansion and there is no bus route, so we have to make adjustments to our schedules. Small inconveniences are nothing compared to the wonderful Blessings God is continuously pouring upon us!

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

September 30, 2006

Dear Loved Ones,

We Praise and Thank God for all the wonderful blessings He generously showered upon us for this month of September, as we look forward to His continuous Love, Mercy and Generosity for the coming months!!

Sean and I are marking our 1st year of independent living in America and anniversary of my career as part of the U.S. workforce, which started with my stint at SEARS, so it is nice to look back and evaluate the swirl of events and we can just say Awesome, Overwhelming and marvelous is GOD’S LOVE for us, as we continue to discern His Holy Will! Now, I’m in the middle of two good jobs. While my job at WILLDAN is financially rewarding, I can say that TEACHING is really my passion and vocation! I got this from my mom who was an excellent mentor of children. I am currently handling the on-line iLinc Management Science class where I have 8 students in the San Diego campus, 3 in Redding and 3 in Sacramento, 5:30 to 10:00 PM, T-Th-S. Even if I am tired, I am always inspired when my students give feedback: my pace and their overall evaluation for the night is “green”, which means perfect. It sort of gives you a high that your hard work to get that “Ph.D.” is truly appreciated and put to good use, here in America.

Last Sept. 2, to enjoy the long Labor day week-end, Sean and I visited Folsom Automall to check on vehicles we were planning to buy in January 2007. We would like an SUV Jeep for the boxes that come from Pinas. (When Gerry came, we had to tear apart the box at the airport so stuff can be put in our car). A Korean salesman named John met us, showed us around, then we came upon a red Grand Cherokee which was just moved from their showroom which attracted us, especially Sean. (The color was exactly like our Pajero in Pinas which was stolen). John let us test-drive the vehicle around, filled out some forms upon their prodding, then voila! told us we can bring home the vehicle. I insisted that I did not have money/check to make a downpayment in 30 days, they said it’s okay, my credit was good, they can wait, and the vehicle was mine to use right away! Thus, Sean and I drove home separately, he in our Chevy car and me in the brand-new red Grand Cherokee SUV. So this is America, even if you have no cash “single cent” out, you can take home your dream vehicle! So our 2-car garage is filled with both red vehicles, the SUV ready for the boxes from Pinas. Sean intends to drive on his own by January yet, when his ‘insurance’ is reasonable. Then I will have the SUV because insurance is too high for new vehicles.

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September 22 was a milestone for our company WILLDAN, as we moved to our new office building, at the corner of River Oaks Drive (just few blocks away from our former office). The space is 3 times bigger than our old one. I am lucky to have a corner cubicle with a window view, next to my boss’ room, with a very high-tech environment. Here, you are on your own to do your thing, with minimal oversight, so you must be highly motivated to be productive and maximize your potentials! There is no limit to what you can do for yourself, with resources available for you to function effectively. We have a new Admin Asst who is Fil-Am and is nice to me. When I said I was feeling cold in my corner, she ordered a ‘heater’ for me to use. Whatever you think would make you more effective, management will provide, you just order from the catalogue. How awesome!

Our new office address is:


2150 River Plaza Drive, Suite 300

Sacramento, CA 95833

My Tel No. (same): (916) 924 7000 Ext. 1623

We continue to enjoy our Anatolia Living amenities. Yes, you can visit our homesite at to get a glimpse of our master planned community. We have a group of Filipinos in this community, helping and friendly with one another. Sean’s Kuya Mike even picks/ drops him up early to go to/from school on T-Th when he has his school schedule. The Pinoys here are so good! Yes, Thank God for His Love and Kindness!

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

July 31 2006

Dear Loved Ones,

We Praise and Thank God for all the wonderful blessings He generously showered upon us for the month of July, as we look forward for His continuous Love, Mercy and Kindness for the coming months!!

July was very hectic for us with the many milestones and exciting events happening in our family lives. My professional life was fruitful as well as my superiors took recognition of my effort and performance for the past three months, to give me a substantial increase (in $s per hour). Normally, performance evaluation is done, and then salary increase is granted after 6 months or 1-year period of service. So they said I was an exception to the rule. All the senior officers I worked with were one in saying that my performance far exceeded their expectations and I deserved an increase, that I was grossly underpaid. My immediate boss David, however, was dissatisfied with the increase given to me, that I deserved more based on his recommendation. I thanked him and told him that I was happy with it and the philosophy about the “buttonhole that fits the button” (my income fits my expenses right now), but he said I can always ‘rip up the buttonhole to accommodate for bigger button.’ he-he-he. Actually, I was told about the increase on the Monday that my husband Gerry arrived here, so in a way, he was my lucky charm! I was overwhelmed by their recognition and I appreciate it very much, I really could use the increase to pay for my home mortgage. See how amazing God’s love is!

We sent off Gerry to NJ to spend time with our daughter’s family for 3 weeks on July 1, while we kept busy with preparing for our move to our new home. I did my new home orientation on July 14, closed escrow on the same day, got my new home keys on July 19, started accepting our appliance deliveries on Friday, July 21 (like refrigerator, washer, dryer, 50 “ television, etc. – those that were not part of the home package), then our final move was done early Saturday morning July 22. From our apartment, we brought only two small beds, two collapsible tables and our personal effects. For all other essential furniture, we had to buy everything new from Naturwood, all delivered that same day, Thank God everything went smooth, like clockwork!. Sean and I really had a very tiring day, but we had to wake up early to go to Sunday Mass and drive to San Francisco to fetch Gerry, to enjoy a week in our new home!

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It was providential that Sean finished his summer classes on July 20, so he spent the rest of his time bonding with his father and attending to the needs of our new home. Father and son took charge of entertaining callers to our home, like construction finishing touches, utilities installation like Comcast for Internet and Cable TV, telephone connections, measurement for blinds, ADT home security installation (Gerry was very particular about this aspect). I would have settled for a simpler cover, but he insisted for a more sophisticated security cover. Now, our home security set-up is like the “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” environment. High tech! By the way, Sean got A’s for his two summer subjects – Statistics and Philosophy of Religion!

Our blinds needed more time to install, so we are like living inside an aquarium where people outside can see us if they wanted to, but this is America, who cares! Well, life is more exciting! But once the blinds come in, our situation will become normal! Everything has been moving well as planned, the fulfillment of our American dream – Gerry and Sean really enjoyed arranging stuff in our new home, cooking, watching the big TV, feeling domesticated – they do not want to leave the house- yes, how awesome is God’s Generosity and Love!

But Gerry had to leave for Pinas yesterday, so we brought him to SFO airport again, for his trip back home. Everything good comes to an end, so enjoy it while it lasts! Mixed feelings again, but I am sure Gerry enjoyed his short stay here, all the things he wished for our new home came true! Our new address is at:

4368 Anatolia Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742

Our new home phone no. is (916) 294 0806and my cell phone no. is (916) 532-3249. I close my cell phone when I am at work, and my daytime work phone no. is (916) 924-7000 ext. 1623. To all of you who might happen to be in this side of America, I invite you to come visit us, stay with us – we have two spare rooms – and be at home with us!

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

28 June 2006
Dear Loved Ones,

We Thank God for all the wonderful blessings He generously showered upon us for the month of June! Likewise, we look ahead as we join the nation for a long celebration of July 4 Independence Day!

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June 1 was an eventful day as I officially started my full job as adjunct Faculty at the National University School of Business and Management (SOBM). When I arrived home earlier than usual after a field survey work, Sean told me that officials at NU, Dr. Ken (my iLinc Prof) and Dr. Jeff Mueller (the head of SOBM) had been calling me on the phone 5 times each. As I returned call to Dr. Ken, he told me that I was chosen to take over a class whose assigned professor got sick, based on my qualification profile. Then he said the subject was ”Production and Operations Management”. I readily said ‘Yes’, even if I did not have the syllabus, course outline and other teaching materials yet, since I am quite familiar with the subject. I had been teaching that subject for many years in Graduate School in the Philippines, so I could rely on my stock/stored knowledge. Dr Ken assured that I would get my books overnight by UPS and he walked me through the iLinc system for 3 hours that Friday night (8 – 11PM) so I would be ready for my 8:00AM – 12:30PM the following Saturday and he was also on-line with me that morning to make sure that I would feel comfortable. With God’s Blessing and Management support, I handled and completed the 1-month course last Friday June 23 and the students were very appreciative of the learnings they gained and thanked me for taking up the subject at such short notice; cancellation would have meant loss of their time schedule and delay in their target course completion. Thus, everybody’s happy: the NU officials, the students and myself, for completing my first subject at NU, with less pressure to prove myself as I completely enjoyed teaching the subject, with full confidence on my competencies on the subject matter. I am originally scheduled to teach Management Science and Business Statistics from July to December (1 month per course). Again, God was with me during that extraordinary situation!

Sean and I met my husband Gerry at the San Francisco (SFO) International Airport last Saturday June 24 at 10:00 AM. It was our first time to drive all the way from Sacramento. With the help of map quest, we went and came back to Sac with Gerry smoothly; invited for lunch at Lik-lik’s home who was so gracious to serve Filipino food like adobo, dinuguan with puto, chitcharon, fish dish, which (what were left after eating) we all brought to our apartment for our next meals (bringhouse). After lunch, we went to our new home in Anatolia. Gerry was so impressed that he said he is willing to stay here for good. Then we went to attend Mass before we finally rested in our apartment. It was such a hectic day for all of us, especially for Gerry who traveled from Manila via Narita on NW. He will stay here in Sacramento until Saturday and we will drive him again to SFO to take his NW flight for New Jersey to spend time with our daughter Sarah in time for our grandson’s 4th birthday on July 3. Gerry will come back to Sacramento on July 23 when hopefully, we have already moved to Anatolia, before he goes back to the Philippines on July 30.

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Our family situation is unique in that (with God’s Blessings), we are privileged to operate a business in the Philippines, which is still earning for the people working with our company, so it is difficult to just close and fold-up; even if we have golden opportunities here in America. Thus, we have to make the little sacrifice of being physically apart, as Gerry enjoys managing our business there, helping our people and our economy; we normally get by with global communications, prayers and God’s continuous generosity. When he goes home end of July, he plans to come back in December for Christmas / New Year to experience the cold winter in America, and continue coming back and forth, every six months (enjoy while it lasts!). As for myself, I have already adjusted and firm up on my plan to get a U.S. citizenship, with my two good jobs and new home; while Sean is well into his college education for an Accounting degree. We believe we are on the right track and proper discernment, on God’s plan!
Everything has been moving well as planned, with our readiness for the fulfillment of our American dream of owning a home – yes, how awesome is God’s Generosity and Love!

Hopefully, by July 22 our address will be at;
4368 Anatolia Drive
Rancho Cordova, CA, 95742

My cellphone number is (916) 532-3249. I close it when I am at work since there is no signal, my workplace is highly “wired”; and my daytime work phone is (916) 924-7000 ext. 1623.

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. God Bless us all!!!
Much love and Best Regards!!!


For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Monday, May 29, 2006

29 May 2006

Dear Loved Ones,


Please say a little prayer for OUR HEROES, thank you! When one is busy, the days seem to pass so swiftly that June is just around the corner. My second month at Willdan had been very fruitful, my bosses recognized my efforts, had been giving positive feedbacks, encouraging comments, though as I told them I would gladly welcome criticism in order for me to do more and improve. As one supervisor Helena (of Slovak roots) said, “You are not new, you are a Pro”! (It was quite elating). On June 1, I will be part of a new division team, headed by Rudi Golnik; (of German roots) a former Director of Public Works/City Engineer; my current boss David Dudley and I will be joining him, together with a few others. As Bob Blaser (our SVP) promised, I will definitely get a salary raise with this new assignment. It would surely help in paying for the monthly amortization of the house we are moving in on July. When I told Bob (here, we call one another by first names, no “boss, sir, Mr.”) about our new house, he was very nice and supportive; glad to be part in the attainment of my American Dream.

The past days, the “Da Vinci Code” (DVC) movie hype was on various media, the Catholic Church, and the Opus Dei (which had been put in bad light by the author of the book and now the movie) were now open in coming out with disclaimers about the fallacies presented by the author and producers of the film. I would also present my cent’s worth about my experience as a member of Opus Dei (OD). Remember, in my February Journal, I mentioned about my happiness at reuniting with my OD Circle and activities. When I returned to the Philippines, I said my OD activities – the Doctrine classes, Recollections, Confessions, Retreats, Circles/Chats) were the events I missed most in my US sojourn. I joined OD as a cooperator in 2000 (the time after I finished my Ph.D.) and I call it God’s timing, because all OD schedules suited into my time schedule; like, I committed my MWF to office work, week-ends to family, and Fairview, Saturday for my professorial teaching work , T-Th were for personal errands. Fittingly, all OD activities were on T-Th, and I enjoyed the company of our Circle, especially our head, whom we fondly call Mother Superior, Beth Libarnes, who like me, is now in Pasadena, CA; as I said before, she is my role model in this journey to U.S. Citizenship. What I have become as a person and what I am now as a worker in America – doing the best in whatever my role is - persevering, patient, positive, professional, steadfast, etc. – is due mostly to my being an OD. When I joined OD, I realized that the virtues, values, norms and discipline were what I had been practicing and trained for all of my life as a child by my parents in our small town in Bohol; that my parents, especially my mother, was an active OD practitioner, that she even preceded St. Josemaria Escriva in inculcating the OD values in her children for which I am very grateful! Now, wherever and whatever I am, my strong, positive OD values serve me in good stead. I strongly reject the thesis presented in DVC that OD is a “negative cult”. The truth is: OD is a positive group of lay people in the Catholic Church, seeking personal sanctification in the middle of the world, doing the best in the profession they chosen in their daily lives. I personally try to be the best in whatever I am doing, seeking God’s help, guidance and blessings in my struggle to become a better person each day; that I am just a spec in this vast universe, plodding along serving God and others, being a good steward to God’s resources, utilizing God-given talents to make positive contributions, being an asset society – doing good, right, positive; with the ultimate aim: to be happy with Him forever in Heaven! And I am happy and proud to be part of OD! I do my best to be faithful to the daily norms of OD.

As I said last month, we are in the process of preparing to move to our new home which is under construction. Normally, it takes two years stay here to get a loan approval for home mortgage. In our case, we are here for ten months only (we came here August 2005), yet we got approved last April, recognizing our preparedness for the fulfillment of our American Dream of owning a home – yes, how awesome is God’s Generosity and Love!

Our new home is located in Anatolia Village, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742, part of a planned community; a two-storey Spanish colonial style in The Villas section, near The Clubhouse; with 4-bedrooms, with 2 and ½ baths, 2-car garage; and we expect to move there on July 20, 2006, thank God!

Good OD news: A friend of my OD co-circle Ingrid, Helena Yang – also an OD from Canada visited Sacramento last week, called me to get in touch, got me connected to her brother who is President of Morton & Pitalo, an engineering development firm here. He got interested to offer me another part-time consultancy work. I am taking my time to gain more experience at Willdan; nonetheless, it is such a nice feeling to have so many other options / opportunities here for mature citizens.

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Saturday, April 29, 2006

26 April 2006

Dear Loved Ones,


Please say a little prayer for her, thank you! This month had been quite interesting and hectic for me. Interesting, in the sense that we experienced sudden highs and drops in temperatures and heavy rainfalls in-between, especially during weekends. Fortunately for me, I was able to acclimatize myself to the sudden changes in temperature that I am still okay as far as my health is concerned.

In addition to the trainings on iLinc which kept me busy since my return to USA, I am happy to inform that I got my daytime job when Willdan asked me to report last April 3 to start work with them, 8:00 to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Thank God for this wonderful Blessing!

So far, so good! Part of the Willdan Group of Companies (WGC). Willdan is an Engineering Consultancy firm providing services to public works agencies/projects, our Sacramento office for the Northern CA area. You may visit our website to know more about our company. I am the only Asian in our office, mostly whites and a few Mexicans; I thought I would be the only “oldie” but I was glad to find that there are two other female engineers who are older than me; being consultants, they really needed “mature personalities”, thus, I felt at home at once and happy with my work environment. I am provided with everything, my own 5m x 5m Cubicle, by the window with a beautiful view of surrounding trees and my car parking space, “networked systems” - the best working conditions I've had. I do checking of detailed design plans, ensure that they conform to standard American Codes and Specifications, so I have to study and brush up on my Engineering knowledge and competencies, this time on the American Standards. Then, I am now part of the workforce that drive on the freeways 18 miles, about 20 minutes, each way, AM and PM.

We have a room that serve as dining/kitchen where we have “Seattle’s Best” coffee all the time, all kinds of tea, a ref to store your “baons”, microwave, vending machine for all kinds of chitchirias and colas, a very hygienic restroom where you can literally rest or sleep, everything to make a comfortable work environment, the pay is good. 3rd Friday of the month is “Pizza lunch day” where all employees gather together to honor birthday celebrants for the month, around the conference table full of all kinds of pizza, cakes, drinks, etc., nice way to nurture camaraderie. On the personal side, now we are at the stage of looking for a ‘new house under construction’ which we plan to move in by July (less than a year since we came in), enjoying God’s graces, all Thanks and Gratitude to God for being kind to us, for His bountiful Generosity and Love!!!

As I told Fr. Ed, God prepared me for this life, giving me a PhD when I was supposed to be retiring in Pinas, but here I can even get three jobs if I want to; yon nga lang I am utilizing God-given talents here which were not afforded me in Pinas, where the norm is the politics of patronage, sayang! So far, I made good impressions on my superiors, on my 2nd week when I was familiar with the codes, 1 project plan which was due on April 26 – I completed on April 14; a project due on May 10 – I finished on April 25; so now, I’m deluged with 3 projects, that’s how focused I am on doing things. Now I am pacing myself with their system.

On my NU iLinc training, we are wrapping up the course this week-end and I am now ready to teach on-line. I have started preparing my lessons because we have a hectic schedule; one course per month; 5 hours per session for 10 sessions per course, one has to be prepared for the class session.

Well, since I am now pre-occupied with two exciting jobs, I have to shorten my journals in order not to bore you but I’ll do my best to continue sharing my experiences in this land of opportunities.

Let us continue to pray for our country and people. God Bless us all!!!

Much love and Best Regards!!!

For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

25 March 2006

Dear Loved Ones,


Glad to be back in the cold American climate! I arrived on March 4 after a nice flight from Manila via Narita (Airbus 300, Northwest) and was met at SFO airport by my kind cousin Ate Cel, as always my white angel, who brought me all the way to Sacramento.

As soon as I got adjusted to the surroundings, I reported to my National University (NU) contacts. When I was in Pinas, Dr. Connie e-mailed me to inform that I had been accepted at NU and have to start my orientation/training on their systems, so I had to get back to the U.S. right away. (This was also consistent with my plan to return soon, in order to start with my 1-year continuous U.S. stay to comply with the residency requirements for U.S. Citizenship). She gave me my I.D. employee number, my access code to their SOAR system, NU e-mail address, etc. Thus, on this return trip, there was a feeling of hopeful expectancy, through God’s loving generosity!!!

Subjects assigned to me are Business Statistics and Management Science which are to be conducted via iLinc (on-line) and in-person. First, I have to observe how classes are done on line, so I attended the class of Dr. Bill Balvanz on the first week. The following is my observation on my first day, to give you an idea of how classes are conducted on line.

The classroom is fully equipped with high-tech equipment: each student has computer, plasma monitor, audio-video gadgets, etc. While 15 are enrolled for the class only 5 were inside the classroom in Sacramento, 3 were in the Redding campus, 4 were in San Diego campus and the others were in their respective homes/ apartments, maybe in their housedresses or pajamas and slippers, all in front of their on-line computers inter-connected. The camera is focused on the professor, viewed by all the students who are logged in. Then discussions/ exchanges, questions and answers are done during the entire period as scheduled. The professor must be well-prepared to manage the communication exchanges, have the skills to effectively teach the lessons, balance and fair to give each student airtime to answer or raise questions.

My formal training on iLinc will start on April 5, since I came in late for the March session. It will run for a month with 2-hour sessions M-W-F over the interactive on-line, with a headset and microphone set. Dr Goldberg had confirmed that I will just be in my home, in front of my computer (Windows based system), log on-line with my Logitech Stereo USB Headset Model 350. I am very excited to learn new methods and high-tech style of teachings. Last March 23, I attended the Orientation-Workshop for new NU Faculty, together with 8 others of various specializations. I learned about NU high-quality standards mainly for adult learners with evening classes (5:30 – 10:00 PM), 1-month courses, so the schedule is very rigorous, comprehensive and hectic. Thus, the professor must be well-prepared, dedicated and focused to impart competencies to the students.

Since I am part-time at NU, I was recommended by the Northern California Higher Education Recruitment Consortium to the California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) and made my first interview with Dr. Herbert Blake. I hope to get in at CSUS too, one at a time!

ABOUT SEAN: Two days before his birthday, Sean won 2nd place in the Math Quiz Contest in his school and received an IPOD as the prize. The IPOD’s memory: 15,000 songs, 25,000 photos, 150 hours movie/video (costs about $300 / up to PhP 25,000 in Pinas). It was quite a feat, there were 40 contestants (those with Grade of A or B or members of the Beacon Math Tutoring Group). His Math teacher Miss Julie was very happy to hand out the prize to Sean, that she was proven right in giving trust and confidence in him, as so many classmates and teachers congratulated him. Now, he is some sort of a campus figure, his credibility and confidence has been greatly boosted. Of course Sean is very happy and I am very proud of him!

Days before, when Miss Julie told him that she entered his name in the contest, Sean asked whether the winner would get a Medal, Miss Julie said: “C’mon Sean, students here don’t care about medals; they want real prizes” (Filipinos are honored to receive just medals in contests, my son is really mababaw, easy to please).

Last December, while reviewing the gift items for rewards of Visa card usage, we agreed to accumulate 40,000 points in order to get an IPOD (we are still at 10,000 points) . It was the only item we were interested in, nothing else. We thought we would have to wait two years to reach the points and the IPOD. But God is so good! He gave Sean the IPOD for his Birthday! Can you see the marvels of God’s Love!!!

ABOUT SARAH: I also have to update you on my eldest daughter Sarah, who is based in New Jersey with her husband Robert Byrnes and their 3-year old son Maximilian Bernard (MAX). Like me, she has a balanced life - as mother, wife and with her career, working at Schering Plough Corp. (pharmaceuticals) at their Quality Assurance Group. She has been doing well, determined to succeed and be happy in a foreign land; over the years, she’s developed a very strong character, more than our expectations. As Fr. E. Arceo of UST said: ‘Successful parents are those who can let go of their children to develop self-esteem and independence on their own’. The way things are, I guess my husband and I have done right with our kids. It’s one reason why we had to settle in California, to give Sarah total independence with her own family.

We maintain continuous good communications; Sarah calls me once a week; her latest news is that she got a Piano from Rob’s cousin, so she’s busy brushing up on her piano-playing skills as a hobby, in addition to her many chores and responsibilities. Well, it’s really “good time management”, prioritizing and doing what makes you happy in life! As Dr. John Gray said: ‘Life is the process of experiencing the results of your past actions.’ So, decide and do today, what you want to be your state, tomorrow or in the future!

In this season of Lent, I find time to attend Mass every morning at St. Mel’s church after which I visit the Blessed Sacrament at the Adoration chapel for an hour of meditation and spiritual readings. Likewise, I minimize verbal communications in order to avoid argument or miscommunication, especially with my husband, as my form of mortification. We should find it in our hearts to nurture humility and forgiveness towards others, especially to those we feel have wronged us – emulate Christ’s Passion, Death and eventual Resurrection!
To our Philippines, I continue to pray for the day when the majority will do the Good, Right and Positive – take the road less traveled and lead purpose-driven lives!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


For my complete journals, please visit Thank you!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

28 February 2006

Dear Loved Ones,


My personal activities were caught up in the swirl of exciting events in the Philippines. The main reason for the delay of this journal is because I spent more time watching television to keep abreast with the local happenings. Now I realize not having TV in the U.S. is a Blessing!

As soon as I arrived in Manila on Jan. 23, I promptly resumed my regular activities:
Attend daily 8:00 AM Masses with my husband Gerry at Sto. Domingo church in QC on weekdays, and at the Good Shepherd church in Fairview(we stay in our El Jardin condo, Bohol Ave on weekdays and go home to Neopolitan NFairview on week-ends);
On M-W-F, I reported to our office in Malate, did my duties and responsibilities as Pres. & GM of Fairview Shipping (which is engaged in the recruitment of seafarers for foreign shipowners) and Chair of Fairview Marine Transport (which is engaged in domestic shipping and vessels operation, with Gerry as Pres. We provide for the transport needs of CE Casecnan Water and Energy Co. along the Pantabangan River in Nueva Ecija. Thus, we are business partners of California Energy Co., an American MNE with main office at 6750 Ayala Ave., Makati)
T-Th were dedicated to personal well-being: activities with my Opus Dei Circle – Doctrine classes, Recollections, Confessions and chats (these were what I missed most when I was in the U.S.) Our circle of six (we’ve been together since 2001) is headed by Beth Libarnes, who we fondly call Mother Superior. She is very devoted as we learn so much from her, actually she is my model in this journey to America, she also has a green card and bent on staying long(starting this March 15) in the U.S. to complete the citizenship process / requirements, also basing in California (San Jose);
Went to the malls, watched movies, had lunches with various groups of friends, on different occasions: with our Circle of six; with Ms. Cora Ignacio, with my kumare Tess Santiago, merienda with my PUP Group – Dean Vicky Naval, Dr. Rudy De Lara, Dr. Danny Reyes and Graduate School office staff; dinners with our Couples for Christ Group in North Fairview; dinner with the UST Dominican Fr. Art Dingel in Glorietta, Makati; lunch – Board Meeting with partners of the Nordic Ventures Synergy Center; Despedida dinner with our Seville, North Fairview neighbors (8 couples with pot-luck food on Sunday night, Feb. 26, during the height of the Fort Bonifacio coup stand-off, all of us were in our bedroom where our TV was, to watch the happening); Bday party of cousin Dr. Lee B. at Sterten Condo Penthouse; Despdida at Italiani’s with ODCircle.

Memorable moments were spent with my hubby: watched concerts of foreign artists at the Araneta Coliseum – The Lettemen, The Zoombies and on Valentine’s Day with Mr. Andy Williams, who sang 50 or more songs. It was really a night to remember: Gateway Mall was filled with couples for dinner /shopping; the dome was full house amidst heavy security with many politicians and partners attending: senators, cabinet members, congressmen, etc. What was so touching was the audience of mature couples (mostly above 50s), wearing reds, women with bouquets of red roses, many in long gowns, some in casuals, others on wheelchairs, out to enjoy the love songs/music. Filipinos really know how to celebrate!!!
Then we went to relax for a week in Tagaytay Highlands and Caleruega. During all of these, we were aware of the disasters happening around – man-made and natural – like the Stampede at Ultra, the floods in Mindoro, the landslide in Leyte, the imposition of the State of national Emergency and its subsequent lifting (daw), the aborted coup, etc.

Let me express my cent’s worth on some personal observations on the U.S. and Philippines systems -; on what is hindering our progress. Premise: The U.S. has its Laws embodied in its Constitution and followed through by generations – the rule pf the majority (doing what is good, right and positive) applies and respected by all (with some minor exceptions), like the good cops are the majority while there are also bad cops. The Philippines also has well-crafted laws patterned after the American system. However, the rule of the majority is questionable and the exceptions(bad, corrupt, etc.) seem to “rule”; like while there are good cops, the bad cops seem to be the majority, especially now that PGMA spoiled the military, turning them as her private army to protect her at all cost.

Consider my personal experiences: 1) While driving my Montero SUV toward SM North EDSA from a lunch date, I was flagged down by an MMDA traffic aide, he asked for my license telling me that I was on the wrong lane. Since it was a 1st offense and being a Balikbayan, I asked for consideration but he would not budge. Then I asked if he would issue a receipt for the fine I will pay and get back my license, he answered that I have to go to their Makati office to pay Php 300.00 and claim my license there, which was a very impractical thing to do. Then when I said I did not have time to go to Makati, he said for me to shell out Php 100.00 for merienda. He asked me to open the windows so I can throw the bills as the other aides were watching. (No wonder the proposal to “pay traffic penalty at accredited banks was strongly opposed and not implemented.) Conclusion: The traffic/pay system really breeds CORRUPTION! Then I realized I am really back in the Philippines!

2) In the heat of the Muslim rallies on the cartoon issue against Demark, all the Nordic embassies in Manila were on high alert. Police authorities were asked to provide additional security, so PNP men were mobilized in the various Nordic embassies. As an embassy staff narrated: Instead of PNP men standing outside to watchout for rallyists,, they chose to stay inside the airconditioned rooms, asked for television set for their comfort, asked for coffee, sandwiches and other amenities. In other words, instead of being of help for security, they became a burden to embassy staff , so they requested for the PNP men to leave. If you ask for police protection, you should prepare for a budget of Php 40,000.00 /month/person. And those are the attitudes/practices of just one sector of society. Replicate those attitudes / values to many other groups of society, so you can imagine why our country is in a sad state. No wonder, we hear of “shabu talipapa” existing for so long in Pasig, right next to the Mayor’s office and so many outrageous happenings.

I love my country so much, the food (I'm chubby again), the family/friends, the friendly smiles. In our own little way, we contribute to our economy by being conduit of dollar remittances for allotments of our OFWs, paying good taxes and being good employers, etc. I am a strong advocate for education and training and feel that the ills in our society may be remedied through continuous education and training, like “teach people how to fish, not giving them fish all the time”.

What a nice feeling to be back in Sacramento! But I will cherish great, beautiful memories of my Philippine sojourn for so long!!!
Much love and Best Regards!!!


Sunday, February 12, 2006


American River College is a State-funded two-year community college, part of the Los Rios Community College District, which also includes Cosumnes River College, Folsom Lake College, and Sacramento City College.

ARC opened its doors as California’s 61st public junior college in 1955. Its history, however, dates back to February 28, 1942, when Grant Union Junior College was established in Del Paso Heights to train civilian personnel for national service during World War II. In 1945 the name was changed to Grant Technical College.

In June 1954, voters agreed to the establishment of a new junior college district, followed by the approval of a $3 million bond issue in November of that year. Grant Technical College ceased operation after 13 years and American River Junior College was born in the fall of 1955.
For the first three years, classes were offered at the former Grant Technical College campus. However, soon after its first semester of classes had begun, the college purchased a 153-acre site known as the Cameron Ranch on which to construct a permanent campus. By October of 1958, when official dedication ceremonies were held, eight new building complexes had been erected among the magnificent oaks native to the area.

Since that dedication the stately oak has been adopted as the official college symbol (including the campus seal), and many other facilities have been added to expand instructional and related services.

In 1965 the college became a part of the Los Rios Community College District and became American River College. Today, along with Cosumnes River College, Folsom Lake College and Sacramento City College, ARC is directed by a seven-member board of trustees elected by voters residing in the district.

At ARC, campus facilities development as part of the Los Rios District began with Davies Hall, a three-story classroom and faculty office building completed in 1966. In 1968-1969 new facilities for chemistry, physics, engineering, women’s physical education, and technical vocational studies, were added.

The campus grew rapidly in the 1970s, including a three-story library, a horticulture complex, a major addition to the technical education facility, a childcare center and counseling center.
Today, American River College is among the 10 largest community colleges in the state and is looked upon as a leader in innovative programs and services. It transfers more students to UC Davis and CSU Sacramento than any other community college.

Five decades after its founding, American River College continues its leadership role among the Sacramento area’s institutions of higher education.

Our Vision
American River College is a premier learning community that transforms and enriches people's lives.

Philosophy of ARC

We believe:
Students are the reason we are here; their education is our primary responsibility.

Education plays an essential role in cultivating critical and creative thinking, and in fostering responsible citizenship.

Students should be encouraged to recognize learning as a rewarding lifelong process.

The college is a community in which every person is capable of growth in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.

Collegiality among faculty and staff is central to that special tradition we call the ARC family.

A wide diversity of cultures and perspectives enriches our community and adds significantly to the process of learning.

The college serves as a resource for improving the life and culture of the greater community.

Identification of student learning outcomes promotes the effective use of our resources, in order to improve student success.

Our Mission

American River College will:

Serve all students who are capable of benefiting from community college instruction.

Introduce students to those broad areas of human knowledge and understanding that contribute to purposeful and meaningful lives as members of a global community.

Prepare students to transfer to and succeed at a four-year institution.

Provide education and training to prepare students for employment or to enhance career skills.

Provide remedial education that advances students' basic skills so they can reach their academic or vocational goals.

Provide instruction in English as a second language for non-native speakers.

Recognize student achievement through awarding certificates and degrees.

Offer opportunities for lifelong learning and continuing education.

Provide counseling and other support services to help students identify their goals and achieve their potential.

Maintain an educational environment that respects and accommodates a diversity of individual backgrounds, abilities, interests and opinions.

Work in partnership with students, business, the community, government, and other schools to foster community and economic development.
Provide professional development opportunities for all college employees.

"California is a diverse state, thouasands of people each day come and go to the state. Community colleges doesn't mean your entering a non - prestigious school, but rather it is a school for those who are preparing for the future. It doesn't matter what school you are in as long as you're studying abroad you can make it wherever you go, especially when students maintain academic excellence, good standing, motivation, willingness to learn, and be strong in order to become succesful in college. What is the American Dream? The American Dream is Freedom. What is the Califronia Dream? It is Opportunity and Success. The dream will no longer be a dream but will become real only if we strive to do our very best."

~Sean Gerardo =)

Friday, January 20, 2006

20 January 2006

Dear Loved Ones,


Today, I have mixed feelings – hopeful that the year 2006 will continue to bring us God’s Blessings – Good Health, Peace, Joy, Love, Happiness, among many others; anxious that I will leave my son for awhile to visit Pinas in order to settle things (tie some loose ends); and looking forward to a wonderful time – continues stories and dine-outs, with folks in Pinas. Actually, when I came in August 2005, I was prepared for a month’s stay only, so I brought just two pairs of pants and few necessities, so next time I will bring in a box of consumables and necessities from in-home stocks.

New Year’s Day! It is not like how we celebrate New Year back in the Philippines; where everywhere is full of laughter and people enjoying the different colors of fireworks. After attending New Year’s Eve Mass and with Sean feeling unwell with colds, we decided to sleep to wake up at 11:30pm, expecting to see the brilliant fireworks here in the U.S. At exactly 11:30pm Sean’s phone alarm clock rung set to ensure we will be awake for the New Year. It was the most silent New Year we ever experienced. Exactly 11:59pm, we heard shouts and fireworks so we dressed quickly and ran out the door, headed to the car as fast as we can; not knowing where the fireworks came from or where to start looking. We just went with our instincts and drove out to Greenback Lane, going back and forth searching for fireworks (“desperado sa paputok”), but found nothing, except for a few cars cruising along. After a while, we returned to our place to feast on hot chocolate, bread, ham, fruits, etc; then went back to bed, praying for more Blessings for the year ahead!

Jan. 5: Taking the cue from friends, with Sean driving, we embarked on I-80 freeway going North towards Reno, Nevada to experience the Snow; after an hour when we reached Tahoe National Park and felt snow around the area, we exited at 156 when we glimpsed snow in the surroundings. Sean had his first experience of snow, took a lot of phone and camera still photos and video; enjoyed playing in the snow, together with other Asian visitors; now, we literally completed our four seasons in America! The beautiful sights were awesome –the snow-capped mountains, the height of evergreen trees contrasting the cotton-white snow on the ground slowly melting, while fresh snow were dropping like icicles – oh!!! the beauty and the natural wonder of God’s creations!

On the later part of December, a friend/co-worker in Sears gave a hint that if I did not plan to stay long, it was the time to quit at year’s end because after the holidays, most transactions at Fine Jewelry would be for Returns or “cashing in” on Gift receipts by recipient; returns/exchanges 90-days after purchase is allowed here. True enough, after Christmas, there were mostly returns which would continue for the next three months; so I heeded the advice and turned in my Resignation effective Jan. 6, before my commission earned gets dissipated. My friend Megan herself, quit after Dec. 26, to move on before the onslaught of returns came. Well, my stint at Sear’s Fine Jewelry was a very rewarding experience for me: it afforded me a wide/closer view of the American workforce system (the upsides and downsides) – the retail marketing policies and practices, the hiring ad firing procedures, benefits and privileges, the backstabbing and self-uplifting of new upstarts, the biases and prejudices, even the inter-racial diversity differences. When I teach Business and Management, I have a wealth of actual up-close experience for case studies and class discussions.

Now, I am spending more time with Sean, preparing him for his solo living - shopping and stocking up on food and water, preparing meals, etc. (Actually, he resumed classes for Spring term last Jan. 17.); I wanted to have somebody that he can call on, aside from his friends, in case of emergency. So I got in touch and found our new “angels” in Liklik (formerly Carlita Gallares of Tagbilaran, Bohol) and husband Gene Schroeder, who lives near our place. I made sure to introduce Sean with the Schroeders before his Spring term classes began and they promised to treat him like their own son.

Liklik was so kind ad generous to bring us to South Sac where all the Filipino food and shopping marts are, treated us for lunch at Max’s Resto, meet some new friends who were also relatives of my close friends in Manila - seems like there are always linkages out there, we are all related in one way or another, which is the best reason for keeping good interpersonal relations with everyone at all times. Liklik is a very gregarious and unique lady – with very good social skills - very friendly, open and knows all Filipinos in the area. I have known her since high school days and we have common friends, so we spent the whole day of Jan. 14 reminiscing good memories. We were joined later by her husband Gene for the 4:30 PM mass at St.Mel’s, after which they brought us for dinner at Old Spaghetti Factory Resto with “to go”, which capped our whole-day outing.

Days later, I also met Ms. Eve Calceta, Lik’s best friend in Sacto. Lik again treated us for lunch at Teriyaki Grill then we spent the whole day chatting, updating on Filipino news and the good memorable days. Both of them offered for me to ride with them to San Francisco for my Jan. 22 international flight back to Pinas. Earlier, my Ate Cel of Sanfo, who came for the birthday of my Ate Nen last Jan. 15, brought my big luggage with her back to Sanfo, so I would only have my carry-on to bring, as I planned to take the Amtrak train from Sacto to Sanfo on Friday, Jan 21. I thank God for giving “angels”/friends I can count on to help during critical moments/needs!

“January’s garnet, given by a friend, ensures the two shall meet again.” Garnets are hard, glassy minerals that occur in almost every color and shade, except blue. The hard, durable, often brilliant stones are quite affordable. Garnet comes from the Latin word Granatum, meaning pomegranate. The red stones are thought to resemble the fruit’s seeds. A type of garnet was widely used in ancient Greece to fashion cameos. Asiatic tribes carved garnets into bullets believing the fiery color would inflict more deadly wounds. Ranging in hardness from 7 to 7.5 on the Moh’s hardness scale, garnets are ideal for all types of jewelry. Garnet is popularly given as a wedding anniversary present.

I would like to remind that this journal will be available a few days later at my updated website at

Please click on at the end of each journal (on Comments line) and put n your comments /advice /thoughts /etc. It is our way of getting in touch and keeping connected, so I would know. I will appreciate it very much!

See you soon in Pinas! Best Regards and Love to all and GOD BLESS US ALWAYS!!!

Susan B. Gerardo