Sunday, December 04, 2011

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from SAC-CA! After the very hectic month of moving to our new home, Thanksgiving week-end to the east coast, and back to CA preparing for the big Christmas holidays, I have finally sat down to write my journal updates. To compensate, I am attaching 5 interesting photos of those milestones. Again, Merry Christmas and a more Blessed New Year to all!

On our SacCatholicForum held at the Radisson Hotel on November 18, we had as spea

ker Rev. Michael Sweeney, on the topic “The Authority, Power, and Mission of the Layperson in the Church. After defining laypersons as those who are not

ordained to perform specific functions as administering the sacraments, he discussed the important role and functions of the laypersons in the effective success of the propagation of the Christian faith and awareness of society as members of the mystical body of Christ. He cited the active participation of the laity in the Church order and spread of Christianity all over the world, despite criticism from the secular society.

I was kept busy this month; on Nov. 5, we moved to our new home at 11990 Erato Circle, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742; then arranging stuff, nailing frames, moving furniture around, my activities served as my

physical exercises for the month. Then on Wednesday Nov. 23, Sean and I left via Delta airlin

e for New Jersey to spend Thanksgiving week-end with Sarah, Max, family and friends. On Nov. 24, Sarah spent the day cooking sumptuous food: lumpiang shanghai, macaroni, meatballs, chicken, misua soup, in addition to the turkey, ham, and many others she ordered. We were all bloated the entire day. In the evening, we joined our relatives for the 9-days novena prayers for the repose of the soul of our aunt Rosalinda, who died on Nov. 18 at the age of 98 years, quite a long life!

On black Friday, we joined the millions on a shopping spree at the NJ Gardens outlets. While Sean and Sarah went shopping, I stayed on a corner with Max, enjoying the musical numbers of singing / dancing performed by local artists. I could not endure the long queues on the stores. On Saturday, Sean and I took the train to NY for our meeting at the Penn Station with Pareng Kiko and Mareng Nory. We had snacks at Macy’s, had our pictorials at the set where Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber shot their Christmas video; attended Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral; then to the Ground Zero / World Trade Memorial where four new buildings had been built as replacements, so amazing recovery!

Sunday afternoon, we were back to super foggy Sacramento, much colder than the very sunny climate of New Jersey / New York. I was prepared for a very cold east weather that I brought overcoats and scarves. Instead, I tied the scarf to my purse as accent / décor. Truly, God is in control! Back in Sac, I have resumed my hectic activities of arranging stuff, discarding things for charity donations. My Japanese philo is ‘things you have not used in two years, you don’t need, so let go, discern well!

Part of our upgrading is the purchase of an upright Yamaha piano which was delivered today. It had been 6 years since Sean played our piano at our Fairview home, so we spent time till 2 am alternately playing it, reviewing my ABBA songs and Sean with is classic pieces. Brings memories of years past when Sean performs in the annual piano recital at his music teacher’s (Ms. Nelly Ledesma) school at Sta. Isabel College. Now, we look forward to pleasurable piano music floating in the air in our new home, we commit to play 30 minutes per day to enjoy the good life!

Attached are 5 photos of family and friends’ gathering. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


Monday, October 31, 2011

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from SAC-CA, USA! Happy to be back to the routine of American living – household chores, church activities, and helping Sean comply with the needs of US Home-buying / ownership. While doing this, there’s a lot of interruptions / doorbells of trick or treat /ers. Happy Halloween to everyone!

On our SacCatholicForum held at the Radisson Hotel on Oct. 21, we had as speaker Peter Kreeft, on the topic “Muslims, Christianity, and the Culture Wars. He discussed the commonalities and differences of the two cultures, the common love for the Blessed Virgin Mary, what Christians can learn from Muslims. The common beliefs include Love, Fasting, Alms-giving, Family, and special devotion to Mary!

After adjusting to the daily routine of US living, after our memorable European pilgrimage, I re-joined my Tuesday bible study group, Friday Eucharistic adoration commitments and the tedious activities of home-buying. After being pre-approved for home loan mortgage by Citibank, Sean selected his choice home while I was in Europe. The house is within the Anatolia community (with our clubhouse), painted all white, so we decided to do some enhancement. Thus, I helped Sean scout for contractors / suppliers, negotiating for good deals, inspection of interior painting, coordinating all activities. Ultimately, we got Sean’s ideal home – good environment, corner lot, double the size of our 1st home, 5 bedrooms, 3 toilet-bath, 3-car garage,

formal living-dining, family room. I still got the option for the Master’s bedroom. May God bless us for a smooth transition to our new home when we move first week of November!

One of my pilgrim fruit is my volunteer slot at the St. Mel’s parish library which I man after the 9:30AM Sunday mass. We have a massive collection of audio – video materials, books and magazines, mostly donated by parishioners. I spend time until noon, not only to attend to borrowers, but also to update on my readings, like St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa series. I feel God’s touching hands in my daily life along the journey.

Attached are 4 photos of family and friends’ gathering, and shots of Sean’s new home. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


Sunday, October 02, 2011

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from SAC, USA! Thanks God for the blessings of life – good health, peace, joy, love, among others! And happy to be back after our 12-days European pilgrimage (Sept. 12 – 23, 2011), to the Marian apparition shrines around Portugal, Spain, and France.

Due to my pilgrimage, I missed our SacCatholicForum held at the Radisson Hotel on Sept. 16, but notes were provided by a friend. We had as speaker Thomas Smith, co-author, “Adventures in Revelation: The Kingdom yet to come”; he discussed his experience ‘From Mormon, to Baptist, to Catholic: The scenic route to conversion’. Mr. Smith shared his conversion from sixth generation Mormon missionary to Catholic Evangelist. As a dynamic, acclaimed scripture scholar, he equipped the audience with great hints and tools to share the faith fruitfully with others. Down to earth and engaging, he brought humor and passion as he connected faith with practical life to audiences across the country.

Our spiritual pilgrimage started on Monday, Sept. 12, as our group of 38, headed by Fil-Am Fr. George Snyder, gathered at St. Mel’s church at 8:30 AM, to get into the bus to SanFran airport for our AF 83 flight to Paris at 3:30pm. We arrived Paris at 11:30am Tuesday, then took the flight to Lisbon, Portugal, arriving there at 2:50pm. Components of pilgrimage are the daily Masses (sometimes two), Prayers / Meditations, Considerations for Safety and Security and for Others. We got sufficient tips on Do’s and Don’ts (I am a Pilgrim, not a Tourist!). Thanks God and Mama Mary, I maximized the Blessings derived from the journey (including celebrating my memorable birthday)! During the journey, I shared hotel room with 86-year old Dorothy (white, fellow parishioner). Here are the highlights:


Sept. 13, Tuesday: At Lisbon, our tour guide met and brought us on a bus panoramic tour around Lisbon including the Basilica of St. Anthony, St. Jeronimo’s Monastery, and Belem Tower. We continued on to Santarem, one of the oldest cities in the world and home to one of the oldest Eucharistic miracles (Fatima). After settling at our Hotel Cinquentenario (about 200 meters from the Shrine), then after dinner, we joined pilgrims around the world in the nightly Rosary and candlelight procession.

· Sept. 14, Wed: Anniversary of our Lady of Fatima. We spent the day in and around Fatima as we joined pilgrims in the celebration on the day of the anniversary of our Lady. In the Cova da Iria, we visited the Chapel of the Apparitions, the Basilica with the tombs of Francisco and Jacinta, and the Monument to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In Aljustrel and Valinhos, we visited the two homes of the little shepherds, Stations of the Cross, site of the 1st and 3rd visit of the Angel of Peace, site of our Lady’s 4th Apparition. We stopped at the parish church and the cemetery where Francisco and Jacinta were once buried. After dinner at our hotel, we joined pilgrims from around the world in the nightly rosary and candlelight procession where Fr. George led one mystery in Pilipino.

· Sept. 15, Wed: We left Fatima to Avila, Spain. Upon arrival, we walked the narrow cobblestone streets of the city as we trace the life of St. Teresa of Avila. We visited the Monastery of the Incarnation, Teresa’s cell and the relics of St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross, and the Cathedral of Avila. We continued on to Madrid, where we had a panoramic tour of the city, viewing the elegant squares of Puerto del Sol, Alcala’s Gate, Memorial Park of Retiro and the famous Bullring. Then to our Hotel Praga.

· Spt. 16, Friday: We drove to Zaragoza to visit the shrine of Our Lady of the Pillar, the 2nd most popular pilgrimage site in Spain. We kissed the magnificent altar in the Basilica, built on the site where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the apostle James. We saw the Assumption of the Virgin marble statue and the numerous chapels and artworks inside the Basilica. We continued our drive in the beautiful countryside on our way to France along the Pyrenees Mountains on our way to France. Arrived Lourdes late afternoon, settling at Grand Hotel Moderne (100 meters away to the shrine). After dinner, we participated in the nightly Rosary and candlelight procession, amid heavy rains and cold weather.

· Sept. 17, Sat: We visited the historic and spiritual sites associated with Bernadette, the visionary child of Lourdes. We began at the Grotto of the Apparitions, then continued on a guided walking tour visiting the Basilica of St. Pius X, Bolly Mill, Soubirous family home, the Basilica of the Rosary, Miraculous Spring, and two major components (the healing baths and Confession). After dinner, we joined pilgrims from around the world in the nightly Rosary and procession. Much thanks to Rui B. and Richard (guide and driver)!

· Sept. 18, Sunday: We departed to Rocamador. The Shrine of our Lady of Rocamador is known as the 2nd most famous natural and historical site in France. We visited the Holy Redeemer Basilica, Our Lady’s Chapel, the Black Madonna statue and the Museum. We continued on to La Salette, then settled at Hotel Mercure Brive.


Sept. 19, Monday: We visited the shrine in La Salette, where we had a special concelebrated Mass with 7 priests, highlighted by a talented priest with his guitar and amazing voice singing various languages, including Pilipino (ala E. Humperdinck). Later we went to Ars to visit the Basilica where the incorrupt body of St. John Vianney lies, then continued to Paray Le Monial, home to the devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We visited the Chapel of the Visitation where Jesus exposed His Sacred Heart to Margaret Mary Alacoque during a number of apparitions. Settled at Hotel Napoleon.

· Sept. 20, Tuesday: We left to Nevers to see the places associated with St. Bernadette. On the St. Gildard convent grounds lies the chapel containing the incorrupt body of St. Bernadette. We visited the museum with historical documents, the convent grounds, and the statue of our Lady of Waters. During Mass, my personal intentions on my birthday were offered, with healing anointments. During dinner at Hotel Diane, before desert, got pleasant surprise when lights went out, then came out sparkling cake, candles blown, and ice cream was served for everyone. After photo ops, thanks God for memorable Bday!!!

· Sept. 21, Wed: We left for Chartres; the magnificent 13th century cathedral lies in the medieval-looking town of Chartres, home of the veil worn by the Blessed Virgin Mary. We continued to Lisieux to visit the places associated with St. Theresa of Lisieux, the family home (Les Buissonets), the Carmelite convent and the Basilica. Rested at Hotel Campanile.

· Sept. 22, Thursday: We left for Paris, the ‘City of Lights’. We had a panoramic city tour focusing on the Cathedral of Notre Dame, St. Vincent de Paul Chapel, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, and a drive through Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, and a stop at the Eiffel Tower for pictures. Settled at Hotel Novotel Collegien.

· Sept. 23, Friday: At 6:30am, on our way to CDG – Paris airport for our 10:40 am AF084 flight to San Francisco, arriving SFO at 12:50 pm. Then took the bus ride to St. Mel’s Sacramento, arriving at 5:00pm where Sean was waiting with his Jeep. Thanks God, happy to be home!!! Much thanks to Mark and Frank (guide and driver)!

Attached are 4 photos of family and friends’ gathering / get-together. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


Thursday, September 01, 2011

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from SAC, USA! The sunny days of August were enjoyed with wonderful social, enriching, spiritual activities – lunching out with friends, attending seminar, house-viewing, exercising, and many more.

On our SacCatholicForum held at the Radisson Hotel on August 12, we had as speaker Msgr

. James Murphy – Vicar General, Diocese of Sacramento, on the topic “Mexico’s Martyrs, and the Secret War against the Church’. Few people realize how brutally the Catholic Church in Mexico was persecuted. In the 1920s and 30s, the churches were desecrated, priests were hunted down and shot, Church property was confiscated, and the teaching of religion was forbidden. Countless Mexicans were martyred. Msgr. Murphy presentation brought to light life under anti-catholic President Calles, described as a Mexican version of the ruthless Emperor Diocletian.

Our Opus Dei group gathered on the 2nd Saturday, this time for fellowship - sharing of experie

nces and pot luck eats since Fr. Gerry was on leave; thus, he could not be with us for the usual Recollection, Confessions and Benediction.

Other highlights for the month:

· Our parish seminar / workshop conducted for 6 weeks on the new revisions for the MASS,

‘Biblical Walk through the Mass’ was completed on August 15, coinciding with the Feast of the Assumption. We (2 classes of 100 each) got our certificates of completion and are ready to implement the new revised Mass text. I highly recommend for you to read the book ‘A Biblical Walk through the Mass’ by Edward Sri; it enhances our understanding what we say and do in the liturgy, and appreciate the richness of our faith and culture!

· Movies watched for this month: Rise of the Planet of the Apes (James Franco), Crazy Stupid Love (Ryan Gosling), Change-Up (Ryan Reynolds);

· On Aug. 24, we enjoyed a wonderful evening at the 3-hour live concert of Josh Groban at the Arco Arena (now called the Power Balance Pavilion). He was so amazing – the voice, playing piano / drums, with strong sense of humor; so relaxed in white t-shirt, coat, jeans and sneakers, high energy running around the venue. He intimated that he started his career here at Arco when in 1998 at age 16, while singing during the inauguration of Gov. Arnold S., he was discovered by record producer C. Davis. Thus, Sacramento is always close to his heart. After his 25 songs performance, he is really my favorite!

· Many days were spent home-viewing around the Anatolia area. Sean had been pre-approved to buy a property and it is deemed that with the down market/ economy, now is the time;


On week-ends, we went around furniture stores / showrooms in order to get ideas and updates on trends in interiors and styles – very interesting experience!

· August 28, the feast day of St. Augustine, the town fiesta of Panglao, Bohol, thus marked the day with joyful celebration and thanksgiving – special Mass and lunch out during the day.

Attached are 4 photos of family and friends’ gathering / get-together. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Dear Loved Ones,
Pleasant Greetings from SAC, USA! The month passed so quickly with all the hectic summer holiday activities, especially during the visit of Sarah (from NJ) and Max at home (June3 – July 10), including Max’s celebration of his 9th birthday at our Anatolia clubhouse / Swimming, on July 3, 4 – 9pm, with 55 guests and sumptuous food.

On our SacCatholicForum held at the Radisson Hotel on July 15, we had as speaker Mr. Joseph Pearce – British, Author, Professor of Literature at Ave Maria University – who had with him many books / biographies he wrote.

A one-time skinhead and radical activist, Professor Pearce is now a critically acclaimed biographer of such Christian authors as C.S. Lewis, J. R. Tolkien, G. K. Chesterton, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, and

William Shakespeare. He discussed the interesting case that the greatest playwright of the English language was not only Catholic, but was himself an activist in the secret Catholic underground of Elizabethan England. I am currently reading his signed book ‘The Quest for Shakespeare’, which is a review / appreciation of my English literature. When I was in Europe in 1982, I thought the country I would love to live is England. Browsing on Shakespeare is helping me live my dream and prepare for the coming 2012 London Olympics, where Sean and I are preparing to attend, God willing!

The hectic early days of July culminated with the 9th birthday celebration of MAX. It started with our Offertory offering during the 11:15 AM mass at our St. Mel’s church. Since I offered Mass intentions for Max listed in our parish bulletin, I made sure that we were on time. Through God’s special blessing, we were approached by the usher to make the wine offering during Offertory (which I consider God’s special blessing for MAX). Then we proceeded with all the preparations for the Swimming party scheduled late 4:00 – 9:00pm: pick-up the balloons, cake, ordered food, etc.

Other highlights for the month:I am very grateful for the gathering of family and close friends invited: all 55 of them, with their kids who enjoyed swimming, the food, fun; such as my sister’s family – it was our 1st reunion: Mark, Sheri, and 9-month old daughter

Harper came from San Diego – her 1st visit to Sac; Tony, Stephanie and son Paolo came from Oakland; and Maria arrived from Berkeley, plus Ate & Nong Nonie (9 of them); I invited 3 of my Opus Dei friends who came with their husbands and children (25); The rest were Sean’s friends and neighbors who had kids, who all came to help MAX celebrate his 9th memorable birthday. The photos in my facebook album show the fun and surprises we all enjoyed that day!!!

· On July 4, rested after the hectic party, then had lunch and hang out at my sister’s home with all the folks who came to celebrate with Max; then also to celebrate Nong Nonie’s birthday on July

5. Later, Sean and I went to Sunrise grounds for our traditional fireworks display. We encountered a very funny incident involving a Russian family. (Had we captured it on video, it would have won America’s Funniest Home Video!).

· Movies watched for the month included: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part II), Larry Crowne, Capt. America, Friends with Benefits;

· Sean went on leave from office to spend time bonding with Sarah and Max – eating out at various outlets – Japanese, Italian, Chinese, American, Mexican, etc, enjoy daily swimming at our clubhouse, shopping, more shopping, until they left back to NJ on July 10. Now, we are back to our lonesome 2; thus, we are looking forward to our Thanksgiving long week-end in NJ, God willing!

· I am participating in the seminar / workshop our parish is conducting for 6 weeks on the new revisions for the MASS, which will take effect on the 1st Sunday of this year’s Advent; It is a very enlightening experience in our journey of Faith;

Attached are 4 photos of Max b-day SAC celebration. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from SAC, USA! It has been a very hectic month: with the summer activities, including the planning and preparation for holiday celebrations and

visits of my daughter Sarah and apo Max, from New Jersey arriving on June 30 for 10 – days with us.

On our SacCatholicForum held at the Radisson Hotel on June 17, we had as speaker Mr. Thomas Loarie – Life Science executive, Columnist: Catholic Business Journal. He talked on the topic ‘Taken, Blessed, Broken, Given: An Executive’s spiritual journey of Faith. Mr. Loarie is a life science engineer with over 30 years of experience in growing multi-national medical start-ups from concept to commercialization. In 2003, he survived a near fatal car crash. Since that time, he dedicated himself to spending every minute of

his life helping repair the world. He advised the audience to find meaning / purpose in life, in accordance with the life of Jesus. Each of us will be broken in our journey; we can heal through serving others, with all our strength!

Our Opus Dei group, we celebrated the feast of St. Josemaria Escriva on June 25 with a Mass with family and friends in attendance, followed by potluck

brunch at the Doheny Hall. Then Sean and I had lunch at the home of Rose and Don Davies as they had as guests the family of NPC colleague Noemi Isidro (with husband and two sons), visiting from Canada. By 5 pm. We proceeded to our Anatolia clubhouse to attend the birthday-swimming party of Jericho Caliao, with more than 50 guests; sumptuous Filipino feast!

Other highlights for the month:

· We are in the middle of planning details for Max’s 9th birthday celebration on July 3 Sunday at the Anatolia Clubhouse, Cabana2 – Swimming, expecting 50 guests.· Movies watched for the month included: Transformers 3. Bad Teacher, and enjoyed finale of the “Voice”. I am impressed by the management decision/skills of Adam Levine (Maroon 5) who pushed his protégée

Javier Colon, who eventually emerged the Winner, which made me a big Adam fan!

· My friend Joanne convinced me to join the pilgrimage organized by Fr. George, to Portugal, Spain, France on Sept. 12 – 24. Through God’s grace, a spot was given to me and I am looking forward to this journey with 38 people, God


· Met Sarah and Max at the SAC airport this morning, their flight from New Jersey via Houston, Texas; then we proceeded directly for lunch at the Japanese MIZU at Natomas. Sarah got her clubhouse ID, and went swimming to beat the summer heat.

Attached are 3 photos of Max SAC family reunion. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from SAC, USA! The weather for this month had been swinging from cold to warm, then colder as warmer days for summer is expected, seems like we are skipping the hot days this year. To date, our home heating system is still on, instead of the usual aircon at this time of the year.

On our SacCatholicForum held at the Radisson Hotel on May 20, we had as speaker Mr. John LaBriola – Author, Publisher, Founder: Catholic Family Foundation. He talked on the topic ‘Business and Ethics: an Oxymoron’; answering questions on: Can you do what you do with integrity and give glory and honor to God? Can business and integrity be used in the same sentence? He asserted that we are called to live in this world without being seduced by it. Sometimes it isn’t easy. You justify, you excuse, you rationalize, you overlook and eventually, you give in. Christ didn’t give in, neither should us. He discussed steps on how to be an effective catholic soldier, especially on ways to counter attacks by the devil. People are seduced by money, sex, and power – which are all false gods of the earth. To counter these, we must live committed to our faith with the positive virtues of chastity, obedience and poverty. All evils are due to lukewarm Catholics. Live always in Love and Truth – don’t accept one without the other. Establish trust, create values, and serve customers sincerely. As usual, I got a signed copy of his book ‘Onward Catholic Soldier’, Spiritual Warfare according to Scripture, the Church, and the Saints.

Our Opus Dei group was active on the drive to ensure that the movie “There be Dragons’ would be showing in our local theaters. On May 6, we sponsored the premiere showing to full capacity crowd at the Olympic 12 Theatre in Roseville. Due to positive audience response, it went on to play in the Sac area for two weeks. Based on the life of St. JoseMaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei, the movie is a beautiful compelling story on human love, forgiveness, redemption, and many uplifting life lessons! I am so happy that the ten persons (5 pairs) I invited to the event came and they expressed their thanks and appreciation with ‘Thank You’ card / notes.

On our Memorial week-end, we followed our annual SAC traditional activities: attended the jazz Mass at the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral on Sunday (what a welcome change from the silent anticipated mass we had at St. Mel’s as the choir was on vacation); lunch at Ma Jhong’s, then shopping at the Folsom outlets. It was so nice for Sean to treat and pay for stuff we bought! (as Gerry says, I am now enjoying my ROI).

Sean has revised our Pinas business website. We had to migrate from yahoo to mobileme in order to be compatible with his new Apple iMAC. Thus, we have adopted the access until clearance will be given for the original website. The new website will welcome you with music and flashing photos, quite amusing!

Other highlights for the month:

· Movies watched for the month included: Fast Five, Something Borrowed, Pirates of the Caribbean 4, in addition to There be Dragons. Likewise, enjoyed the season finale of TV reality shows American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, and many others;

· For a change, we watched the Pacquiao-Mosley boxing match at the new home of nurses Eric and Joy, located at the upscale gated community of El Dorado Hills, who also served dinner for six visitors – much thanks for their hospitality!

· For my medical update, Dr. Yang asked me for another blood test since the test done after my Pinas trip yielded higher than the normal limits. I am glad the new test yielded positive results – meaning back to my lower-level, all within normal limits. My MED (medication, exercise, diet) routine is truly effective!

Attached are 4 group photos of recent activities. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dear Loved Ones,

Pleasant Greetings from SAC, USA! Happy Easter, and may the Blessings and Graces of Jesus’ Resurrection I am enjoying thoroughly the remaining winter days with heavy rains, sunshine during mid-days, then evening rains in the 50s. Oh well, I had my sunny Pinas days, so having the best of both worlds is a Blessing, thanks God!

On our SacCatholicForum held at the Radisson Hotel on April 8, we had as speaker Fr. Robert Presutti, President, University of Sacramento, who discussed the topic ‘Approaching Easter: What should we know??’. His discussion was a ‘shot in the arm’ as he addressed how to joyfully finish our Lenten journey – refreshed, renewed, enriched, and invigorated. Of the 12 proofs/truths he enumerated on the historical revelation of Christ, I easily identified with those I learned on the philosophy of St. Thomas, among them as follows:

· Reality exists: there is an objective world outside of me;

· Truth is the correspondence of mind to reality, consistent with s

et of values, to God’s mind;

· My mind can know reality;

· Ideas are important;

· Faith and reason complement one another; mutually support one another. No matter how intelligent one is, without faith and God’s grace, one will not achieve full comprehension of Truths.

Supplemented with our Opus Dei activities and participation in all our parish Lenten rituals, I had a meaningful observance of the passion, death and Resurrection of Christ Jesus and truly feel the blessings of Easter!

On April 17, our National University held its Graduation/Commencement ceremonies at the SAC Convention Center. Since I brought my UST Ph.D. regalia (gold cap and gown) from Pinas when I went home in February, I opted to wear my UST regalia during the event. The attractive gold and black colors caught a lot of attention that more than a dozen persons asked me where I got my degree. I proudly responded: ‘At UST in Pinas, and we just celebrated our 400 years anniversary’, which elicited wonderful remarks. Some people and students introduced themselves as having been to Pinas, shared their experiences, and how much they loved Pinas. Most of my co-professors expressed admiration at the very beautiful regalia, mocking their dull boring colors and expressed the desire to wear similar attractive colors. Umani nang tagumpay and suot ko. In my small sphere of influence , I made UST known – Go global Thomasian!

After our Income Tax filing, we got advice on how Sean can optimize his benefits, such as buying his own house or car. Since he had been using his Chevy for 6 years now, it was due for replacement. Thus, on April 23, he made his 1st big purchase of his own – a 2-door space gray BMW 335i sports coupe. While at first I thought it was an extravagant choice, well, we’re in America, might as well enjoy. Secondly, being a senior citizen, deserve ko rin ang luxury car that I dread to have in Pinas due to rampant criminality/carnappers, remember my top-of-the-line Pajero was stolen in broad daylight in Dec. 2004 which prompted my decision to come to America. Now, through Sean’s initiatives and God’s wonderful rewards, I am slowly adjusting to enjoy these comfortable amenities in life. As Gerry recalls, having a BMW car was his dream for many years, and he is happy that Sean is fulfilling his dream, which is a sign of progress in his early career, and as parents, we are truly proud and happy for him!In the midst of summer vacation in Pinas, Gerry and our office staff (Jessica with husband, Agnes, Reilly are in Bohol (April 29 – May 3) for respite and recreation, attend fiestas (which means eating lechon and lots of food) visit Balicasag Island, dolphin watching, enjoy the beaches, and other tourist attractions, and visit friends and relatives – na-bayot na naman ang Panglao to entertain them!

We are looking forward to the premier showing of the movie on the life of St. JoseMaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei – ‘There be Dragons’ on May 6 in a SAC theatre. The theme is: Every saint has a past; every sinner has a future. I am now watching EWTN programs on the beatification of John Paul II; while on Friday (1:00 – 5:00AM SAC time) I watched the wedding of Prince William and Princess Kate. Oh well, maximizing my options in life, with God’s wonderful Graces!

Attached are 4 group photos of recent activities. Let us continue to pray for our country and people. Peace and Joy to You and God Bless Us All!

Much love and Best Regards!!!